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Everything posted by Stradlin

  1. Yeah that's one issue with rep tokens being such incredibly good conquest. More established the legacy, more trouble you have with this stuff. I've slacked with space pve and some other bars more than most older accounts. So I have a very cosy, fast lane to rep dings. Somebody who has been diligent with maxing reputation bars has their legacy entirely shut away from nice and easy coq gains via rep dings.
  2. Another example for acquiring a fast rep token would be the 1st railshooter pve mission, 4 mins of chill space pve. Or any mission on CZ or Black Hole, some of them prolly even faster than the railshooter. Yeah basically..if solo pve stuff gives 10k conq for 10 mins of work, and multiplayer stuff gives 10k conq for 10 mins of work, then the solo content is always vastly superior due to the very nature of it. By the looks of it, all PvE stuff that needs groups to happen could really use a small buff, certainly the more difficult and time consuming bits. Like I'm not sure if Hammer Station should be more rewarding than it is..but I'm sure some longer/more difficult FP should be much more rewarding than Hammer Station.
  3. @BryantWood Would it be possible to hear some thoughts of dev team about this? Why was GSF not added to PvP seasonal reward track? Do you have plans to do so in future? Any other GSF related plans?
  4. Wildstar's deco system was something else. My char there was a combat medic with a generic starship sitting infront of my home. It didn't look like something a medic would fly. So I took a tiny medkit deco that came with traditional red cross markings to its sides. I placed it on ground. Increased its size by 800% or something. Turned it on its side, lifted it up so it disappears inside wing of the ship, with the now huge red cross symbol poking out. Copied the medkit and moved copy inside the 2nd wing. Presto, accordingly marked ambulance-ship! Wish we could do such things here. Cant believe we still stuck with hooks for one. :l
  5. Deep space Navy/Military outpost. Or perhaps a capital ship.
  6. Removing the singular daily Galactic Season objective this game has just to protect the purity of the sanctified 34k conq rep token is starting to sound like a pretty solid amount of babies with the bathwater really. I bet GS related things were indeed the major reason behind the nerf actually.If it was, I'm not sure they were that worried about the daily mission as much as the the weekly 200k mission and and sum of all parts. I'm sure tons of people did more or less the same thing I did through previous seasons: Have some flimsy more or less established lvl 30-50 dude on all these quieter servers. No legacy levels to speak of, so all the rep bars are unpopped. Log in, do some, any ultra short rep giving mission on Black Hole, or railshooter or whatnot, pop the token, log out. Or just get your hands on Season-specific rep tokens. Repeat this 4-6 times a week and what do you know, you reach the 200k weekly GS mission with relative ease, with grand total of few minutes of gameplay. You get through much of the season this way. They prolly wanna keep giving access to cartel coins via seasons, but they don't want to hand them out quite as easy as this. When it comes to conq earned via doing some planetaries, or doing an FP, or GSF/PvP, or whatever it takes something like 10-20 minutes to get your hands on 20k-35k conq. Pre nerf rep tokens are way faster than this. Pretty much unanimous consensus of this thread is that there is absolutely nothing strange about this at all. "Want to do Seasons on million different servers? Ok, but you'll have to play the game bit more than that atleast" < - - I'm betting this is broadly speaking the reasoning Broadsword had. When nerfing it, they just didn't realize that inability to get like 200k conq via rep tokens in a week with few minutes of total gameplay would, as somebody posted a bit earlier, "completely ruin the ability of people to enjoy this game." It is strange the 8 GS points via daily logins is left intact though. Maybe they struggle with finding remotely impactful/interesting daily log in rewards.
  7. It feels almost strange reading such a lenghty post without any snark, I appreciate that! Like few years back, I always meant to actually try all of this in practice some day, to see actual numbers and and time involved..but I never got around to doing all of it. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts about what I opened my previous post with. Big Conq objective completions from GSF and PvP (the weeklies) can't be distributed evenly across your legacy. Do GSF and PvP weekly and you end up with two characters with tons of conquest. Assuming you stop with pvp and GSF soon as weekly is done, then all of that 520k goes to two characters. Meanwhile, in solo pve content in particular, you can distribute conquest earned in pve with very high precision if you wish. If you choose to do that, you end up with many more characters in conq target each day, which in practical terms is more important to individual players and typically much more relevant for guilds too(more encyptions) In practice, the difference between pvp guy and pve guy in your example is maybe 1 or 2 more characters for pve guy each day. For a hardcore player, that sums up something quite notable over an entire week. At least within this 4 hour window, the pvp guy prolly ends up with more conq for sure. But many less characters in target, which is more important for most players and most guilds. I got curious about how much unlisted conquest mission completes and mob kills add so I tried this in practice just now, using Czerka weekly zone. When it comes to CZ-related conquest rewards as I see them in my own mission log, they are: 4125+8375 +5000+10750= 28,250 That's kill mobs I&II, Complete a mission, Complete the weekly. Total of 28.250 points when it comes to listed rewards. In practice, doing all this and nothing else gave me 33,054 points of conq. So almost 5k of unlisted conq from mission completes and mob kills of CZ alone. It is pretty notable for 8 minutes of work. Every other planetary daily heroic weekly is prolly approx equally generous in this way. Of course, most everything is slower than CZ. So it's not like you'll see 50k of unlisted conq gains in 80 minutes, for example. However, when it comes to that 70k difference between pve and pvp durig the 4 hour window you speak of? Prolly cutting kinda close. PvP gets these unlisted gains too, only much less of it. - No mobs to kill and virtually no missions to complete in PvP. - - Beyond that, based on what I've seen, conq numbers for difficult pve grp content in particular should absolutely be increased. Nathema and Hammer Station hard modes shouldn't have equal weight. Imo most important thing is ensuring content that needs other people to happen &content that doesn't need other people to happen are recognized as two completely different animals in this. The "fly ship x" objectives of GSF are stupid, entire GSF community been suggesting they should be changed into "earn X medals" objectives instead.
  8. At least it is unique, something completely different to all the rest. Bit too many SHs have "penthouse, nice manor or pirate outpost" written on them. It is kinda ironic how literally 0 Strongholds are actual..Strongholds. None of them scream "Military Base" or "Navy Outpost" in same way like half a dozen of them scream " nice manor" or "penthouse apartment" It is too bad we still don't have our own personal capital ships to deco for example. Besides guildships ofc.
  9. Yeah I bet that's just about how it went for many, if not most. During swtor 2.0, nobody considered for one second that maxing rep bars might actually gimp their legacies somehow! If I ran another account now, even with nerfed conq tokens I'd be very reputation aware in Black Hole and in Railshooter. Maybe this is one of the reasons why some people are so upset in this. Some 47k rep sounds kinda reasonable from soloing Kuat Driveyards! If legacy is reputation bar starved and gimped enough to be stuck with hazzles of such magnitude, this nerf must feel strange or hard to justify. Quite another matter for happy railshooter rep grinders, or folks who have a huge stack of rep tokens of some previous season sitting around etc.
  10. Pre nerf rep token+legacy level dings+SH room a day til you have them all and few other things ensure that a suitably unestablished account was actually the most efficient way to earn tons of conq fast. Prolly still remains the case actually.. Experienced player with new legacy plus some 100 mils to set it all up prolly is vastly superior conq farmer to experienced player with an established legacy. I'm not sure how relevat it is in grand scheme of things, but undeniably it is pretty backwards. Neither GSF nor PvP have any reputation bars btw, so you're down to the most recent planets! When it comes to the idea of "eh,just entirely remove daily GS missions from the game and call it a day:. Those GS people can earn their points some other way or whatever:))" I'd be careful with such requests, been quite a few times when somebody or another in this thread been shouting " why you wanna remove stuff from others????"why you telling me how to play, why you care if i earn a daily GS mission with the little time I have??" and so on and so forth, In general, when person doing conquest(like what, 100 soloable daily repeatable objectives at one's disposal) tells a seasons player with 12 objectives how they can afford to burn some silly daily mission for the good cause..well. I think each new GS season after the first one been less and less interesting in terms of mechanics. The sole remaining daily GS quest is very boring and disappointing. Basically GS mechanics kinda went down the same road with conquest.. but that's another topic. Which server, which time of the day? Which level bracket? It is anything between easy and impossible, depending where and when you play. This has to do with what is the best(and sometimes the worst) part about all multiplayer content. Other people are your content, and you are content for other people. You need other people to make things happen. Sometimes those other people just aren't there. It is unreliable and requires either work from you(building a grp or stirring up activity), or waiting, or hoping somebody else does the work for you.
  11. Here is one of the weird parts about rep token being so incredibly generous. People who been diligent and maxing out their rep bars are simply excluded. I have some railshooter pve space rep still left to grind..and one or two easy bars to go after that. This gives me a huge advantage over somebody who has been busy maxing all these easy rep bars. Game punishes you for maxing easy-to-gain reputation bars, which is quite backwards. Many vet players maxed these bars years before anyone even dreamed of getting such a huge haul of conq for clicking a token, so its not like it was some well informed decision where people got to balance these scales. Earlier in this threat somebody explained how they were down to soloing Kuat FP for rep, since nothing else was apparently left for them. Complained how 40k rep for that felt fair, but 8k quite pitiful. Yeah, some 8k for rep token that hard earned def feels kinda low. Certainly when comparing to to the very different experience for somebody who can do it in railshooter, or in Czerka, or with any other of the numerous easy-to-acquire rep tokens.
  12. Clearly it is nearly impossible for people to talk about any of this without snark, lol.Do you even disagree with anything I said, truly? People get used to getting a huge reward->People become angry if that reward then gets taken away. How balanced, imbalanced the reward was is irrelevant in this. Which part of that chain is not readily in display on these forums rn?
  13. This is why careless changes to system such as conquest are quite risky and dangerous. Give people a daily access to some huge reward for some rather menial task on Monday and people kinda see it as a sacred birthright by Thursday. Good luck taking it away or nerfing it or balancing it after that. Doesn't matter how objectively imbalanced or or crazy or broken the reward was. or wasn't - Once people have gotten used to getting it, taking it away will enrage folks.
  14. ^ It is getting increasingly important for you to talk about me, spouting increasingly cringy kitchen table psychology about a guy you know nothing about, besides that he disagrees with you about finer points of mechanics of a video game. It is beyond adorable you do the whole " fine I'm done now!" routine and don't quite manage to write a SINGLE POST without dropping my name there:D:D Like half of all you just said was about me, lol. I promise I'll never in my life spend as much time talking about you in any context. FWIW I think in very 1st or 2nd post I said about this whole thing included an educated guess they'd revert the decision due to all the on.going outrage., That's a very bold statement. Precious few MMos are as causal friendly as SWTOR, this game does very little to push people towards any end game progression. Suggesting 90% of people are busy with this stuff is rather... telling. That's one of the nice things about conquest: it cuts pretty deep to all the different layers of game and community. It is possible to be heavily invested in conquest while being miles and levels removed from the end game. Those who've actually spend some time in TOR have come to notice huge portion(most certainly well over 10%) are in it mainly for the story content, rest of everything being more or less trivial for them.
  15. It'd be interesting to see what sort of matches we'd get if they disabled grouping for a month or something. As a trial run. I've had nothing but premade free, great matches of late. ofc, I just came back for a bit from a few month break and my sample size is quite small..
  16. Conquest is a great replacement for the end game, just as you implied. Gearing got replaced with a pretty disappointing construction in 7.0. If you stay out of hard mode Ops and so on, it truly doesn't matter much what you wear when doing conquest. Beyond that, rewards and gearing are the least interesting part to discuss when we speak of a pretty elaborate, complicated system that dives pretty deep to all layers of the game. If stuff like conquest and Seasons were just reward tracks, devs should maybe just give daily log in tokens for people. Ones you can then cash in at a vendor giving all the sweet sweet rewards. And last I checked, it was you who ended up giving up and bowing out, since they stop rewarding your rep tokens with huge piles of conq.T'was an impressive projection if nothing else.
  17. I can imagine there's endless amount of conquest changes that inevitably frustrate anyone who thinks conquest is nothing except dispenser for tech frags and tokens. It is kinda like saying smart phone is a device made for looking at tik tok videos. I mean, yeah you can do it, and sure that is prolly most popular use for it, but it was once build to do much more than that. So not every update Apple pops out revolves around optimizing the feed of cat memes.It might not be the only thing Apple cares about and they might have plans and ambitions besides tiktok related functions for their iphones. You can be sure devs don't see it just as a simple reward track for people to chase, nor do most people who actually like the system. When it comes to how well or poorly "my desire of what conquest is" squares with reality..well, look through all the different mechanics and features of the system as a whole. Maybe start with all the numerous interesting ways conquest interacts with guilds. Whole original DNA of conquest system revolves almost exclusively around communal aspects of the game. It was all about encouraging people to do stuff with people. Huge portions of all of this are out of balance or trivialized in multiple different ways..but they're still there. It'd make perfect sense to make this aspect of the system bit more balanced and less trivial again. I'm not interested of tech frags and how quickly or slowly people get them, you can talk about that stuff with somebody who actually enjoys gearing up in SWTOR. Gonna pass some TED talk about life, times and current state of MMos too.
  18. I'm glad you brought some actual numbers to the table. Couple of mistakes there that distord the picture quite a bit, these are honest mistakes I'm sure. More on that later. We can assume you aren't far off the mark though. However, you entirely bypassed the major point I was making. Big conq drops from GSF and PvP can't be distributed evenly across your legacy. Conq you earn doing pve is different; it can be distributed with high precision if you so wish. Let's focus on a single daily cycle, since your numbers are possibly quite accurate there. Almost all of that 475k of pvp conquest you speak of gets dropped on two characters, one who did GSF weekly, other who did PvP weekly. That's grand total of two characters in conq target. In PvE, you have much more freedom to switch characters as you wish. That 345k gets distributed across your legacy with great precision if you so choose. Obviously, it isn't precisely 3.45 characters in conq target, some conq will always "spill over" as you reach 100k target, but assuming you are out to get as many different characters to target as you can, then it is almost certainly 3 characters at target, and some work done towards getting 4th there. So basically, the pve guy gets one more character to target each day. If we assume we speak of two ultra hardcore dudes who both do the same nice casual 4 hour spree every single day, that's 7 characters a week more for the pve dude. Quite notable. If we assume your numbers are accurate(they aren't, again more on that later) then PvP guy nettoes more raw xp to his guild, but that quikcly sounds quite irrelevant when compared to more encryptions and personal gains the PvE guy pulls. Issues with your numbers: You treat those utterly ridiculous fly ship X -objectives as dailies, which they aren't. They are once per week per legacy. So they disrupt numbers a great deal in this example. Perhaps they shouldn't be included when we speak of a " typical day". If we remove that 132k, then 475k you speak of turns into 343k. So 6 days a week, by your math, we are at 345k from PvE vs 343k from PvP. This with nerfed rep token. So by your own math, with this one mistake fixed, PvE guy actually, typically gets more conquest AND better conquest six days a week. More as in..well, more is more. Better as in stuff outlined earlier in this post. By the looks of it, you also excluded all xp=conq gains from all of these and only speak of actual, listed mission rewards of completing conq objectives. There's loads of mobs getting killed and missions and bonus missions being completed as you tour planetaries or flashpoints. All completed planetary missions give a static conq award(500 points iirc?) Missions, bonus missions and killed mobs pile up fast. All in all, best way to get tons of conquest fast is tour all the different front loaded fast weekly dings of solo pve, grp pve, gsf and pvp..WHich is exactly how it should go really.
  19. Yeah people usually end up in piles of people who share somewhat similar approach to the game. Vast majority of my friendlists are people who like GSF. Vast majority of TOR doesn't play it. I'm sure there are huge amount of people who like to ding conq on 8-20 characters or something. I bet you are also certain there is a huge amount of people who don't really play that many characters on weekly basis. Conquest is quite meaningless for them now. It is normal for a new player who knows nothing of the system to ding conq targets with complete ease for months without even trying. Conq target is easily reached without even knowing such goal is there to pursue. Play one or two characters and it just isn't a goal to chase or specific type of gameplay you'd have to care about. People see conquest and GS alike basically just as a reward track or a gear dispenser, when it was meant to be something much more relevant and interesting to overall health of the game as a whole. Conquest was once an overarching system that heavily encouraged people to scatter to most all directions multiplayer aspects of this game had to offer. Idea, intent was that you'd do it all together with your guild. Obv all of this changed for good several years back, there isn't real emphasis on multiplayer anymore, and communial aspects of it became soloable. It is bit of a cycle really:Multiplayer content needs other people to even happen. So when you are in matchmaker, groupfinder or in some LFG channel, you are valuable to other people sitting in these same pools with you. Something like 11 players might not even get to play the content they want to, unless you feel it is worth it ti hop in to the pool with them. So it makes sense for players and devs alike, to make sure this type of stuff has some legit, exciting rewards. Then, quite understandably, somebody who essentially plays TOR as a single player game takes a look at all those rewards and goes " hey wait a minute I want all that good stuff too." Enough noise about this, devs give in and make sure multiplayer content doesn't really differ from soloable content in rewards. Most people are happy! Just that now, most people have no real carrot to deal with learning curves and other demands involved in the multiplayer stuff. Then gradually, devs come to realize " hey wait a minute, multiplayer aspects of our MMO give no exciting rewards that'd not be more simple and fast to earn via doing some soloable vanilla era planetary missions on Tat. Let's give the multiplayer bits some attention!"...And so the great cycle of life continues. Again, major issue with reputation conq reward is in its..backwards nature I mentoned in 1st sentences of the post you quoted. More established the legacy is, harder it is to enjoy the huge conq haul of easy to access rep tokens. Since you've already maxed all the easy reps out, like as not. My still unfinished railshooter pve rep tokens give me a massive advantage over anyone who has the space pve rep bar maxed out.
  20. Basically, here you are comparing disruptive, unattended and (prolly )bannable gameplay in pvp to legit gameplay in pve, which as a point of departure rings uttterly false. Besides that, GSF and ground pvp both have pretty good anti afk shields going. Fool proof? No. pretty good? Yes. Vast majority of people doing GSF or PvP generally speaking are there to play, to win. It'd make no sense to evaluate or reduce their rewards, their performance based on acts of dishonest exploiters. If you go this route, you wanna start with axing the whole xp=conquest thing for starters, and ensuring companions can never solo kill mobs while playerchar is afk. In general, huge pvp weekly always lands on a single character, you can't distribute it evenly across your legacy. Stuff such as soloable planetary heroics/weeklies with all of the related overlap can be distributed to multiple different characters across your legacy with a high precision. Ie if you spend what, three or four hours in GSF, your guild prolly ends up with bit more conquest than you'd get via solo pve stuff in same time. At least if you are a good pilot and/or in good teams. Those same few hours doing planetaries will land you more personal gains since you get more individual characters to conquest target though. ....Which more often than not ends up helping your guild more anyway, thanks to encryptions. In passing, you kinda touch the best thing about any pvp/GSF content from pov of players and devs alike. What is it like to guard a satelite? It can be extremely boring, extremely exciting, ridiculously easy, nearly impossible or barely doable. Or any mix of all of this. In pure pvp, no match is never identical. Unless you are doing unattended gameplay and sit afk that is. Inevitably, there is a huge variety in gameplay in pvp. So it stands repetition quite well. Unfortunately this game is in a situation where aspects of game that stands repetition well are becoming more and more important for devs and players alike. Yeah. So basically, major source of fast, comfortable conquest relies heavily of devs constantly throwing in new reputation bars for sake of conquest. Soon as somebody manages to max out this bar, it basically is -punishing- them for doing so, since it is there only to act as a conq dispenser. All of this sounds bit..convoluted really, no? Established legacy that maxes out reputation bars quickly and dilligently gets punished for doing so. Well, these dings you mention do make conquest faster for unestablished legacies. I bet the thinking was that legacies as unestablished as this suffer from missing out on various legacy perks, SH bonus etc. They're meant as handicaps for new players. Even so, if there still are guilds that even occasionally truly push themselves to limit in conquest, then I'm certain such guilds have a huge racket going, where they try to get at least some of their most dedicated players running on suitably unestablished alt. accounts. Cause undeniably, they do get a notable advantage. Same goes for characters not yet at level cap. In practice, conquest as a communial effort has been rendered bit too irrelevant, I'm not sure if any guilds truly push it that hard for any reason any more. That's quite backwards. I didn't spend a single second talking about how fair or unfair this is til they stealth nerfed it. My reaction mostly happened due to such a massive forum outrage re: said nerf. Figured somebody has to point out it just might be that rep token conq haul have their issues and..trivializing aspects. I've benefitted from these juicy rep tokens much more than people who have already maxed out railshooter rep.
  21. Hey now, field and unpopular enough opinion on these forums and I promise, it gets way more vicious than in game! At least this was the case around 2020 or thereabouts. Most of uglyness in fleet chat is just some derogatory buzzwords and name calling. It can get worse on forums. "Holy sith lol, this person is done arguing me, or insulting me. Instead, he seeks to cause as much damage to me as he possibly can in this rather limited setting. "< - - I bet I've landed on such realization like 4-7 times in all my years of internet forum battlings. Two of those times been on these forums, which is a pretty good ratio really.
  22. Firstly, getting char to conq target with like 7 mins of gameplay is ridiculously trivial. It is bad for major game mechanics to turn trivial. Secondly, rep tokens are undeniably unfair. I still haven't maxed out railshooter space rep for example. This gives me a HUGE advantage over anyone who has, since space pve rep tokens come very quickly and very easily. Same goes for stuff like CZ tokens, and numerous others I don't even remember. In general, established legacies who have all rep bars maxed are simply locked out of the rep conq dings, which is incredibly dysfunctional and backwards.
  23. I haven't tried any yet, so don't have a take regarding the date stuff of the new patch as such. Nice touch releasing it for valentines. In general, I think it is so weird Arcann is treated like a companion among others. Dude is a former genocidal dictator who murdered..what,millions? Billions? Notion that it'd be only, exclusively for playerchar to forgive him and decide his destiny is so ridiculously pc-centered that credibility of the surrounding world suffers. At least&most certainly in Republic. I mean, pc being able to do just that is fine. Nobody taking time to meaningfully challenge pc on this is unfortunate though. Such decision surely counts as a treason among all who lost family to the genocidal rampage of Arcann. Also a huge missed opportunity: playerchar ignoring the rule of law, ignoring how the entire galaxy is seeking justice and instead, shielding Arcann from all of that would be a great,very star warsish story about hero's fall to the dark side.
  24. Lure, not trick. Many things in game have a learning curve. It isn't uncommon for people to feel unmotivated to deal with the learning curve unless there's something truly motivating in the horizon, as far as carrots on a stick go. Once learning curve has been climbed, then whichever game element player just figured out has its doors wide open for the player to enjoy. Plenty of stuff can be annoying or frustrating as you are still figuring it out. Then once things click and you learn the ropes, it suddenly turns quite fun and awesome. I'd be surprised if you can't think of examples from your own gaming, where it has been like this. Long time back, I got initially drawn to GSF by an achi which awards "Fleet Admiral" as a legacy title. I wanted it so bad for my Tarkin cosplay character. By the time I reached such goal,I was already busy doing GSF for the sake of fun, reward in the end quickly turning less and less important.. But I wouldn't have bothered to start the journey without getting lured in by such a juicy reward. Beyond that though&when it comes to all of the rest you said? It is what it is. Pace with which SWTOR releases new content of any kind is terrifyingly slow.Devs and players alike are stuck trying to find...new ways to have fun with the old content. Devs try to make sure as many players as possible discover as many parts of the game as possible. Replay value becomes more and more important, since there isn't anything new. In this, stuff like GSF and ground pvp become more and more important. Nothing stands repetition as well as pure pvp content..for people who are fortunate enough to like it. So it'd be good for SWTOR and the playerbase alike if more and more people got into GSF and ground pvp. Neither of these obv is for everybody, Most people are here for new story stuff, which is clearly very expensive/slow to produce. Once we have a blue moon on and new story bits do come out, it lasts a very short time til it is rendered obsolete. Low replay value. Is Tricky catch 22 really.
  25. Assuming you have something like railshooter rep left to ding, then 7 minutes of gameplay over two days brought a character to conquest target. All this from rather straightforward soloable space pve content. Perhaps most notably,certain rep tracks make things very unfair for people who have already maxed those reps. I've slacked with railshooter and few other bars and still have these left to ding til foreseeable future. This gives me a huge advantage over somebody who has been more diligent and maxed easy rep bars already. Many established legacies have everything maxed and are simply excluded from conq via rep. Maxing a reputation bar is punishing for somebody who cares for conquest. Have fun balancing rest of the tires when one is in such condition. This current Conquest-on-roids is quite motivating playstyle for extremely driven people who feel like they want to bring something like 15-50 characters to target each week. I've done some of that few years back, I can def see the charm in it. It isn't for everybody though. Huge portion of playerbase isn't into juggling such an insane amount of alts each week just for conquest. Everything that a dedicated player can do 20-50 times on 20-50 different chracters each week is utterly trivial for a casual player to do 1-3 times a week on 1-3 characters. Therefore, whole conquest system as it currently strands is utterly trivial for an individual character. It is def extremely valid to speak of a balancing tires or care needed when changing complex systems, on that we agree. Current state of matters of conq system became a thing back in 2019. Back then, stated purpose of devs wasn't to turn conquest into some insane hyper conquest on 'roids type of a thing we now have. Instead, the stated purpose of devs was to make sure low level characters can participate in conquest too. Notes of the Conq patch that changed everything talks all about low level characters. I believe that truly was their sole intention. Their reasoning prolly went something like this: Let's make conq available for low level chars too! -> Ok, well what do low level characters do? Storylines and planetary missions!-> Let's make sure these give great conquest for low level characters to enjoy!->We'll lock these type of conquest objectives behind level restrictions so they are exclusive to low level characters! -> Oops, seems like low level characters are now vastly superior in earning conquest->Eh, let's remove level restrictions then and make em available for all! ...And presto' crazed conquest system on roids where dinging 20-50 characters a week became a thing. Initially, for a long while we had a completely insane, obscene situation where game discouraged people away from multiplayer content, soloable stuff gave faster and better conquest. All too slowly they atleast brought multiplayer stuff to same approximate ballpark. All of this happened entirely by accident I think. Or ratrher, as a side product. It isn't terrible, as stated I've done some of that in past and see the charm. And I see how it can be useful for the game. Those driven to ding 40 characters a week can sometimes bring quite a bit of life to the game. However, it is utterly undeniable it completely trivilized striving for conquest target on an individual character. Reaching conq target is meaningless for everybody who doens't play dozen(s) of alts each week. Having goals and objectives turned trivial is bad, at least if you replace them with nothing. Conquest stopped being something you'd have to pursue if you play just a few characters and have no guild related conq aspirations to worry about. Same hammer of trivialization hit all guilds just as well. There are all these people(my self included) who can reach at least the small yield conq target on their one man vanity guild with relative ease. Everything a single casual player can reach with relative ease is utterly trivial for actual guilds with actual people in them, Small and medium yield targets were meant to be a nice goal and a measuring stick for small and medium sized guilds to pursue. These got trivialized and nothing was offered in return. Reaching weekly experience cap was a pretty legit challenge for larger guilds once. This is all but gone too, moderately active small to medium guild makes just as much weekly xp as busiest conq guilds in the world do.
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