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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Floplag

  1. Thats a matter of opinion.

    Time to kill on a player isnt a standard, some think it should be short, some longer. I personally dont think its that out of line at all, but, when that person has guard on them or a healer backing them, yeah, it gets a bit much... BUT, again, it should shouldn't it with said backup?

    The issue for me is that guard shouldn't be available to pure DPS specs, and healing should not be as strong in PvP as it is. But that, is still opinion.

    I personally dont like one shot kills or the possibility of people being globaled without even a chance to react. When youre focused by a team of course TK is going to go down substantially thats not a game problem, thats just logical.

    I guess in short what im saying is PvP has issues, but TTK IMO isnt one of them.

  2. Hello,

    I've a question about the SWToR.com portal :


    The portal was made in Drupal 6 in the first version (If I remember correctly). Now, the current portal is stuck with an old end-of-life PHP version (5.3.27) and an old custom theme called "coruscant" with many pieces of custom code.


    Is there a plan to update the portal and maybe migrating to Drupal 9 ?


    A player, but also... Senior Drupal Engineer little bit anxious for security issues :)


    As also a security professional, if you were anxious about security, why post this in the forum over a more direct method?

  3. I move to just declare this a troll argument and be done with it. Notice how Hao is literally the only one still trying to make any sort of positive point for premades in unranked. He just wants to keep stomping new people with his buddies in the name of “fun”, lol.


    I jsut wish people would debate issues like this honestly, instead hiding behind the same old same old.

    Of course playing with friends is fine, no one has ever said otherwise, but thats simply not the reality that makes entire guilds swap factions to queue sync, lol

    If we cant even talk about those realities, then yeah, whats the point.

  4. No, you're both still 100% wrong. You're claiming that it takes no skill to win the game. If that is correct then the people in this topic complaining about losing to tunnel vision pre-mades must somehow have less than no skill. All you've done with this argument is humiliate the complainers. Was that your intent?


    Absolutely nobody said that, or anything close to it.

  5. Anyone seriously suggesting two separate queues is impossible to take seriously. Group regs queue would require premades representing 16 players to queue up at the same time. This thing would never pop. It would be like queueing with two DPS for operations and expecting a pop. Don't be foolish on purpose. This game is not WoW, FF14, or even ESO. The population isn't big enough to support segregated queues. We already have group ranked and it only pops by appointment. The solo ranked queue is so depopulated that there's no rating based match making, and people with 500 rating get put up against people with 2,000 rating. Segregated queues are objectively a failure and there's no evidence showing it would be any better with a group regs queue.


    This game already has up to 10 minute waits to get regs to pop. Segregating the queue is going to make it take even longer. "But if the premades are gone then more people will queue!" No, these people are bad players and they are bad even without premades. They will still rage quit matches when they die more than once and will still blame their losses on everyone else. Premades are an excuse, not the cause of any harm.


    What's being proposed is that this MMO should punish two buddies for wanting to play the game together. My sister and I only play this game to PVP together. If the game didn't allow us to do that, then there is no reason for us to sub.


    99% of premades are absolutely terrible and they lose most of the games they are in because they just death match. If anyone cannot beat them, then I recommend that they keep practicing.


    You were right up to the last sentence... Suggesting that people should "get gud" to beat them is disingenuous.


    For a player to beat a premade three things must happen, that player must be good, have a team of similarly good players, and the premade must be brain dead... or damage farmers, basically the same thing.


    That and the idea that 99% of them are that bad ... you know better come on. The entire reason most people premade is for advantage, not social. Thats fine, it is what it is now, a lot people dont seem to be able to actually PvP without a group anymore, its the state of things, but lets just not pretend its something it isnt.

  6. Its often not very hard to tell ho plays what classes or who plays melee versus ranged by thier take on the matter, but here the thing, CC IS part of PvP, in every game, you cant just throw it our or minimize it.


    The tricky part to this is that there are many forms of CC, and they are not all created equal and do not all accrue in the same way. Hard stuns, mezzes, slows, are all not considered the same things, nor should they be really, but if your going to have something like resolve thats supposed to make you immune to such things then it should make you immune to all of them at a certain point.


    Now i do agree that the diminishing returns on this are perhaps a little too slow and that a person can be hit with too many "types" of CC in sequence, resolve should kick in a little sooner as a result of the cumulative effects, but thats the only change i think is truly necessary.


    Control of the opponent is a critical part of some play styles, as are slows and keeping opponents at range others... if you wwipe it all out you wipe out the viability of such classes and specs.

  7. Love a good Troll post but I'll bite.


    Can we stop being carebears. If you're not trash talking the other team or can't take it why pvp.


    Not just pvp but compete in anything in general. Anything that envolves competition should have a healthy amount of trash talk.


    Imagine playing football and telling the other guy how good of a player he is....... LOL. Sure you'll buy him a beer afterwards but during the game..........



    To be honest, you just made her point.

    You do not have to talk trash or talk people down in competition. A lot of people at the end of a match will say GG even in a loss, especially if it was hard fought. You can acknowledge when someone played well, its just as easy as telling people they suck after all.

    People talk about maps, and game modes that pvp needs when none of that matters when this is the prevailing mentality of the modern PvPer. THIS is why PvP isnt a concern by th devs, it doesnt matter what they do, we will screw it up.

  8. I know they have a group heal, maybe it stacks well with other sents when you got beat, but outside of having a group with nothing but other watchman sents and where the other team stands together and doesn't cleanse, it doesn't compare with the self heals from almost every other class.


    Should it have self heals on par with other classes that cant do its damage? Thats a bit of having that cake and eat it to dont you think??

    As you say you put out more damage, if you had comparable healing or utility you would be automatically OP.

    People complain about mercs utility and healing, but you notice how they never mention the damage... its because it below par, as i t should be with more utility.

    You are the literal opposite of that coin in many ways.

    You gotta give up something for that damage or accept the niche your in.

  9. Balance is going to be non existent until they do an actual balance patch.

    A lot of classes losing a lot of key skills and some appear overtuned.

    This is always true of any new expansion in basically any game.

    They have to see how we use them under he new guidelines to know how to patch em.

    In short, dont expect balance on any x.0 patch :)

  10. While I've yet to read anyone say anything positive about 7.0 (loadout exempted) the misery that we all see as 7.0 has been sold to Management as needed change. Management has sold it to upper Management as needed change. And so forth. Did someone say bonus for when the change is implemented ?


    Anyone now speaking against the 'change' is questioning Management. Who dares do that, in socialist USA


    Sarcasm aside, its called listening to the customers.

    No one wants to dual specs more than i do, but so much of hat is coming with that is problematic.

    Thats before we even get to whether or not its actually fully complete.

    What would be worse, another delay, or my suggestion? Would anyone really mind as long as we got the content?

  11. That they would just scrap the changes and just give us the new story, and implement the rest later.

    No one is happy with it, t all, the only thing im looking forward to is the loadouts and secondary skill sets, but then i think oh yeah im losing a ton of skill i really dont want to lose.

    making us choose between things like a hard stun or a DCD is beyond a bad idea. How is that even a thing?

    I doubt this will happen, but if i had my way, just drop the story and keep working on the rest.

  12. How exactly do you know this? Where are your statistics coming from?


    Look im not trying to offend you, im really not, but we all know the exploits happened... you ant unring that bell.

    The method youve chosen has always been available, items didnt cost then what they cost now.

    It doesnt rationalize how things have gone up 10 times or more in price is a such a short period of time unless a lot of people suddenly found a lot of expendable credits.

  13. what? you didn't need to do any exploits to get tons of credits in this game. Crafting can make you a fortune these days, as can selling Crafting mats. Selling other items you get while playing in game can also net you hundreds of millions of credits if not billions. When 6.0 came out I barely had 1 billion. Now 2 years later I've dwarfed what I had made before 6.0 just by playing the game,


    Maybe one out of every 10 wealthy people in this game did it that way.

    Good for you, im happy youre one of them, but you are the minority.

  14. I am honestly very concerned.

    This game never had a bloat problem in my opinion. Yes, many skills were very situational and not often used, but what you needed them you were glad they were there.

    The one thing ive always agreed with in the which is better between PvE and PvP argument is that PvP makes you learn ALL your skills, not just a PvE optimal rotation.

    As a PvPer in addition to PvE i despise how they are forcing us to choose such things. So many things that are not, rotational, are used in PvP... at least i use them.

    IMO no skills should be tree based, save for those specific to the tree such as priming shot for Arsenal... but putting electro dart or other such things in the trees is a massive mistake to me.

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