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  1. Like I've been trying to say, this isn't the issue for me. It seems likely that operatives are underpowered, but I'd expect that issue to be resolved eventually. I want to know if the operative's energy mechanic - which prevents them from being able to handle intensive healing situations for more than a few seconds - will force Bioware to design boring, predictable fights (from a healer's perspective).
  2. This is debatable at best, but let's say for the sake of argument that you're right. Can you make an interesting fight that challenges your 2 ops healers without being impossible? How interesting will that same fight be for two sorc healers?
  3. Good posts, but I'm still wondering what people think about my original question(s) (which I probably didn't ask very clearly). Let's assume that our spells get appropriately buffed so that our healing done over a 10 minute fight is in line with sorcs. Without a change to our energy mechanic, we still won't be capable of ramping up our healing during high-intensity moments (ok, maybe once every two minutes but even then only for a few extra seconds). Let's also assume that Bioware designs their raid content with this in mind. They have to make fights with either no "oh ****!" moments, or they have to make the "oh ****!" moments last only a few seconds and occur only once every two minutes. That sounds boring to me, but I want to know if I'm off-base with that opinion or in the reasoning that led to that opinion.
  4. Just re-read your post and yes, I think we've had the same experiences with operative healing. Another way to phrase what I'm asking is: Is it fun to heal steady, predictable damage? Will it (if it's not fun) significantly affect the long-term popularity of operations in SWtOR?
  5. I think we're closer in our thinking than you realize. The rest of the post is me trying to explain that while I don't feel that operative healing is overpowered or underpowered in general, it seems difficult from a design standpoint to make a fight that challenges a skilled operative healer without making it impossible. You've figure out how to maintain respectable hps, but even flawless decision-making is only going to raise that ceiling by (made-up small number alert) ~10%. Unless the designer is able to hit that 8-9% "hps-above-average" range, the fight will either be easy or impossible for you. In either case, it's uninteresting.
  6. Two questions: 1. Are challenging healing fights a requirement for the long-term popularity of SWtOR operations? 2. Is it possible to design a fight that challenges a well-geared, well-played operative. Before you misunderstand - I am NOT saying that operative healing is awesome-sauce overpowered. Also not claiming that it's underpowered. What I'm asking with the second question is, basically, "Is the skill cap too low on operative healing?" What I love about healing is the ability to be a hero. In WoW I had my mana-neutral healing style that I used 80-90% of the time which was kinda fun, but what really got my blood pumping was when I had to kick it into mana-intensive mode. Spamming inefficient heals to prevent a wipe, getting dangerously close to oom, frantically calling for an innervate from my druid friend... exhilarating. In SWtOR, I feel forced into the mana-neutral style 100% of the time. Mana-intensive mode means I cast 4-5 spells and then get 0 hps for up to 10 seconds. I can do my job, but I feel like I'm sitting in the back saying, "I'm doing my thing guys, but if you screw up we're gonna wipe and there isn't anything I can do about it." I feel like a healing bot with a hps cap. So if you work at Bioware and you're designing an operation fight, it seems like you can't implement a healing-intensive phase that lasts more than a few seconds. Unless you just say screw the operative healers (which I'm pretty sure they won't). Am I right? And is this a big problem?
  7. If you think that healing is automated in WoW, then you have little to no understanding of what it's like to heal in WoW.
  8. I've been healing 8-man operations lately and will estimate that I switch targets about once every 4 seconds (a lot more during combat, a lot less out of combat). This amounts to over 2500 unnecessary clicks in a 3-hour raid. I've been healing in MMOs for years and now that I'm getting a little older, my fingers actually hurt after one of these sessions. I have to click a mouse for my job and notice the next day if I do a lot of swtor healing the night before. I try not to worry or think about the effect all my MMO playing might have on the long-term health of my fingers, but cutting out 2500+ clicks a night can only help.
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