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Everything posted by Philmors

  1. Lol, Kira uses willpower so getting consular gear would be more effective.
  2. I know slicing will get you some patterns for cybertech like starship upgrades but other than that, I found reverse engineering greens will get you blue patterns of the same item and reverse engineering blues will get you purples of the same item.
  3. If the LFD tool is server only then I'm all for it but having cross server LFD hurts the game more than anything. Of course a proper global LFG channel would work as well.
  4. No, you are only poor if you are bad at decision making and put very little on the auction house. I don't have slicing on my Jedi Knight Guardian and have Cybertech, scavenging, and underworld trading. I make plenty of credits by putting higher quality items and mods on the auction house and do my daily space missions every day as well. I may not make as much as slicing but it's enough to get by for sure.
  5. You haven't mentioned that you did interrupts or Force Stasis to interrupt skills as well. Doing that on bosses saves your hide. Also, is your gear up to date and does your main companion have decent gear as well. Also, Kira is a bit of a lousy companion for sentinals. She's actually a better companion for guardian tanks than sentinals on bosses. You are probably more better off with T7 or doc. Not saying Jedi Knights (both guardians and sentinals) don't need buffs but I think people over dramatize it
  6. Well, crap, I picked the first darkside flirt option when I talked to her. I really hope Bioware fixes this soon.
  7. I figure it'll be best to go tank till higher levels so I can get groups more easily. I can go DPS later on if I desire to/need to.
  8. Do they? It's still before 12/15 so I would think it would make sense to get most of them done by then. Just because they started before 12/15 doesnt' mean everyone gets to.
  9. Yeah, I got to level 25 as well and felt a bit focus flooded as well at times. Honestly, I think some of those defensive talents in the vigilance tree need to be moved to the defense tree. The fact that it's looking more appealing to go deep vigilance for tanking means the defense tree definately needs some work at the higher tiers.
  10. Yeah, I know that but you really shouldn't be using slash all that much. Only when you don't have enough focus for a move costing focus and sundering strike is on cooldown. If you have plenty of focus and everything is on cooldown then you should probably be using master strike over slash. If anything on guardian strike, I was thinking you would be prioritizing the main strike of that tree over almost anything else asides from riposte and after that you would focus on other things.
  11. Actually, I imagine you would still want to use sundering strike to generate focus because it still generates more focus than slash. Guardian Slash costs focus to cast last I saw when I played during the stress test so sundering strike still has it's uses in generating focus unless they changed guardian slash to generate focus instead. Anyways, how much bonus damage does guardian slash gets when you have a full stack of sunders up? I thought it was going to be almost double damage there.
  12. I got a question about guardian slash and overhead slash. I saw that you never mentioned that guardian slash does extra damage if you have a full stack of sunder armor instead of applying sunder armor again. So wouldn't that actually make guardian strike the better strike for Jedi Knight tanks? Other than that, I'm not questioning any other choice you prioritize in the vigilance tree.
  13. You assume everyone has a cell phone with internet or something else like the battery died for example.
  14. Yeah, no kidding. I'm pissed to be sure but I'm sure as hell not going to be cancelling my preorder or anything like that. If anything, this just gets me thinking I'll just skip preordering the next game they give early game access to.
  15. Nothing loyal about it. More like fanatical if that is the case if they kept that much track of the game to know about the preorders immediately. Some people made a mistake in their preorder and didn't put the code in until later or they didn't know preorders were available till later. I myself didn't find out about the preorders were available until the first week of August and didn't get my code until a few days later. After that, I didn't realize I could turn the code in that early until almost 2 weeks later when my friend mentioned turning his code in when he first got it when we were talking about the game.
  16. Seriously? Why not have them all open so they can send more waves out? Kinda silly to do that if you ask me.
  17. Nope final wave was sent at 1:30pm CST. Still time to send out at least 1 more wave at the rate they were going.
  18. Suprising they aren't doing more waves if they got 5 out already by 1:30pm. It would be one thing to stop close to prime time but it's another to stop that early in the day.
  19. Look at the opening post. Bioware considers it launch day as well.
  20. Yeah, then they probably can do another wave then I would think. There's enough time for it. I'm wondering why they aren't doing bigger waves though. Wasn't the stress test was supposed to give them an idea of how much each server can take and they can hand out waves from there?
  21. They don't have to provide specifics of which times each wave will go out but I think they can provide what dates will be part of each wave. I think they can do that for the most part.
  22. I think it more has to do with Bioware's lack of giving anyone an idea of when they can play so they can plan ahead. Hell, at least listing a batch of dates so people know the order of which wave will be hitting will at least give them a decent idea of what is going on.
  23. The only thing that pisses me off is that they won't tell us when we can start. Like at least give us a date range of what people will start first.
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