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Everything posted by Amenian

  1. A large portion of people aren't going to believe you simply because they are predisposed to think anything with the word fox in it is false. Edit: Also, I wrote this before looking at the article so now I have egg on my face. Mmmmm egg.
  2. 35 years old here. I'm the service coordinator for a multinational technology company.
  3. It's a good idea, just change AC's to roles and it's perfect. Otherwise you'll have people going "Shadow tanks suck! I don't want them." or "A Guardian DPS? As if!"
  4. No! Please don't go!!!! You haven't given me all your stuff yet.
  5. Since launch? You mean less than one month ago? Holy crap, give them some time!
  6. Yeah, I just saw it. Jesus! I'm going to have to wait to get home from work before I even attempt to read that novel. I can support single server LFD, cross-server though is a big part of why I left other MMOs. Once you lose that accountability tied to people's character names, you lose the community.
  7. Sorry dude, there are 18+ pages in this thread. I glanced through the first 3 and didn't see any large posts. I'm not hunting through them all to find what your definition of early, or even large, is. All I can make observations on is my own experience. In my experience, if people actually use the LFG tool, it works. Most people don't bother then complain they can't find groups.
  8. It's quite easy to find groups if you use the LFG system in place. I never fail to have people invite me to groups if I put my objective in my LFG comment. I don't even need to spam general. It might not be immediate, usually about 5-10 min., but while questing/crafting does it really need to be?
  9. I've been playing MMOs as a raider, or the game's equivalent, since UO. Even now, I play about 4-5 hours most nights, more on the weekends. I love the game and am "happy and re-subscribing." I also don't feel that casual players opinions aren't a good barometer about a game's quality. What an arrogant, elitist comment! I think the issue here is people who don't seem to understand that a game at launch isn't going to be as polished as certain juggernaut games with years of experience, no matter how good that games programmers and designers are.
  10. As a Shadow, I become trollface. I vanish, causing them to fight my previous mobs while I take the objective/chest. I stealth and repay their favor a couple of times. Karma. It's a *****,
  11. I play a female Shadow and I'm a straight male. I'm not going to shy away from the relationship part. I think it all comes down to a combination of your own security in your sexuality and in how closely you relate to your character. Bottom line: If you're not comfortable with the romance aspect while playing a female toon, just don't make those choices.
  12. I know it hasn't been discovered yet, so lorewise it wouldn't make any sense, but I would love to see Endor.
  13. Dragging their heels? The game's been out less than a month! I know it might not seem like a difficult fix, but there are so many bugs and performance issues and what-not that are way more important than this that need to be fixed first. I want my female shadow to be able to romance Nadia Grell too, but seriously, a little patience is in order. This is kind of ridiculous.
  14. Tell that to the colorblind person who can't see the "bad" but knows to move because their add-on went off with a warning. I guess they deserve to not clear the encounter, right?
  15. I used to RP, but then I took an imaginary arrow in the knee. In seriousness, I originally rolled on RP servers because that's what I did. RP. Non-RPers didn't bother me because I quickly learned how to ignore people without the need for a /ignore function. In time, RPers constantly complaining about non-RPers drove me away from the RP scene. However, as I played for years as an RPer, I have very good friends who roll on RP servers exclusively. I stick around on the servers to play with my friends. I don't intentionally break people's immersion, but I don't filter myself either and just roll my eyes when people whine about things like this.
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