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Everything posted by Chikun

  1. Chikun

    Sorcs in PvP....

    Honestly I think the only issue with sorcs is survivability. Making static barrier damage absorbtion scale with expertise would make a night and day difference.
  2. Chikun

    F2P and PvP

    BioWare's FTP model is carefully crafted to entice people to sub in order to get the dessert. Sure the meat and potatoes are free but most people chew through that so they get to the good stuff. The dessert here? High level pvp with constant replay action. The notion of Pay 2 Win is an illusion disguising what was always Pay to Play.
  3. Or clever for using the system designed by the devs the way it was meant to be. Work smarter, not harder.
  4. Quiet, let them fumble around in the dark.
  5. How about fixing hoods so I don't see the back of my head poke through magically when I run with my saber drawn. I hate hoods for this specific reason and it seems like such a simple fix for how long this game has been out.
  6. Because SI's facerolled everything during the beta and the sea of tears turned into the perfect storm.
  7. God I hate her so much. I want to space her out of the airlock or have Khem eat her.
  8. Not sure what you want answered if you say you aren't a min/maxer. I don't see the point in giving any advice if you're just going to play how you want. Not that it's bad or anything, I wish the game catered more to this line of thought.
  9. Ran away from a pair of sentinals yesterday on Voss. Trying to 1v1 a sentinal on my sorc is crazy enough but two is suicide. Found them later though with a juggernaut and needless to say we beat them at their own game.
  10. The Inquisitor story line in Voss is awesome so far as well as the planet quest. Belsavis was meh at the start but really picked up steam and was great that I was able to mouth off to the Dread Masters and resist their influence/fear. Getting their praise for being awesome was pretty sweet too.
  11. If this is a battle of prep time needed the answer is obvious. The Batman.
  12. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=500915 Ignore the false prophets and blashphemers. This is the true gospel. Spread it to cure the ignorance.
  13. They already screwed themselves by creating too broad of classes. Honestly, I'm hard pressed to think of a completely unique class and have two advanced classes for it that make it more unique/defined. Maybe something like a pure support class that's given multiple castable buffs? Advance class being something more defensive/utility and offensive/utility with utility being shared?
  14. I can only see Thana as being the one to hold my hand as we burn down Republic orphanages.
  15. Loving the SI story, not sure how people hate Chapter two but to each his own I guess. I'm liking how it's almost completely about gaining personal power and vengeance with that side feeling of "oh yeah, there's a war going on." Also, having a personal cult that worships me is pretty nifty.
  16. I'm pretty sure you do and I have reason to believe you'd get mods that reflect it's use for an assassin but I'm not sure about the former.
  17. Chikun

    Oh the Irony

    Seems more about venting, either way, kudos to the OP for keeping the RP spirit alive.
  18. Probably because any healer that isn't a complete jerkass will always give you their vote provided you guarded them. So that's a guarenteed 1 every match. Not bashing you at all, I love tanks/peelers
  19. Chikun

    please stop...

    50 DKP minus for calling it snow or grass.
  20. Chikun

    Objective of WZ's

    As a healer in the sub-50 bracket I'm usually the top in healing with 250k-300k healing. I also usually get 1-2 votes for mvp at the end of a match. That being said, my votes will always go to the tank that guards me, regardless of objective points simply because the team benefits as a whole and keeping me protected means a lot of people in the group will be immortal for the most part. The runner up for my vote should we not have any tanks that guard me or are derpy will then be the one with the most objective points. However, the likely scenario is that the tank that guards me is usually the one with the most objective points anyway but there have been exceptions to this.
  21. Chikun


    Or atleast seperate the maps so the people who are in a huttball wz actually want to employ teamwork instead of just killing people mindlessly. Hurray PUG's
  22. Unless they remake it to the effect of space combat in Battlefront 2 this will be viewed as a waste of time and resources when they could be making other areas of the game that are severely lacking better. In fact, I find find the very idea that they announced this change taking place offensive since I still get stuck multiple times trying to walk from point A to B.
  23. Madness focuses on DoT damage and life leaching while the lightning focuses more on turning you into a stationary conductor spewwing destruction. Speaking of endgame they are similar in dps with the exception of lighting doing more if you don't need to be mobile for a boss fight while madness does more if the fight mechanics require you to be on the move. It's also this reason that people gravitate towards madness in pvp builds but I hear that a hybrid build is more superior.
  24. No naming and shaming for people commiting shameful behavior. When there aren't any consequences for being a sh*tty person people stop caring and start gathering RL dark side points.
  25. You will realize that your character is well aware they're walking into a trap but does it anyway for the lulz. This happens all the time, you notice how there is never a response that says "wow you really got me on that one chum."? Unless of course if it's in a sarcastic tone. You play a honey badger, and honey badger don't give a ****.
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