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Everything posted by VarekRayth

  1. read: i dont have a response because i was just QQ'ing. thanks for the discussion sindol.
  2. tor so srs. people will try harder during real season for sure. i'd just like people to play against for more than 2-3 games besides Postmortem. @thread People that think Jugg is overtuned DCD wise are usually garbage at handling said DCD's. Stun him through the ED if no DOT's, if there are DOT's on him use your auto-attack and force the charges into wasted overheals. They straight up don't put out enough damage/pressure in a ranked environment to be considered strong outside of their strong defensive capabilities. Rage has somewhat strong burst but is easily peeled and vengeance specifically is totally reliant on getting crits and anything in the game can hurt if it's getting back to back crits.
  3. oh **** when did they put a cast time on tab dotting?
  4. You figure out how to kite yet or still getting rekt by Sek?
  5. ebon hawk is srs bsns m8. **** is real over here.
  6. good shiz tonight boys. gg's to those that queued. except tojo. you get mad too easy. <3
  7. This guy right here. Gets rekt on parses and then tries to tell you how to play. This is the **** that makes theorycrafters look dumb. You may have good math on a few things but...good lord dude.
  8. #excusegamestrong Mate I can do 4k in AP and I'm trash. Zejim go make a guide.
  9. Kesmet you ******* operatives dont have hidden strike anymore. #nochimerashot #tortoostronk #originaldummyparsehero
  10. 3s Duration is gonna be awesome for pvp! Your Aisthesis is showing.
  11. Tell me more about how well this will work in PVP.
  12. Rank 1 costume party guild on server! http://gyazo.com/60aa98ec4e0b62bd9360312e2bb19715
  13. Psh, that's it? L2gettunneled to **** m8888888
  14. Which is exactly when either of them is their most dangerous. AP has better burst than Pyro when both are at their burst peaks, Pyro can just burst more frequently.
  15. Haven't seen someone in Aisthesis that salty since PV downed Styrak and Hateful. But hey, I hear Veritas only wins cause of snipers too.
  16. I'll give him this much, he's pretty smart. While his throughput as a healer is just slightly above average, he is slippery as ****. Definitely a pain in the *** to get your hands on solo without a plethora of roots. So him talking tons of **** works well since everyone will tunnel him and he'll just lololol kite. Helps his teams shot at winning at least a little lol. Not a bad player, goes a little too hard on the forum PvP doe. #seeyouinrankednerds
  17. On the server might be pushing it but yeah he played well.
  18. To give <Anima> some credit, they do have one 55 Guardian tank that's actually pretty good.
  19. Would gladly take one if you can guard swap like pro lol.
  20. Play impside, we could use some pvp tanks.
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