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Everything posted by SuberBaird

  1. Haha at 2am in the morning hilarious. You should have seen it at 6pm and 7pm... It was... about the same
  2. -_- really... you're upset because you can't be named hans solo or luke skywalker... Pick an original name and you won't have to worry.
  3. Took me several hours to realize this. I now realize this and laugh with the people that once angered me for laughing. Who cares if I get to play today, tomorrow or even on the 20th, as long as I get to play right?
  4. This goes to show that people don't read things before clicking accept.... lol
  5. At first F but then I calmed down and took a chill pill. It's not good for someone evaluating something to get all emotional. Now I give them an A+
  6. Who names their kid Newt? Seriously, then that kid grows up and thinks he can run for president....
  7. WoW got boring. With swtor I can get story without reading a wall of text. The people who think that WoW is better are the people who don't care about story. I have a few friends like that. It's sad to listen to them complain because they don't care about story. If you don't like story then this is your normal run of the mill MMO with a star wars theme. Go cry about it else where.
  8. You guys do realize they sent out a ton of emails not knowing who would get on. Of course their servers are at low to standard population. Not everyone that got an email logged on. I bet many of the people who got emails either couldn't get on or don't care. I know if I got in today and my friends didn't I wouldn't play. I'd wait for my friend.
  9. I understand your frustration. I was like you, then I realized it doesn't matter. The game is mostly a single player experience until max level. As of right now nothing is going on max level. So you really haven't missed out on much. No extra money was paid; you would have pre-ordered it anyways if there was no early access. Everything is cool. You'll get in eventually. You shouldn't be mad until the 20th and you still can't get in.
  10. How much more did you have to pay then if you would have bought it on the 21st?
  11. Makes sense but we are all getting 12 apples, just some of us get it sooner than others. Imagine if this early access was a giant line and they were handing us 12 apples each. Now the people who got in line first get their apples first, but for those of us who waited because we weren't sure if those apples were ripe enough or we didn't have the money, got in line later. Now we're all the way at the back of the line. We have to wait to get to the front and get our apples. Because the amount of people that wanted to get apples is so large the apple sellers decided to start selling apples early so that we'd all get a chance to get apples. It doesn't negate the fact that we're still in line. Sure those in the front of the line get to eat and enjoy their apples before we do, and some of them will scarf them down and finish them first, but we must not be jealous or impatient because we will soon get our apples too.
  12. Mainly because MMOs is the only game type that hasn't been perfected on the consoles yet... lol
  13. OP you are correct. It is also the reason everyone is upset. Then you've got the trolls one here calling everyone a QQer. Now you are caught up to speed.
  14. Any of the WoW expansions lol but I'd rather deal with that and have the chance of playing then wait a couple days while my friends lvl up and get to end game before me.
  15. I love when people say this. Even if everyone preorded at the same exact time there would still be people not able to play. This is what's wrong with game development now days. It's all about the money, there is very little to no passion any more.
  16. Same, the people that are in now have a huge advantage to those who get in a couple days from now. It's going to be fun trying to leveling on PVP servers... They should have just had the game come out on the 20th. Early access is a load of crap. Preorder incentives should be a vanity pet or 10% off or something. Early access just pissed everyone off.
  17. Battlefield Back to Karkand, Saints Row the Third, Skyrim, Path of Exile, Eve Online or WoW 7 day free thing. Everything I've been doing to wait until now. lol:p
  18. Yay! I never thought about that. The people that got in today get an extra free day.
  19. You really won't know how full the servers will be ubtil 7 or 8 pm. That's the prime time for gaming. When those videos were made it was when everyone was still at work. You have to give it time. Personally I think a company like this could have invited everyone. All they would have to do is increase their server hardware and then instance everyone in the starting zone for a while until the population dies down abit. Maybe a few thousand per instance. This release could have been much smoother if there were some intelligent people at the helm.
  20. The whole thing is really dumb. The only reason for this staggered invites is because their servers can't handle the huge surge of players. Which tells you EA is too cheap to buy more servers. Which lets you know that they don't feel very confident in their game. Which makes you believe that the game is probably going to die very quickly. EA is all about the quick money. Never have they stood by one of their games for an extend period of time.
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