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Everything posted by EcrirTwyLar

  1. My only complaint about Qyzen (other than his buggy abilities which won't stay disabled) is that he isn't that interesting of a companion. I would rather have a basic speaking companion that talks more during mission conversations. I'll probably be dumping him as soon as I find another companion who I feel can tank for me since I'm healing spec'd.
  2. I think the opinions that you've stated above should basically remove you from having any bearing on this subject. You don't even like Jedi. This is what really gets me. Who said that anyways? Has anyone (Official) actually stated "They aren't supposed to use lightsabers"? Honestly I think some people are just against some things so that they can take something away from someone else.
  3. This is how I feel exactly. For me the class wouldn't be a Jedi without a lightsaber. This is also why I believe the lightsaber should also be a useful attack. Balance it however it's necessary, but all Jedi should be able to use a lightsaber.
  4. After doing a little research... I found that pretty much all advanced class attacks benefit from that AC's primary attribute except for the sage. Even the Shadow's willpower benefits both melee and force power attacks. So those ranged attacks that the shadow got from their base class are still useable AND get full benefit from their primary stat, which is willpower. Yet the Sage does not get those same bonuses from their willpower even though they are from the same base class. If the Sage's lightsaber attacks become over powered, then balance them. But Sages willpower SHOULD still give bonuses to both melee and force attacks.
  5. A non-pool using ranged ability would make sense for those looking at this strictly from an MMO point of view. But there are many who like the thought of the sage still being a Jedi and as such, should be able to use a light saber how it was meant to be used. I personally don't think it is unbalancing to let the sage have the two basic melee attacks that they started with. When people talk balance, they usually have PvP in mind. But what sage in their right mind is going to intentionally stay in melee range with a warrior even if they have two basic melee attacks that scale with willpower? If anyone thinks this is something that would unbalance the game, they are crazy.
  6. Do we NEED anything? That's a very vague question. Would it be useful? Yes. Let's say I'm in a fight with my companion tanking and I'm healing. The fight gets right down to the end with both sides almost dead. I'm out of focus and can't heal any longer. Any other class in the game would still have a non-pool using attack to use that would scale with their primary stat. I don't. No matter what, I'm going to try to do some extra damage because I can't heal my companion anymore and that extra damage just might help me survive. It sure would be nice if my non-pool attack benefited from my primary stat like it does for other classes.
  7. Of course. Because they are at a disadvantage if they stay in melee range against a melee class. But, if they were to use those abilities... I bet they are effected by their primary attribute.
  8. I agree with this. Besides, doesn't every other class have a weapon that has it's damage based off of their primary stat? There are times when I do want to throw in some damage, but I don't necessarily want to waste the pool I use for healing and we do not have even a semi-effective non pool using attack like probably every other class in the game. The question is... Do other ranged AC/Specs have non-pool using attacks that scale with their primary stat? If so, then the sage should to. If that one non-pool using attack is a melee attack, that is actually a disadvantage more than it is an advantage because we would have to close to within melee range to use it. I'm guessing a trooper or smugger's non-pool attack does just as much in melee range as it does outside of melee range. But because the sage is a Jedi, I think many of us would be ok with our non-pool using attack being our lightsaber (A melee attack).
  9. I'm going to stick it out for a bit. It's still a new game that hasn't even had all the bugs work out yet. My list of things are dislike are: Space Combat: It's lame. Nothing more to say. I tried it and I will not play it anymore unless Bioware gives us something more free. Lack of species: I'm seeing other species talk and everything. I see little reason why Bioware didn't add more other than just development costs. Let's hope they get more in the game soon. Chat Channels: Custom chat channels just don't work right. There are some that I've joined that I can't leave and one that I don't want to leave, but every time I load to a new zone, I am removed from it. It makes me crazy because I have a group of friends that I regularly chat with. You may say "form a guild", but we don't plan to create our own guild this time around. But we still want our own channel. It shouldn't be so difficult. There should be quick travel points near our ship at the starport (maybe I've just missed them).
  10. This. A guild can pack up and move servers just like everyone else.
  11. You will however have a melee ability that costs 0 focus. If you are healing spec'd and want to throw in some damage, but want to save your focus for healing, then you could toss in a melee attack that costs nothing. Or even if you are dps spec'd but run out of focus, you can still attack with your saber.
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