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Everything posted by Ghamsar

  1. That's actually quite valid I should be an augment crafter from the get go....craft highest level augments for my char then switch to armor, craft low level oranges then switch to Bio. I killed diplomacy 400 to 0......then I retrained it to 400 in 3 days...(having 5 comps to run missions)
  2. I haven't done enough researcg into this...but I can say that my Sith Operative's companions aren't like my Republic Slinger's....Operative didn't really have a healer from what I can remember
  3. No i guess you should just press "F" then hit Sab Charge, Insta-charged burst, insta-trickshot, Aimedshot(1.5sec),Speedshot, Quickdraw.......Over and Over and Over
  4. no idea what all that crap means.....but should I translate it as...I run in premades, I hate the idea of balance
  5. Understand a couple things: 1st when players have voice-chat like vent...."okay, everybody press "que solo" on the count of 3.....one, two, three" now a majority if not all of the 8 players will que for the same warzone at he same time....thereby allowing them to premade vs PUG...in a solo que setting....Ask anyone who played RIFT if this happens 2nd.....tank specs in PvE allow for someone to mitigate a BOSS hit that would do ~8,000 dmg to a non-tank....they also allow a Heal spec to Heal through the DMG a Boss is doing to a player. This SCREWS up PvP, as now a tank spec can withstand DPS dmg , and are near unstoppable if they have a pocket healer. Can your Companion Tank and Companion Healer take on a FP BOSS? Can your Comp Tank mitigate BOSS dmg? While your companion has "tanking abilities"......companion abilities are more balanced because they aren't meant to be OP to counter OP
  6. Wrong, Companion skill sets aren't centered around Roles.....they don't have all the Tank skills or all the Heals They have a moderate amount of skills to play with. Much easier to balance around and counter with like opponent tanking. Just like there becomes a routine in Civil war (2 left, 1 right , rest mid)....people sending in their companions will tend to spec 2 heals, 2 tanks, 4 DPS....Premades do this already...PUGS can not counter currently. What I have seen happen is that the bad premades just synchronize solo ques. What then happens is "The better premades" sitting alone in group que......."bad premades" solo queing to RollStomp....."Solo quers" quitting because they are tried of being rollstomped.
  7. again which AC can do this kind of dmg w/o the enemy having the ability to respond. Sure someone can get hit by a sniper...but you see the target on your back, you can hit a DEF CD....you can interrupt Tracer missiles and LOS them But playing vs a 5 sec stunlock means every battle is: you( 5k HP) vs them (15k hp) and they can always just overload stealth and open up on you again if they REALLY wanted you dead. Besides all this....the biggest key factor in it is that ANY SKILL LEVEL of operative can do 10k dmg in a few secs......it's not something reserved for players with knowledge of their class and 100's of hours of practice.
  8. No, again, I am trying to save us from balance issues. You can, however, send yourself on a crafting mission lol
  9. Legacy can unlock New Companions...I mean Dev can introduce new companions in later patches...with enough legacy points to acquire. Also, people start caring about the "image" of their companions.(those little boxes that change their appearance) allows play of different styles w/o having to level grind abother toon(if you don't want too)
  10. I am sorry. No, no more Main War Zones. It is way too difficult to balance PvE and PvP skills. Allowing mains the ability to play is what has got us into FOTM re-rollers, unkillable healer/Tank, etc War Zones are now for Companion based PvP......Illum may be Main only though
  11. Mains can no longer que for PVP WZs.....you have to choose a COMPANION to send into PVP We each have like 5-6 companions....we usually have a heal, a tank, melee DPS, range dps...and something else when we accept entry to warzone, we first go into a holding area In this holding area we can switch between companions before we enter the playable area. This way: 1. there can be balance, just choose which type companion is needed in your group(another healer or DPS) 2. no one feels "stuck in an AC that is UP/ SUCKS" 3. You get to play multiple roles and styles of play 4. EASY GEAR leveling now for 1 char--leveling multiple comps for gear =Grind...(balance in Grind) 5. This makes Comps important again after 50(besides just crafting missions) 6. It doesn't screw with PvE balance(raids/FPs, by giving Gear to mains or main AC balance issues between PVP and PVE) 7. Never been done before, so you get interest in that.
  12. a little harsh...I told them when I unsubbed that there was too much difference between premade vs PUG....due to build synergy Max/Min'ers. That the PvE dynamic effected PvP too much. That's my biggest gripe with the game. I would like more class/build uniqueness for pvp and not a "best build" pigeon hole.....but whatever. Games not terrible
  13. I turned 50 right before 1.2 on my Gunslinger that I had been playing for the previous month The Recruit gear was good for me, and BM took like 10 days to get. But I relogged onto my original character with full Champion (~600expertise)....and was surprised how weak he was comparatively. It got me thinking that many may have felt really pissed off that all the work that went into getting CHampion+ gear...was completely worthless, and they were so discouraged about being weak and having to grind again that they just quit. Names I used to remember playing with haven't logged in weeks. I would be in favor of Gear trading old Champ for War Hero...for full BM(at least)..as to encourage them to relog.
  14. not sure what's going on but in 2 of 3 warzones tonight, I was perma stunned once I was stunned right when I was killing a sniper.....he died but I was stuck in seizure mode the rest of the battle, unable to move, But i could still use abilities if anyone came into range, I didn't die the rest of the fight...but i was just standing there otherwise shaking in place....i thought it was a glitch...until 2 warzones later....jug leap, I stun him, get distance but then I am unable to do anything else...he pushes me, I got up, unable to cast or anything..he starts hacking away....I die...unable to move or even get up at spawn....I have to leave. 1st: This is the first time I have experienced this and I have played enough WZ's on 2 60+ valor characters 2nd: The 2 players that perma-stunned me belong to the same guild and same premade group It could be just coincidental glitches that I have been lucky enough never to have expierienced....or there's a new premade exploit....please report anything and everything similar.
  15. who else can do that without worrying about returned dmg?
  16. You guys are being purposefully ignorant that's 9672 dmg in less than 6 secs...5 of which is a STUNLOCK Here's the issue....IT TAKES NO SKILL FOR THE OPERATIVE TO DO THIS It takes Skill to not die from it An operative can always use a simple rotation to do >10k dmg in a very,very short time.......after You(his oponent) have to be near flawless in your execution of your escape, heal/def CD, CC, 2ndary CCafter he breaks 1st CC, fleeing, or positioning to keep yourself from dying. Make Stealth a 10 sec ability....then it takes skill to pull off a Hidden Strike on an undefended target.
  17. Ghamsar

    The state of PvP

    how are mages...I left last year after they killed pyros, then killed storms, buffed Doms, then killed dominators... not going back, just wondering how mages are doing over there
  18. explain that parse to me he killed him in 6 GCD's Hidden strike is 2 GCD's and Debilitate is another 2 GCDs....right? So he he had to avoid those other 2 Hits? 14k HP - 3184 Hidden strike (START) -1,200 shiv(unavoidable) -412 debilitate(Stunned) -2900 backstab(unavoidable) - 1279 lacerate(unavoidable) (end) = 8975 dmg add the ticks of poison 4 of 6= 1420 dmg so 10,395 dmg in 4 GCDs...the OP had only ~4k HP left..which can be eaten in 2 more GCDs the key to beating OPS is not taking taking those final 2 hits? So Pop DEF abilities to hold off last 2 hits...but how long will it take you to do 15k dmg? Depends on AC, but that's a surprise advantage.
  19. How is this any different from my thread about Premades killing MMOs? Devs shouldn't allow "teams" to dominate
  20. Min/Max'ers = no PVP skill The devs allowing for planned rotational burst, less interupts, and NO counters = Race to burn target dummy not PVP so I will agree that there is very little skill in PvP....even as a Sniper...I set up and burn...pulse if someone nears....turn and burn them. (can't interupt me )
  21. So tab is tab aggro and not tab player? I am on the side, above the PIT, group of players all in melee range of each other....I start to try to burn a guy, he instantly returns aggro
  22. I am sure that when I am Sniping someone, they get auto target because of My dmg. I am 35m away, sniping someone from their 3'o clock , as they are targeting an ally, and all of a sudden they start firing at me after I hit them. There were others in their LOS...I was not.
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