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Everything posted by Pirana

  1. This is similiar to how other MMO's work it as well, about the only way I'd be okay with it. Sometimes when I log in, I don't want to be bothered, I just was to unwind from a long day at work or whatever has gone on and just chill and run dailies, so having alts that I don't want known are mandatory on my end. There are days when I log in, I want to hit up PvP, run raids, you name it, but sometimes, just to chill out is perfectly okay too, but if I start getting messages on alts I'd rather not be bothered on, I will simply log off or use the block function. I understand the optional aspect, but the parameters Steve has outlined must be met and should be mandatory if this were to ever come to fruition.
  2. Outlaw's Den is a good idea. Legacy level 2 perk that costs a measly 50k, instant trasport there and can port back to the fleet. What this really boils down to is grandstanding, similiar to the people that are desirous of attention on the fleet, so they stand atop the GTN or any other notable object to garner the aformentioned. Plenty of places to duel in the game, the fleet is wanted for a reason.
  3. That's your problem, not the problem. Allowing duels on the fleet would do far more damage than it's worth. If you're able to looks at things objectively and not from a personal viewpoint, you know exactly why they're not allowed on the fleet.
  4. If you want to duel, leave the fleet, problem solved. There are multiple reasons why this has never been implemented and never will be, EAWare made the correct decision. Nothing wrong in asking and bringing awareness to it though.
  5. You can disagree all you want, this is how they're handling things. The fact this transition was leaked from another site before it was announced here should tell you all you need to know, at least someone with an iota of commmon sense should understand that. At this point, anything pertaining to this company, you and everyone here, should take with a grain of salt, it's all PR, in other words, trying to salvage what is left and hope for miraculous recovery. The player base is in the 'need to know' category now more than ever, and it's not changing, deal with it.
  6. You're not going to get an argument out of me. I know this game's history and nothing they do suprises me. I'm often very critical of the choices that are made here and it is the reason this game is where it is to this day. The time difference is one thing, which I can understand, I'm not getting up in the middle of the night to flip a switch or whatever the transition entails, but choosing this specific day, a holiday, has to baffle one's mind. As I mentioned previously in a sarcastic post, might as well push future updates on Christmas and New Year's as well. This is their M.O.
  7. ^ That is what it boils down to. I played FF14 for awhile and living in the United States, I knew what I was getting myself into when it came to downtimes. This is an oversight regarding the France holiday, but considering the downtime in the U.S. is going to be roughly 5am PST and 8am EST, that fits into a normal work day in America.
  8. No question it's pride, they want our opinions pertaining to this game and rarely take any of our feedback seriously. There's a difference in knowing how to develop a game and what is in the best interest of the game and its players. Even in WoW, the devs listen to player feedback when it comes to balancing classes, just since Dragonflight released, they've done numerous class changes. Even Yoshi over at SE, listened to our feedback. I don't think some of us expect that from this company, especially at this stage of the game, but I've been here since launch, I've watched this game balloon to over 200 servers after launch to where it is today, there is no reason a Star Wars MMO should be sitting where this one currently sits in the MMO genre. ESO just released another expansion and it's gotten very good reviews, WoW, GW2 is due to release another expansion later this month, including the release of their highly coveted Skyscale mount, which in the past could take weeks to earn, they're throwing that into the expansion, those companies listen to their players. This company rarely has, and this is the result.
  9. That's the whole point of any MMO, is to slow you down and keep you subbed up. Whether it's the credits, traveling, you name it. The name of the game is making money. Unfortunately for this company, even though they've had a decent run, this game shouldn't be down to a handful of servers and being passed off to a company whose claim to fame is nothing more than a phone app in today's world. Whether you like this decision or not, one thing this company has proven over the years, they don't give a sht about our opinions.
  10. Unless the quick travel price is removed or drastically lowered, the change will matter very little, notably for new players, who the team should be concerned with as much as anyone. Currently it's still cheaper to use the transports, or circumvent the cost altogether by porting to your SH, soft log, log back in, then return to the area, which puts you at the starting point of the zone or planet.
  11. Great choice team, on a holiday in France. Should probably push further updates on Christmas and New Years while you're at it. One step forward, three steps back. Did anyone really think this wasn't how it was going to go... lol Different name, same results.
  12. I played 14 for awhile, other than the combat being really slow early on, notably with their 2.5 GCD on all abilities, the story was just as good as the story here, subjective of course. Later on after ARR you do start to learn abilities which are your instant abilities that can be woven in between the GCD. I'll probably wind up checking out the latest expansion. SE, ANet, Blizz, Zenimax, etc... Those are companies this game's owners should have learned from over the last few years. As a Star Wars MMO, there is no reason this game should be where it currently sits. The core game is still good, end game is good, story is good, combat animations are very good, when you have all that and there is still a problem, look no further than management and how things are run. Kudos to 14, not only for being able to recover from their disastrous launch, but they're still going very strong.
  13. I'm telling you from first hand experience, your previous assumption is not how this works when it comes to the use of forum accounts. I'm not getting this information from someone that has stated something, so once again, unless you can provide proof, it's your assumption, and I'm sure you're familiar with the adage regarding assumptions. Pertaining to your last statement, you've already provided your advice regarding the green gear that is being used, why you felt it necessary to come in and make assumptions by quoting me wasn't puzzling at all, I expected it after reading your previous posts on the forums, nonetheless... You assumed first, that the person doesn't have access to a second spec, then when that assumption didn't fly, you changed it to the person may not have chosen a stealth spec, those goalposts keep moving. So again, at this point, you're only here to argue. You offered your advice when it comes to the green gear the person admitted to using, and I offered a common method of pulling, in addition the use of a stealth spec. None of this should be hard to figure out.
  14. It was general advice not pertaining to any specific character the individual is using. I'll spell it out if for you, if on that character a second combat choice has already been made and that is not stealth, then for future reference make a different choice. Anyone not choosing a stealth class for their second option is making their gaming experience unnecessarily more arduous. At this point, you're only here to argue with people, which reading your recent posts, which are littered everywhere on recent topics, that is your modus operandi. Still awaiting the information from you pertaining to how accounts work on the forums.
  15. Provide some verification and not your assumption, because that's never been the way it's worked on my end. Same thing you're assuming that someone doesn't have access to a second combat style.
  16. Can't post on the forums without a sub genius. lol The caveat being if you recently canceled your sub and haven't cleared your cookies or logged off the forums. You really should learn some basics prior to posting and correcting most everyone.
  17. Get yourself a stealth spec as your second combat choice, it's going to make your life a lot easier in the open world and group content. If you come across a tough area, CC the elite and pull the mobs away from the area, preferably LOS them so they all come at you as a group.
  18. My statement was more hyperbolic and humor due to their odd decision to make Lana look like a junkie, but okay. lol At this point in this game's tenure, I wouldn't expect anything to be accomplished other than tidying up a few things that have already been started.
  19. If their goal was to make Lana look like an addict that's been up for two weeks with her pale skin and red eyes, mission accomplished. lol Her default appearance wasn't the best idea. More customizations for companions is always a good thing.
  20. I do believe you're right, the frag cap was increased. It would be in the best interest of this company to listen to the players more, whether we all agree on something unanimously or not, or this game wouldn't be where it currently sits.
  21. I think I can somewhat decipher what you're getting at, nonetheless, it's a pointless discussion. The most basic of concepts these developers have yet to figure out, is exactly why this game is where it's at to this day. They have not, do not, nor will they ever listen to their customers. You take games such as FF14, GW2, WoW, ESO, the list goes on and on, all games released around or before this one and their populations are very healthy. Increasing the frag cap or including an additional option on current usable vendors, even one such as the repair droid is a good idea. Again though, this is a futile discussion, this entire subforum is a borderline waste of resources, EAWare, now EASword will not listen.
  22. Nor will you find a link that an official transition has taken place, that isn't how this works, notably with such a small company as this. The name change under the employee's names is all you need to know and will probably ever know. It's not their responsibility to keep the customer base in the loop when it comes to internal operations. The only thing the customers needs to know is what the direction of this game is and where it currently stands. Now, I could tell you the sky is blue and it's your choice not to believe it.
  23. The transition has already occured, about the only thing that's probably left are the small details. I've worked for large corporations in the past, and anytime a company is absorbed or merged, the name is immediately changed to reflect that change, notably from employees, whether it's your email, business cards, name on your desk, you name it. I wouldn't expect to read any pertinent information regarding the future of this game other than what's already been developed, mentioned or what they're finishing up. The old adage of, 'no news is good news' doesn't apply to most things in today's world, especially with how we've evolved in the communications field.
  24. Hey, thanks for sharing the obvious and elaborating on what I stated to begin with. The developers lack of vision and willingness to work with their own players is exactly why this game is where it's at to this day. A 'good history' is an interesting way of putting things. Going off your point of view regarding your last statement, why put anything in game if it's only going to become useless, great outlook, again, this is why this game is down to a few servers, people such as yourself that cannot understand the most basic of concepts. Granted, the responsibility ultimately falls on the player for not emptying their inventory, but at this point, these developers should be doing anything possible to salvage what's left of this game, if that's adding a tech vendor or using an existing vendor, you do it.
  25. When the tech frag system was first implemented, what four years ago, whatever it was, we asked them to increase the cap total. I don't recall them ever responding, remember, this is EAWare, or EASword now, they know everything and the customer base is clueless. lol Having a portable vendor would work though, make it cost CC, or put it in the Legacy options.
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