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Everything posted by Dropadeuce

  1. Dost thou even joust, Bro?
  2. Your cpu is definitely a huge bottleneck for you.
  3. No instabilities. Bootccamp simply allows you do boot into a Windows operating system. Apple computers have the exact same hardware as pc's. Booting into windows will mean you are running a pc with an Apple logo on the box.
  4. If the old router is still working, then there is no need to buy a new one. A new router will not help your internet speed. Your game play will still be the same. In my opinion, you are wasting your money.
  5. OP, you need to realize SWTOR is not a gay parade. There is no reason why you can't keep that to yourself in a computer game.
  6. You want this game to boom in the f2p section? And how will BW pay their employees to provide you with an all inclusive free to play experience? With Cartel coins?
  7. I have similar specs and I'm running fine. Just make sure your graphics drivers are updated, turn off shadows and bloom. Turn off AA in game and let your catalist control center control AA..
  8. Anyone have one of those dreams where you're trying to read something but it doesn't quite make sense?
  9. They get broken up over 10 bucks because its probably a 15 year old who had to work the hardest he's ever worked in his entire life by mowing the lawn once to earn the 10 bucks.
  10. OP, you keep staring alts. Focus on one character and you will hit 55.
  11. Your incredibly revealing screen shot shows nothing. It's not an exploit you dolt. Jealousy perhaps?
  12. I comprehended what you said perfectly fine. The problem I have with you people is that you choose to play a MMO and come to the forums to demand single player content because you view anything that requires a group, shall I say in your words, "nearly impossible". Please, if you would, sign up for my beta. I promise you that you wont have to find a group to push the big red button. It will still be a MMO but everyone will be able to solo everything. It will be free to play too. Like i said, instant success.
  13. I'm going to design a game for some of you people. It goes like this. You basically walk into a room and there will be a big red button on the wall. There will be lettering on the big red button that reads "Give me MOAR". So you basically push this big red button and all this loot will fall at your feet. i mean, you wont even have to walk to the other side of the room to get the loot. It just falls at your feet. How sweat is that. I think the game will be an instant success.
  14. For the love of God, step out of your front door if you want to experience day and night.
  15. The gun can be found http://coolspotters.com/health-beauty/remington-keratin-therapy-blow-dryer here.
  16. Sounds like you need to work out your issue of deleting your characters. Until then, there isn't anything anyone can do for you.
  17. I switched out my athlon x2 for a phenom x4 black edition and gave it a slight overclock. I noticed a huge difference in game playability. If your motherboard has the ACC option, then get this and unlock it to 4 cores from your motherboard bios. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103680&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&PageSize=10&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&IsFeedbackTab=true#scrollFullInfo
  18. Go to amd.com and download your updated drivers for your video card if you haven't done it yet. This has greatly improved my frames since i haven't updated my drivers since launch. Also, running windows 7 over XP or vista improved my game play too.
  19. This would be a pretty good thread to read if all the op's replies were deleted. Hurry, someone make an MMO that has a giant room with a big red button to push for whenever you want something for nothing.
  20. Seriously, whats wrong with you people? YOU chose to buy a mac. Dual boot windows or quit your crying. Did a turtle neck sweater come with your kool aid machine?
  21. So, the Op is asking for a free'er ftp model? lol.
  22. Turncoat armor? More like a high school janitor uniform. My God Bioware! Where has your creativity gone? I'm sure you will reskin this garbage armor set and put it into another future pack. Instead of looking towards fan art for inspiration, the devs simply went to walmart.
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