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Everything posted by Dropadeuce

  1. A more appropriate word to replace the red is "entitled".
  2. OP, your cpu will overclock past 4ghz and be more useful when using this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099 You will see more improvement by doing this. Your video card is a bit dated but it should be fine as long as you turned off shadows, bloom, and aliasing, experiment with the other graphic settings. Also, download and install this important direct x update that most people miss. It made a difference for me. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 Your 8 gigs of ddr2 is fine.
  3. For Gods sake, you can play 8 different stories for free. A much better value than a kotor3.
  4. Because he wont fit in taking his pc to starbucks while wearing a turtle neck sweater.
  5. The answer to the O.p.'s question " what can I do to make SWTOR run faster" is to buy it faster shoes. Nike's perhaps.
  6. Will he be able to play swtor? Yes. Will he be happy? No.
  7. OP. adding ram will not improve frames. For gaming, your cpu AND graphics adapter are weak. Since you play on a laptop, you're stuck with what you have.
  8. You should petition your president for an EBT gaming card.
  9. Do you have to know the story behind every McDonalds cashier you meet? Do you have to know the continuing saga with the black guy who opened the door for you at the gas station? Take it as it is. You met a Darth and you went on your merry way.
  10. Turn off bloom. Turn off shadows. And turn off class symbols under nameplates. Turn down grass and tree quality. Then install the direct x 9 update at http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/4/A/84A35BF1-DAFE-4AE8-82AF-AD2AE20B6B14/directx_Jun2010_redist.exe . Make sure you have the latest AMD driver installed.
  11. Your reply was difficult to read. Happy key binding. I'll continue clicking.
  12. Your comparison between a video game and a doctor shows your maturity level and possibly your age.
  13. I have a pro tip for you. Mind your own business and worry about your self.
  14. You are the reason why a game is lost at huttball.
  15. Bioware will start allowing game time to be purchased with in game credits as soon as they are able to pay their employees with cartel coins.
  16. I hate it break it to you but it sounds like playing MMO's isnt your thing. If you're into cosmetics, you should try Barbie's Hair Salon on the Nintendo DS. Also, you just stated the cosmetics are as huge as stats but only want to be able to grind for cosmetics in the game. Riggggghhhhhtttttt. See, there is reputation gear for that. You can also buy a plethora of shells on the GTN if grinding for credits isn't too much for you either. But wait, there's more. You also get basic and classic coms for completing dailies if that grind isn't too much for you.
  17. You are complaining about the mechanics of an MMO. What do you think the reward of completing OPs and flash points should be? New pets?
  18. Ya, I agree. I'm tired of having to work for my gear. I should just be able to log in and instantly have new gear in my inventory. I don't even want to leave fleet.
  19. This thread is proof new MMO'ers are ruining mmos.
  20. Doing something for yourself is for fools.
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