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Everything posted by Azzras

  1. And everyone knows that BW said 1.2 is all there will be for the legacy system. They definitely didn't say that they will be expanding it further over the months to come.
  2. That's funny considering none of those sites actually collect player count...they only collect server status. They all even state this. (And I imagine my server goes single digits around 4am on a weekday also. )
  3. No MMO in history has launched with an LFG tool. I suggest staying away from MMO launches if it's that important to you, including GW2 as it will not have an LFG tool either.
  4. No game in history has ever launched with an LFG tool. Tell your friends if it means that much to them to stay clear of all MMO launches, including GW2 as it will not have an LFG either.
  5. Why do you want people to cancel? Are you paid to persuade us to quit a game we enjoy?
  6. Looking at the server status right now for NA and EU...looks fine to me.
  7. You know, it probably only took about a day of an underlings time to make those vids. It's not like it's hard to make them. I am saddened by so many peoples lack of humor and over abundance of self entitlement.
  8. Posts like this make me realize there is absolutely nothing BW can do to please some people.
  9. If you're bored, play another game for a few days. Don't burn yourself out, m8...everything gets boring after a while. Change up your life routine for a bit...watch a movie, read a book, play another game like Prototype or Uncharted, go outside and enjoy the nice weather. Enjoy life.
  10. 1.2 addresses this iirc.
  11. In 1.2, players that AFK will not receive any rewards if they do not participate. There will also be a kick feature.
  12. Another case of "My server is dead, so all other ones must be also."
  13. Heh, and all the major players are still here. How goes it, Thoop?
  14. Is it sad that I kind of wish this was real?
  15. Has WoW fixed the blink bug? Google wow dragon soul bugs
  16. Most of the red instances are either caves or rooms. Not really much to see in them without a quest...
  17. I keep pointing this out...no game in history has launched with an LFG tool for PvE. Upcoming new MMOs will not have it either...ie GW2, etc. One is coming to SWTOR, but I don't think it's fair to hold them on a higher pedestal than you would every other game ever launched.
  18. SWTOR launched with a PvP LFG...and GW2 will not have a PvE LFG...the time is not yet over if you consider an LFG tool to be in your list.
  19. We were talking about Tera there, but even Rift launched without this tool. The reason I keep stressing that NO game in history has launched with an LFG tool for PvE is, in my own way, an attempt to calm some people about SWTOR not having one yet. NO OTHER MMO EVER LAUNCHED WITH ONE...EVER. An automated LFG tool is coming to SWTOR. How it will work and when I do not know, but it has been confirmed. I know this isn't exactly about xserver, but I hope it helps ease some people's minds.
  20. I disagree. They had a full year without the feature in their game. We could say the same about SWTOR if it launched in other regions by this logic. And SWTOR will have one soon.
  21. Did the OP ever list what these 'biggest issues' are that need addressing?
  22. No level cap increase in 1.2. That will probably occur in an xpac which I would guess is a year+ from now.
  23. 1.2 will not be live until sometime after PAX East, which will be April 6-8. I don't know how much longer, but it is confirmed to be after this date by Bioware. Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=385975 Google PAX East
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