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Everything posted by Azzras

  1. Except I'm not on one of those fabled servers. I'm on an average standard server. Nothing special about it at all.
  2. Why would it be? If you are on such a low pop server as some claim to be, doesn't that mean there is no one there...thus no one paying...thus why would they care?
  3. While it would be neat, it would also leave a lot of other classes out. The QQ would be glorious.
  4. I would think it's easier to add things to end-game than it is to revamp lvls 1-50. Thus, I have to agree with OP in that SWTOR really does begin at lvl 1. My own humble opinion.
  5. I don't think the OP's post was a rant at all. I would also like to see minigames in SWTOR. The trooper has one on the starting world. Sadly, you can only do it once. Edit: OP proves me wrong latter about rant.
  6. While you do have a right to ignore anyone you wish, I don't understand why in this case. I thought both of you were having a nice civil debate. I can understand /ignoring some of the posters here, but I'm a bit confused on this one. To each their own.
  7. What are your views on this poster who intentionally falsified a statement by SR just to spread doom and gloom? And to clarify again, SR was answering a question regarding the release of patch 1.2...his answer to that was *soon*
  8. New month, same answer. Yes, I will keep my sub until I am no longer having fun. That day has yet to come.
  9. You get DS points and possibly kill the NPCs.
  10. Seems to be addressed in 1.2. There have been no accounts of performance issues that I am aware of on the PTS.
  11. New missions would not really be a 'super secret project' for space combat. I am expecting the worst, but hoping for the best.
  12. I don't think anyone on the PTS, myself included, has experienced any FPS issues. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  13. But when I log into my server, the population is about the same. Proof you say?
  14. Tera has been out for over a year now, it did not have it at launch.
  15. While the credit cost isn't much of an issue, I agree that speeders lack in...well...speeding.
  16. Don't forget the pink butterfly combat animations.
  17. Ugh, I made the mistake of un-hiding your post. (I wish you would stop replying to me, I put you on /ignore at your own request.) But to satisfy your curiosity about my postings: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=309285 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=145844 Now then, I humbly request that you either /ignore me or please stop responding to my posts. Thanks, and I hope you have a wonderful day.
  18. Voss is my favorite. Coruscant is my least favorite by far.
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