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Everything posted by Manathayria

  1. I'm mildly worried about it in this case as well. Case and point (they deactivated this so I think it's ok to post up); CXP from clicking the command interface for the heroics. I thought we all got a 1x bonus for 'discovering' each of the CXP heroics for planets from the command UI. A few days later, that gets disabled and I find out it's an exploit. Now, I did this on one character. I didn't rush others up to do it on them because I assumed it was working as intended so every character ever would get that 'discovery bonus' of CXP. Nope. Exploit. Well FML... now I'm wondering if I'll get reset on her and I'm delaying using any of my schematics from that character because I'm in limbo. I'm not sure if I'm getting punished for making the mistake of thinking it was WAI, or if I'm fine because I did it on one character and there was nothing 'malicious' about my intent with getting click happy there. I get exploits like buying chairs for 1 credit, and reselling for more to the vendor are obvious. I knew way back when that information got out not to do it, bad, exploit. However, in the case of this CXP issue, I'm just not sure and I'm worried about making more mistakes with it. So instead of really playing the new content I'm waiting for more exploits etc to get sealed up. I rather not be the one to discover 'Oops. Bad idea!' and get a reset or ban when it comes down to it.
  2. They could make them BtL from a vendor as well though. It does not need to just be from the character quests. Or make them drop from the alliance crates much like the ones that were on the start at 60s.
  3. I noticed this as well and I didn't believe it was a bug/exploit but would like confirmation. Here's what I found, and it's related to your cxp and command UI. I did my first round of heroics on Tat as a sub 70. Completed all but 1 and saw the command UI had the quest to hit tat heroics and run those again for CXP + CXP for completing the 'weekly' (or whatever it is, I wasn't game enough to test running a 3rd set of tat heroics). None of the heroics granted another round of bonuses. Every repeated heroic I ran did not have a bonus. It looked like I technically would have been better off running a new planet for CXP + the CXP cmd weekly from fleet/command UI. Looks like WAI, but it is not nearly as profitable as running full new heroics or running a full new character through weekly heroics in a group for the bonuses. Edit: Never mind, someone else saw the Dev post, which I had not seen when I was looking through. Good to know. I still think far more profitable to run fresh heroics with cmd UI and weekly/cxp weekly than to repeat because, no bonuses.
  4. Curious about these decorations as well. Would be nice to get a response.
  5. I honestly think people like him that are quitting because 'I don't get this shiny thing because I paid for x and I should be able to!' are already at the stage that they're going to quit anyway. They just feel they need to scream and pitch a fit about why they finally found an excuse to walk away. If you're going to quit, at least be honest with yourself on the real reason you're quitting. You're not interested in the game anymore. You're not interested in the content you haven't already done (IE: Those stories you tried skipping over by buying tokens) and you've found something else that's holding your interest. I roleplay, I have a lot of fun with it and have since launch - I know exactly why I'm here. When I start questioning that and decide I don't like the game anymore - I'll quietly pack my things and go. The place to leave the feedback that matters and that those who handle subs may care is the comments section they give you when you drop subscription.
  6. Yes, actually I do know what I'm talking about. I have legendary status. Where that presence boost comes from is from when you complete all the companion stories associated with the class story for getting legendary status. Which is 10 pres per companion story you finished (can only be finished once per actual companion, so doing 50 smugglers would still only give 10 pres if you only completed corso's storyline). A total of 400 presence IF you do all of the companion stories. You can get those completed without legendary status as well. There is no noticable difference between the pres on the two accounts I run other than what I am missing from the pub stories between legendary and non-legendary legacies . None. Zip. Zero. If there is any presence bonus beyond that which is not listed under the achievement for getting legendary within the game - it is negligible. Having legendary status does NOT make you a better player. In many cases, it just means you got really friendly with the space bar on the stories you hated. So again, getting the little skittle next to your name really does mean nothing. I've still met a lot of bad players with 'legendary' because they don't understand mechanics and/or rushed through and don't understand that not all troopers etc are able to taunt. I strongly suspect that what they referred to with the 'presence bonus' for legendary players refers to the bonus from completing companion stories. Regardless. No reason to let people buy into having a tiny bling that really doesn't mean anything. You can complete the stories easily and with the xp armor in game now there's no real reason not to just go through the ones you're missing as a subscriber because it'll be pure profit. That xp armor + your companion can carry you to victory and higher levels without any issues on the stories you may be missing. Edit: Also, that presence bonus means **** for raids and (most) group content. So it is not that big an advantage. it will not help with doing end game in the vast majority of cases.
  7. No. You can have the shiney yellow pee dot next to your character name and not have the boosts from the companions. Completing chapter 3 to get the bling has nothing to do with finishing all companion stories so that you get the presence boost for the companion stats. It's not even bragging rights. I've seen a few 'Legendary' players who will make comments like 'But you're a trooper, you can taunt, you need to tank this'. This, said to a commando in my group by another dps. Vanguard are tanks, commandos are dps or heals, and that 'legendary' player never learned that and was confused when the group corrected them, and they wanted to argue with the rest of us about the 'tank' and why we were wrong. Because his Vanguard could tank. As to the OP saying that they saw nothing about it from BW until 3/16, we had discussions about it in multiple locations to include the SWTOR forums - and in multiple threads on the SWTOR forums prior to that. It was also on the swtor reddit about this exact 'issue' with the tokens not granting legendary status. Their FAQ for the tokens was updated in well under a month (if not right out of the gate) on the EA help support site about them not granting legendary status. It was very clear it was a bug that it was giving some players legendary status, and was very clearly stated on multiple forums discussing the game as well as on the official forums that it was a bug and not WAI and that it would be fixed either to prevent future applications of it - or to remove old glitches that granted the status.
  8. So... about those servers being fixed. Who gave the server hamsters decaf dammit!? Someone has to pay!
  9. I'm actually in one of the guilds that pushes conquest pretty hard. We're already up to 2mil (not near the 6mil this guy mentioned yet) but we're pushing. We don't do it as primary along with some raiding, It's not enforced as a conquest guild but I can generally tell who isn't active/is an inactive alt for the week by if they have any conquest points or not (pvp/group finder etc will generally mean you end up with at least some). As for crafting weeks - it's a guild event and planned for months heading up to - as many guilds that do this are aware. It's easy for a guild that's determined to pool those resources together. Looking in the guild bank we have multiple maxed out stacks of the high end crafting materials, both assembled to put together into war supplies, and raw waiting to be put together into attachments for them.
  10. If I know I qualify for it (HK companion, the 1k CC) I push a bit more, but in this case I saw the flash for it once on logging in and then it vanished. I'm not sure if bug or I was meant to see it or what so I won't push hard for it. In the case of rewards I subbed specifically to get I will push and kick up a fit. I don't excuse bad CS when I know I'm suppose to get something, but I do understand brief computer glitches or the chance that it may have been because I logged onto an alt account before and it pulled old/bad information prior to that login. CC I'm not entirely sure about if I was meant to get or not, that I won't throw a spaz over. However, bad business with passing me over on something major that can't be acquired otherwise I will.
  11. We have about 10 active - and most don't craft. right out the gate we were at 1.5mil from precrafting. Each individual invasion force is 250 + 1k for a part, 1 time per legacy is 4k + SH bonus. Your math is a little wonky but if someone has all 6 companions crafting each part for the invasion force that's 5x6 @ 1k / 250 each craft. Which means approximately 46.8k per character crafting full forces (assuming my math is not off for the repeatable ones with adding the 125% bonus in) Assuming you are precrafting with each character that can craft... that is a lot of points a handful of determined players can throw in.
  12. I've previously xled my sub - why I'm curious about it is because I think I saw the promo show up for about a day, then vanish. Very possible it was a glitch so I'm curious and would love for someone to check into it like the OP is asking. I also know a few other people who have been steady subs who did receive the promo. I'm not going to stress it if I don't get it, it's not going to cause me to suddenly unsub or anything silly. Figure it's worth asking if I can get them/was eligible and to try getting some details since this was targeted and I did see the add (however briefly), and if not, oh well, life goes on.
  13. I'm guessing they mean on the items for unlocking more character slots when they say that. I noticed it too. I also checked this on my account. I am now at 41 character slots available. So yes, it is correct that you can get up to 50 characters unlocked per server. No, they did not update the item for unlocking character slots in game. Not sure when they will.
  14. Here's the issue with the 224 dps/heal one you get. It procs crit. if you are augmented out fully on a healer so that you have your 38-40% crit you will not need that crit/power proc from that relic (it's a split of 412 or 414 if I remember right for both). That means half of that proc is wasted because it'll be just more crit that you really 'shouldn't need'. If you are still gearing and not yet fully augmented it may be useful for a short time but I suggest using seren/focused retri. Even if it's the pvp versions if you are augmented those two will be better stat wise than the 224 KoTFE reward. Even the PvP relics if you are looking at seren/focused retri as your two will proc power/main stat which makes them a better choice to run than that 224 from KoTFe (speaking only to dps and heals on this, not the tanks).
  15. This is true, but if it is the difference between a healer dying because a little threat is transferred from them, or the healer living because the tank is pulling that slight amount of threat off the healer it is worth it to guard the healer. Remember, it is not just the main target that single target melee is attacking that the tank may need to hold, there may be other targets the melee is not hitting that the tank is getting threat off the healer for. Situational and being aware of who is pulling threat and where determines which you need to guard.
  16. Like posters above, haven't dropped sub in a year, knew about the promotion and it seemed like it was one of the ones for 'sub by x date get x reward' but nothing for me yet. Can anyone look into this for me and let me know what's going on?
  17. Fixed so existing characters count for one of the newer achievements.
  18. The number they're giving is total you can have active as F2P/Pref/Sub. If you drop from sub to pref you will be capped at their max possible for your purchased slots until you become a subscriber again. So you are capped at 26 until you subscribe again. They only upped these caps because of the event, to me it's a happy side effect that ups what my account can have whenever I decide to drop sub again. For those that believed we were getting free slots.... I assumed it would be upping the total possible (so I would need to buy more slots). Not sure why people interpreted that right away as 'OMG I get to go up to that many?! I get them FREE?!', yes it was ambiguous language, but I did't think they needed to tell you 'This is what your maximum possible purchased slots is, your base number will remain the same.'
  19. The crystals can be unlocked to other characters by putting them into bind to legacy gear, pull the crystal when it gets to the next character then place the crystal back into the BTL weapon. For that server/legacy you can unlock the crystals for multiple characters for credits on that legacy/server. Any others servers you get them on you will need to unlock with CC to get on your main server. As for armor sets, yes, if you want to get the full sets unlocked to collections, you will need to either buy the last of the set or hang onto those pieces on that character if you want to eventually try unlocking them and see those sets up when you have the credits. I suggest once you've got all the achievements you expect to you start looking into buying the rest of those sets. It does suck that these are not going to let you unlock fully for account (or pick which character gets each of the armor sets rather than needing to buy the unlock - if you even get the full set etc), but they are giving us a shot at getting sets that otherwise we might not get for free. If there's any chance that I'll get the full set for 'free' and then be able to unlock it - I'll jump on that for some of the ones I'm missing. Personally I'm grinding for the guaranteed rewards, and hopeful I'll pull some that are not. Keep in mind some of these sets are high demand ones that are going for 50mil+ on some servers (just the top to one of the revan sets on my server is 50mil~ unboxed, the rest of the set would drive it up over 100mil. I'm get that you dislike having to pay, and I'm not 100% thrilled with the way the armors are random on dropping and not 'full' sets so I'm not fully happy with the boxes. I totally get that you're unhappy with them. However it does give a small chance at getting some of those high demand sets.
  20. I'm just going to zero into this one. They also significantly decreased the actual credit drops (even though they are now based on level) so you're still not getting nearly as much as before if you farmed mobs for raw credits.
  21. I think it was common knowledge. What is not is when you look at the sets dropped from the event when you open the box... it does not show the armor as able to be unlocked. When equipped it does not count toward the collection on the character that equips it. I thought that was part of what they were going to do with this event. if it is not I wish they would have posted something to that effect on the site.
  22. I'm still not happy about the LvsD packs not showing that they can be unlocked
  23. Cannot unlock through collections - partial armor sets as well. I pulled the seeker top. Awesome. Thought this would be this epic thing that I could just giggle happily over and run around after getting to pay to unlock the chance item I got on the event. Nope. Bind on pickup, does not unlock to collections, does not show how many to the collections set on the armor pieces you get for the 'sets'. So whichever character you do the event with - I hope you plan on keeping it if you want the benefit of those crate armors. Tomorrow I will be posting screenshots of the **** I pulled from the crate and about the run down of what I've seen on live for the event. I had been looking forward to it and considering doing the LvD event on more than one server to get some unlocks and run with the event, but now it is a lot more of a side line than the main event like it was before. I will likely do just enough to get the full titles etc that are guaranteed for the event on my main server and stop there.
  24. The issue is that when you look at the actual healing capability of some of the 'gold' companions like the warbot is that they are NOT on par for healing and are NOT able to keep up with everything else. That would be why they're asking the ETA on the issue. Those bought and paid for with RL money companions some of us have unlocked for money are not as good as the default ones. People want them all at least on par with the in game ones that are well, not those companions.
  25. I know... I thankfully have a full copy of the (unpatched) SWTOR file on my external hard drive from near 4.0 launch so I can just patch it on either my laptop or second desktop as I play once I get everything going and just clone the damn thing over to my main but this is beyond stupid. I hate bitraider and would really like it if they could launch a patch without issues. I noticed some of those having trouble also have bit raider, so it's not just those of us that wanted to avoid that piece of ****.
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