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Everything posted by Manathayria

  1. I was eyeing that as well. Currently doing a full reinstall because of the issues I was running into (now 4 hours into this crap) and annoyed as all hell that I have to go back to using bitraider rather than just using the retail client. Excuse me while I go sleep as the entire game re downloads and patches. ****! .... >_<! No.
  2. Agreed with this. Statue of the Ancient Slave is currently 120mil (and rising) in price on the GTN because the only guy selling it realises he is probably the only one that's seen the drop in a while. I have yet to see any others up. I would love it if we got a few things; More decos from reputations, both from prefabs and from common data crystals etc. More decorations from flashpoints; Both new ones added and the current ones having their drop rate increased from the current abysmal rates. More decorations from the CDC vendor itself. The themed ones we have are pretty cool, but I would love more themed ones and more themes added. Add decorations for GSF. Give the veteran GSF pilots that have nothing left to spend ship req on something more to spend their ship and fleet req on. Bind on pickup or learned just through spending the ship req (require that the ship be mastered before you can buy any decos connected to the ship PLEASE), or give us decos for GSF unlocked through achievements.
  3. This all right here makes sense. My legacy name is the same as my boyfriend's (I think at one time it wasn't fully unique so he was able to pick it as well). It's rare we see someone with a duplicate legacy name and honestly, we like that other people can see our legacy name in guild. We know people can see it and we're fine with it because it tells them who's alts are which - yes, even other members. If there's an issue with harassment I have zero issue bringing it to EA/Bioware's attention and not only will I report every time any person tries to stalk me in game, but I will throw them on ignore every single time they show up. No one is going to ruin my gaming experience, least of all some stalker troll. The legacy names showing makes it harder for the stalker trolls to hide if they're in guild, because I know EXACTLY who they are, just like they know my ones in guild - they can't hide from me and give me a stronger case for when I report them if they're in the same guild. I have no understanding for people that don't report when there's an issue with someone harassing/stalking them in game. You should not only be reporting, but report/ignore and let anyone in your guild that's relevant know who it is. The fact the Legacy name is now visible, makes it much much easier to track the person initiating the harassment, not just the player being stalked. It means if someone moves off server and back to get a cheap name change because they done ****ed up in a guild and want to go back at it, the guild leader can see that legacy name and remove them despite that changed legacy name. That all said, I would be all for letting players (or leaders within the guild) have the choice of only GM can see legacy name, only officers, etc. I would agree with having the choice to disable it, but I see no reason to suddenly quit a guild because I can't hide which alt I'm on anymore due to the legacy name.
  4. If the person has been referred, dropped subscription for the full 90 days and then resubscribed and used your link, they will not grant that initial 500cc. The 500cc only grants to the very first person to refer them for the lifetime of their account. I am unsure if this is a glitch or working as intended, however when my partner did not get the 500cc for referring me we did manage to get it granted correctly later on through a ticket. Also, if you have someone use your link who then contests it (IE: I didn't mean to use that person's link, here's their link, I clicked it in error, it should have been this one) they will delete/remove the referral from your account. In a case like this, you'll keep the CC you earned from the referral but you will not benefit from them being subscribed anymore. That I am aware of in this case unless you maliciously forced the raf through - referral links can be edited to force an 'accept' - no action will be taken against your account.
  5. All expansions, all KoTFE chapters (until you drop sub again). If and when you drop sub again you will not get any new KoTFE chapters, but you will keep all current content.
  6. Only subscribers that were subscribed last summer got him. At this stage he is not granted to anyone who was not subbed by the 'subscribe by' date. The only reason we were given the 'call early' option was apparently because they were not clear that he was not going to be available right away and people threw a fit when they realised he was actually gated behind KoTFE chapters at the time. He is not in the CM and I doubt he will be added. I heard rumors he might eventually be added, but there's no confirmation on it and I believe it was wishful thinking on the part of those that started the rumor. Also, my Nico's first comment; "Shh. Got a headache you wouldn't believe."
  7. Right up until enough people get tired of that **** and start to ignore so you can run into being squelched as well. (One can only hope... I get so tired of that madness as well).
  8. I that 6mil comment is a gross exaggeration. I've seen people offer 10-20k~ for helping form guilds however because they recognize the people helping them are using time they could be doing other things in. Personally I've got a few unguilded instant 60s on secondary accounts which I step onto when asked to help form up guilds when I'm not too busy. Do I like it when I get tipped for doing this? Hell yes I do. I don't expect it, but it's always nice. Is it within my rights to ask for a tip if I'm going to extra lengths/taking time out of my time in game to help you? Yes. Yes it is. I don't ask for tips myself, but other players might and it is within their rights to ask for compensation for the time they're spending especially if they are not planning on staying and are just helping you out. I noticed your comment 'I ain't a nice guy myself'. Here's a thought for you; if you are finding you're getting consistently negative reactions to you and are not getting the help etc you want/need... Look at your own actions. When was the last time you chose to be a part of that caring community that's working as a team? When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone even knowing you didn't need to help, and that help you gave was not self serving in any way? I tend to help people and I've found I generally get a positive reaction in general chat. I'm not always the nicest person, but I try and I'm aware of my faults. I try to help when I can and make it a point on occasion to go out of my way to help others.
  9. They stated multi boxing is fine. If it's one button one action and the computer is key-cloning the action to the second account it's fine as long as one button press = one action for the two accounts. They even stated that this applies for programmable mice and keyboards. Looping macros are a no-go same as scripts. That... is exactly what I always do. It's easier than dicking with trying to make the second account do anything, and everything I've found for true multiboxing on SWTOR sees the second account slowly drifting farther and farther off course. Much easier to set it to follow and forget until I need it to loot something in a heroic. What is described by the OP with them all synced and doing the exact same motions repeatedly in time with each other etc - that sounds like a script that they're running that is also cloning the actions to their multiboxes. The script is probably a simple looping script that's going across all of their games - it is the script that is against ToS and is a problem. This does not sound like the different accounts are being manually controlled. Also keep in mind the way it's being done - they can set and forget a script like this to simply level those characters to make them farmers for later levels because of level sync. That, is a problem... As for 'bots can't do combat'.... there are bots that are set up to farm mobs that are sophisticated enough to run heroics etc - the people saying 'it can't be done they can only farm nodes blah blah.... yes they can. There were bots back when Diablo 1 was first out that could read the screen/computer's memory and determine quality of the items the bots picked up and drop all but perfects, and could sweep through leveling. I imagine those bots have only gotten more sophisticated over time. Anyone saying 'they can't do combat' isn't really aware of how advanced the farmers are or what EA/Bioware is having to deal with trying to ban and find fixes to block.
  10. I agree with you on that. Also; the tokens in WoW can't be bought without a sub, because you need to sub to access and grind the high level content needed to get enough for a token. They are 100% for players that are long term and not for everyone that doesn't have the means to get the credits/gold. No illusions about that. It would be a sink for those with millions/billions sitting in game. The point is not to make it a viable application for everyone. It is a gold/credit sink and would only be purchasable via RL money and a legal alternative for those wanting to buy credits/gold. I could see it being 'buy token, the token then becomes pending on an account page much like character transfers. You then pick which character you want to get it, it applies the token so you have one pending in the CM claims page of a character of your choice' You claim it - then post it up to sell on either a market that picks the cost, or custom cost you pick on the GTN. Something like a subscription token I would 100% expect to be for cash only and not for CC. Wildstar also had a similar token system in play. I believe they actually advertised having the token before WoW added theirs in.
  11. Uh... it lets them have it for in game currency - but the player selling it pays 20$ Normal sub is what? 14$? They(Blizzard) make more off the in game-sold tokens than a direct subscription. After buying it for 20$ you can sell the 20$ token to other players for in game currency. The cost for tokens was determined by the game - not the players in WoW.
  12. At least you only have one of him who you've crushed the hopes and dreams of despite going light side. My sorc has two copies of him.
  13. I've gotten the Rishi Datacron 3x in the last few months. As far as I am aware it is not bugged. The methods to glitch it may still exist but I would caution against using them just incase.
  14. Crew skill she can get free from using someone's refer a friend link - same with unify colors.....
  15. Maybe try LoTRO or DDO. Both are MMOs that have lower reqs than SWTOR. They're 'free to play' up to a point, then you either grind tp or buy modules. In the case of DDO it's not too bad of a grind to earn the TP if you server hop a little and play the different classes etc.
  16. See... this is why I'm torn on 'yes up the cap' and 'it's not needed, why should they up the cap?' Other than passes I never 'needed' anything as a pref player that I couldn't just get through playing the game. Oh, I wanted CM armor etc - but did I really need it? Nope. Credit cap I can get around by getting my subscribing friends to hold credits in a private guild, or passing credits over to them from the multitude of alts I made and bought slots for when I was a subscriber. Credit cap can be bypassed to get most things on GTN if you have paying friends. I knew when I was going to drop subscription too - so buying all the account unlocks prior to was not a big deal for me. I know I could sell more off GTN to other players if there wasn't a cap but... the ones that are determined will bypass the cap via friends anyway so is it needed? This is why I am on the fence about it. Nice to see it lifted/given an unlock to increase credit cap/etc... but not 'needed'.
  17. Try using your hotkeys. F1 - F4 etc. Those will target each member of your party without having to click on portraits. You can also set which keys you want to target players so you could easily change them to shift+1 etc. They just do not allow macros.
  18. That I know of nothing in KoTFE ups your presence at this stage. What will up your pres is completing chapters 1-3 for the class stories on all 8 classes after you complete all companion dialogue.
  19. Zeroing in on this right now. A subscriber looking to drop sub is going to buy the artifact unlocks etc. Those unlocks are not generally going to sell under or at the pref player's credit cap for good reason. Artifact unlock costs 2700 CC from the CM, which, may as well say roughly 20-27$ for the unlock depending on what CC packs you bought. They can definitely sell for 3mil~. That's fairly reasonable because if you make roughly 1mil an hour, if someone has a 10$ an hour job the CC took them about 2 and 1/2 hours of work to 'earn'. The only people currently likely to buy this for credits are subscribers who have dropped sub and have the credits on alts and can trade a friend who they trust and is a subscriber, or a subscriber who is preparing to drop subscription. That is not players 'ruining' the economy. It's players asking for fair payment for their 'work' for getting the CC. I would not sell something that cost me 2k CC+ for 350k. That's asking me to sell an item that is worth 20$+ for not even 30min of doing heroics/farming. It's not overpricing for me to sell an item like this for so much. The 'overpricing' isn't what ruins the economy in this case. It's that the people who dropped sub and would otherwise buy the item cannot afford to buy it at a fair rate from the subscribers. For everything else it's how much people are willing to pay for an item that came from CM is what dictates how much it will sell for. Patience will see you getting the items/unlocks at a decent price in most cases. When I needed unlocks after I went pref I was generally able to contact the sellers via in game mail and get them to let me chain trade them credits from alts, or trade items of 'equal value' to get what I wanted. Barter is alive and well in SWTOR. A subscriber who doesn't need the unlocks but knows there's someone waiting to buy - that is the person who will buy these unlocks. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Would I support a credit cap raise or credit cap purchase? Yes, I think I would. Removal seems like a bad idea but... I can see benefits too even though people even here say they'd drop sub in a heartbeat. It's not the credit cap that keeps me subscribed. I love the game so I support it by subscribing. I want unlimited access to everything, so I subscribe for that as well. Credit cap isn't the only reason to subscribe - there are a lot of other limitations they could keep in place to encourage people to subscribe that are not so limiting on economy and still allow players to get a 'taste' of what P2P players get without making the game so restricting. I'm on the fence with the credit cap too. It'd be nice if they allowed either purchases to up your credit cap for pref players, but with everyone that says 'I'd drop sub if they removed this!' it makes it pretty clear it'd be a Bad Idea for them to sell an unlock that lifted the cap too high or removed it.... However, it'd be good if the cap were either raised enough to allow more unlocks to sell on GTN, or they sold a few credit cap unlocks that allow raising it for a bit of money but don't raise it more than a few mil. The cap being raised would = more from CM being sold for on GTN and a bigger profit for them through the one time unlocks, or weekly passes that are normally sold well out of range for F2P/Pref players. I think if there were direct buy unlocks on the site for the cap, or CM unlocks to make them that high, it'd make sense. For the initial unlock it'd probably still be something they'd need to bypass the credit cap by using a subscribing friend to get the unlocks, or direct buy - but if it were there, it'd sell easily. F2P... I honestly see not much reason to lift theirs beyond 250k unless they luck out and a sub decides to buy them the credit cap unlock to mail to them. Unlike pref they have not invested anything into the game and I'm not as interested in their credit cap issues. Instead of a credit cap raise, maybe give them sprint and mounts a little earlier etc. It's the QoL and basic things for getting through the first 3 chapters that are likely to be better to improve the game for them and get them interested in staying in game. Not raising a credit cap. Other than cosmetics and a few unlocks that are not needed for subscribers, the CM is pretty tame and doesn't have 'pay to win' written all over it in this game.
  20. I get what you're saying - because you can't spend 15mil or w/e on the GTN to buy the CM hypercrate someone else posted, they're 'losing' money from you as a pref player because you can't spend into the game. Here's the thing, hose crates sell at 15mil because there are enough subscribers paying that much to the people selling them. Losing one or two that maybe might buy those items from other players is not a big deal to them. They clearly are not worried about losing a few who are not paying them anymore who may or may not buy the cartel market items. You are not a guaranteed payout for EA. Those subscribers are. The best action you can take if you have a friend you can trust that's a subscriber - get them to deposit credits into a personal guild for you and hold your credits there and get them to buy whatever items you need off and on. That's how I get around it when I know I'm going to stop playing for an extended period but know I'll still be able to log in occasionally. No, it's not ideal but I think others here have made it abundantly clear it is only the credit cap that keeps them subscribing and I have no doubt they are not the minority in the game. Given how easy it is for long term players to eventually find ways to spread out their wealth to get around many of the restrictions over time (especially if not playing often like you said). It'd be nice to see them eased or slacked but there just isnt an incentive for it from EA/BW's point of view or it would have been done already. Capping how much an unlock can be sold for on gtn isn't ever going to make the price go down given the cost of them in CM - they're expensive, especially the account wide unlocks. People would just stop posting them on GTN and set them in trades or require item trades etc for them. It is worth it to keep this in mind; they probably want you to either direct buy those from CM, or expect those unlocks to be something a current subscriber buys and stocks up on while subscribed. I think all the restrictions on their 'free to play' model shows just how much they fought going F2P with this game.
  21. I did the camp as well. It's not effort. It's not a real 'achievement'. Having out camped everyone for them at release wasn't even 'special' to me. Standing around tab targeting and waiting for a spawn was not something enjoyable, fun or anything to be 'proud' of. Downing a hard mode or NIM the first time is something to be proud of. Not camping the three pigs. It is a time sink.
  22. Usually calling is for billing issues only. In game ticket or email are best option
  23. Once I hit level 61 I start circling BT (tactical) social run or find a guide for getting my first companion's affection up and solo it (on tactical mode as well). BT will drop ilvl 200 blues at 61 and all epics from optional and end boss will be 208s - main hand 208 weapon can drop from these two bosses which you can not get from crystal vendor otherwise. Saves crystals for companion gifts, decos, or alliance boxes this way if I want. As everyone else said - heroics through 60 will keep you geared till those become alliance crates.
  24. I'd love being able to just dress the new comps up but I'd go for customizations as well since it'd take a lot of changes otherwise. As for the idea of making all companions except your own take on generic npc looks I'd rather not see that and would much rather more options for player customization. Tons of 'generic' sith etc have a good chance of glitching.... or them just all being same model - bringing us back to the gripe about having so many that're the same npc in one area.
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