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Everything posted by NeonLights

  1. That's exactly part of the problem. The PvP content in this game is severely lacking. That's why people are cancelling. They don't want to grind 3 Warzones all day every day for the chance to get something shiny out of their Champion Bags in order to stay competitive. The PvP in this game sucks and there's barely any PvE content. As it stands, endgame in SWTOR is boring as hell. No wonder why we never saw any of it in testing.
  2. Yeah I can do all the Flashpoints over and over again. Then once or twice a week I can do Eternity Vault.
  3. Space Combat. Already beat all the Starfox missions. Crafting? Everything you get at endgame is WAY better than what can be crafted. 7 other characters? Done a few characters to 50 in Game Testing. When it comes to story I've done it all and seen most of it all (leveled with friends in testing so I've seen a lot of the story on classes I haven't played). Chatting on the fleet with friends? That's what vent is for.
  4. I agree with the OP. We were told there would be a full endgame suite and all we get is one Operation, Hard Mode Flashpoints and three Warzones to grind.
  5. Some kind of dev response would be appreciated. The holidays are over it's time to get back to work.
  6. If Ilum was well designed then why aren't more people engaging in PvP there rather than warzones? Why are people simply trading points instead of I don't know... fighting over them? Oh yeah it's quicker and easier to get gear by working with the enemy than fighting the enemy.
  7. WoW was released in 2004. TOR was released in 2011. The standards have changed.
  8. Yeah that's supposed to be the point of Game Testing. You know, the testing program they had going for like 18 months.
  9. Yeah if you're looking for real open world PvP, Planetside 2 might be worth looking into. Sure it's made by SOE but hey it's worth a shot.
  10. Why would I want to walk through the fire? So I can get chain CC'd into oblivion? No thanks I'll just jump over it.
  11. Ilum sucks. Plain and simple. It's boring, pointless and unrewarding.
  12. When I got repeats I took the purple enhancements and mods and put them into my orange gear until I could replace them with either PvP or PvE gear from bags or Hard Modes/EV. I've gotten three pairs of gloves so far and three helmets. I got the tanking pieces first, then DPS and for the third piece I just took out the mods and put them into my chest piece and pants until I get gear replacements for them. Sure you don't have the expertise but if you get the Armoring mods from daily commendations you can at least gear yourself in all purples.
  13. I was in Game Testing for 5 months or so. I made multiple 50's in testing and saw a majority of the story then. When release finally hit I just rushed my main to 50 since I've already seen it all and done it all. Now I'm stuck twiddling my thumbs between each EV run. All there is to do at endgame are Warzones and Heroics.
  14. So were you in Game Testing at all? I know I was, and everyone was more or less addicted.
  15. Unless they add more to do at level 50 than Warzones and Heroics it's going to decline.
  16. I'm sorry but an MMO released in late 2011 should be comparable to current MMO's in 2011 and not one released in 2004.
  17. The biggest problem with having brackets is that I wouldn't be able to play with my friends who aren't level 50 yet. Bolster worked out really well in testing but as soon as you add Expertise to level 50 gear it gets rid of any balance. Expertise is the problem here. Get rid of it and we'll have balance in warzones.
  18. Bolster works fine levels 1-49. Expertise throws balance out the window when you add level 50's to warzones. Either you get rid of Expertise or you get rid of the 50's in warzones.
  19. 6 years of development, 3 years of marketing hype and 18 months of external testing.
  20. Awesome, not only do people wear the same armor but our lightsabers will be the same color too!
  21. Do not disrespect the uniform given to us by our great Damiyo. You will wear it proudly and you will fight for the Shogunate.
  22. Yeah because we should take away all the rewards that tanks get. It's not like we take half your damage for you. We make you live longer at the expense of our own health.
  23. They've had six years of development and eighteen months of external testing. They've had plenty of time. They also had some of the most experienced developers in the industry working on this game. "The game is only 3 weeks old!" is not a good enough excuse when we are going to be paying subs in just over two weeks.
  24. They've had six years of development and over 18 months of external testing. I think they've had enough time.
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