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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Siita

  1. Torian is such a little boy. I love the Arcann Romance especially because he doesn't go around acting like his past is no big deal. He's truly atoning for his sins not just sorry. He's proactive and always aware that he needs to keep working to achieve goodness and stick to the morally righteous and compassionate path. He doesn't expect to be embraced by the people he's hurt, and has no desire to try and get that, he simply wants to as much as he can to clean up the mess he made.


    I absolutely agree in regard to Arcann and his atonement for his past regressions. I think the devs did an outstanding job of not over or underdoing the sentiment. He's a mature character and the respect that he has for your player character is immense.


    It is also significant to me that Arcann never lists your 'beauty' or other "superficial" attributes as things that he truly admires. It kind of goes without saying. He loves your strength, courage, and wisdom - a deeper love and respect. It is the complete opposite of what my impression of a "Doc" romance is.


    Love your post!

  2. I have, but I haven't played since 2016, so there's a lot of new content for me! My favorite romance has always been Torian.


    I honestly have never done Torian's romance! I need to give that a go :) I was planning on making a new toon to go through the Bounty Hunter storyline once 7.0 hits.


    It is just so hard to go through with other romances now on my female toons knowing that Arcann's romance is out there and is so wonderful lol. You'll love the letters from Arcann. The dev that wrote them deserves numerous accolades - they completely nailed the character <3

  3. Hello there!


    I ran the Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint today in storymode and got two H2-WF Droid Companion requisition drops during that run. Unfortunately, since they are BoP, I couldn't pass the second requisition on to another legacy character. It would be wonderful to be able to pass these companion requisitions on to other characters in our legacy instead of destroying duplicates.


    Thanks for your consideration!

  4. Since SWTOR's ten year anniversary is right around the corner, I made this Arcann tribute video to celebrate my favorite character (and romance). Thought you might enjoy it.



    It is honestly amazing to think that a relationship that was founded on jealousy and mutual dislike ended up turning into one of the most respectful, passionate, and deep romances in the game. It is my personal favorite romance in the game followed closely by the trooper + Jorgan.


    Arcann's VA sent me a tweet today saying that more Arcann content is coming soon. I'm beyond stoked. Here we go! <3

  5. I've seen some interesting remnants of some abandoned Zenith story in the game files. It delves into what the OP asks about. It is an utter shame that it wasn't released. I've been playing the game since launch and Zenith was one of my favorite companions. I wish that he had more content!
  6. I concur! I will forgive the devs for taking so long to return Zenith if they make him recruitable by all of my toons, however. :p


    I'm especially anticipating conversations that might take place between Zenith and Cipher Nine, especially regarding their relationship with Grey Star on Balmorra. So excited for the possibilities!

  7. I'm interested in obtaining the armor set that The Brothers are wearing, specifically the chestpiece.



    I've read in several different places that it is "the same as the Resourceful Renegade set", however I don't believe them to be the same, personally. I'm interested specifically in the hood-up version of the chestpiece that you see on The Brothers NPCs while traveling around Mek-Sha. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/618887137860780052/776472321749680128/amazingoutfit.JPG


    According to the description and corresponding pictures on TORFashion, the Resourceful Renegade has a hood-down chestpiece. Please correct me if I am misinformed.



    I am very interested in obtaining the exact armor set that The Brothers are wearing on Mek-Sha. Thanks!

  8. Yes that's him! It's a shame too because once you've finally earned his trust he shows a more softer side, but by then the class story is over and so are his conversations.


    As for the voice, it's not the voice itself but the speech pattern that helps tell Theron and Zenith apart. Theron speaks normally. Zenith speaks similar to Mordin in Mass Effect. Short and incomplete sentences. More like a computer than a person when he's thinking out loud. It's pretty unique.


    MsEightThree, I completely concur with your assessment of Zenith! He does speak in truncated sentences, more like a computer. I love it! I've been playing the game non-stop since launch and the consular storyline was the first one that I tried out. I immediately formed an affinity for Zenith as he was unique in that he wasn't a cookiecutter lightside companion. Couple in his voice and unique way of speaking with the overwhelmingly beautiful music on Balmorra... I was smitten with both the game and with the companion.


    Everyone is different and has varying preferences, however Zenith is, by far, my favorite companion in the game and I hope that he is brought back to SWTOR in the near future with a story that does him justice <3. Also, as one of the first supporters of Arcann pound town, I fully endorse a Zenith romance upon his return ;).

  9. Hey all!


    I'm on the lookout for a skilled pubside NiM raid team. Currently my team raids imp side and, although we have cleared most NiM content, we only raid a couple of nights a week. I'd love more action and I really miss playing pubside sometimes!


    I am free Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and am proficient in all heal classes but prefer commando. Been playing this game since launch and would love to make some new friends and clear more NiM content!



  10. Arcann is completely delicious. There is something extremely attractive in the thought of going from extreme hatred to passionate love... sparks would definitely fly and this would have the potential to be one of the most interesting relationships yet forged in the game.


    Also, one of my favorite questions from yesterday's live stream had to have been:

    "Devs, when will we be able to take Arcann to pound town?"


    Count me in! Arcann romance pls!

  11. Favorites:

    ~Zenith (should have been the romance option for female Consulars...waaaaayyy underrated companion imho)


    ~Aric Jorgan

    ~Akaavi Spar


    Least Favorite:





    ~Theran Cedrax


  12. Details:


    • Guild:
    MAKE IT SO (Pub side)

    • Role Needed: DPS

    • Classes Preferred: Vanguard, Gunslinger, Sentinel


    MAKE IT SO has been around since 2012 and we are probably the one of the smallest, close-knit, active guilds in the history of the universe. Okay so a slight exaggeration there...


    Due to some real life issues, one of our raid members has had to step away from the game for an unforeseen amount of time. We would like to fill this spot on our HM/NiM raid team with a DPS that can make our raid nights of Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays @ 2030 EST.


    Are we a OMG WORLD FIRST/SERVER FIRST guild? No. Are we consistently clearing more challenging content? Absolutely (7/10 HM in 3.0). Do we like scary murder clowns? Um, who does?


    All joking aside, we are an EXTREMELY small raiding guild that is 100% free of drama, BS, braggarts, know-it-alls, and condescending attitudes. This isn't a guild that recruits level 1s from Tython/Ord Mantell at random... Please keep in mind that attitude and general cohesion with the rest of our team is more important than all else in terms of membership. We would love for you to join our group one raid night to see how we mesh.



    ~All repairs covered by our epic guild bank of doom

    ~Guild ships on both factions (wtb someone to decorate that crap, but that's another story)

    ~An extremely competent Ops Lead

    ~You'd be a part of a close-knit team that crushes its enemies, sees them driven before them, and hears the lamentation of the girly men


    Please PM me if our guild sounds like it might be a good home for you and we can set up a time/date to raid!


    TL;DR: Small, active guild filled with competent players needs a DPS to fill out their HM/NiM guild roster. Also, drugs are bad, mkay?


  13. We are selling Resurrected gear/achievement runs of Ravagers/Temple of Sacrifice on the Shadowlands server for those interested.


    What you get:


    ~ All gear drops (set pieces/mk-2s/relics/implants)

    ~ All decoration drops

    ~ All crafting materials that drop

    ~ All mounts that may drop (mount drops are based upon RNG- not guaranteed)


    The only stipulation is that your toon needs to be level 60! You can partake in the fights if you'd like or you can stuck it and simply watch. We can provide details of mechanics/a walkthrough as well.


    We are 7/10 in HM progression, but our main goal when we raid is to have fun. No egos or bad attitudes.


    If you are interested in getting a toon completely decked out in Resurrected gear, obtaining some achievements before 4.0, or are just looking for a detailed walkthrough of all mechanics, please whisper/email Spalthammer in-game and we can set a date/time.


    Cost (negotiable)


    ~ Ravagers = 5 million

    ~ Temple of Sacrifice = 6 million

    ~ Both = 10 million



  14. The funny thing is how fast this all came on. I was totally into him within 10 minutes or so. So awesome. I am halfway tempted to have him run around shirtless until it is time to get in on some action. So glad that others feel the same way :D
  15. On a shamelessly immature note, has anyone else 'accidentally' forgotten to provide Zenith with armor for his top half? The guy is rocking a washboard. :w_big_grin: I am a firm believer in offering the male companions some kind of shirtless-yet-still-wearing-moddable-armor option like they have for the females (bikinis w/ open mods). I would love to have a shirtless beefcake accompanying me on my adventures.


    /obnoxious girly post

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