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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Siita

  1. I am so hoping that with Arcann we get a proposal/Marriage update, All the other LI's have them. But mostly I want stuff for every LI. I can't play ultimate favorite because each character and Romance is unique.


    Oh my goodness! I'm not a super mushy/gushy person, but if they put a marriage proposal from Arcann into this game that fits his character and isn't over the top, I might die of sheer happiness :D I'd never even thought of that or how it might go down but I am 100% on board with this idea LOL

  2. You know, it has been really wonderful getting to know you all via this Arcann appreciation thread!



    I wanted to let you know that I've created an "Eternal Empire" discord server that is Arcann-centric where we can share our creations and also post and discuss things that aren't appropriate for the official forums. Please DM me for an invitation.



    DM me if you have any questions <3

  3. Oh I can't wait to go through the consular story again for an Arcann romance! It is going to be a blast!


    I recently completed all of the story on a Sith Warrior and, I have to say, it was pretty neat to have her enter a romance with Arcann since they BOTH had been pawns of the Emperor for so long. Crazy to think about and I like to think it was a shared experience that profoundly impacted them both. <3

  4. Fantastic video! Thank you for sharing :)


    Glad to hear that Arcann gets more content - I don't expect much but it is nice to see that he is not totally forgotten.


    Thank you SO much!! That means so much coming from a fellow Arcann supporter!! I might have to make more! <3


    Arcann's voice actor told me again yesterday that there's "More to come!" so I'm really hoping we get some decent Arcann story in the near future.

  5. If I want to romance Arcann, do I have to play through KOTET or can I skip it? I really don't want to play everything again....


    Does completing Iokath closes KOTET or at least gives you Arcanns alliance alert?


    Otherwise I suppose I have to play through it again, although I really don't like the gameplay of several chapters.


    To echo what everyone else here said, you'll have to play through the expansions again in order to have the full Arcann experience ;) It is worth it, in my opinion, to go through everything again, however, since you miss out on his letters if you skip over everything. The letters are AMAZING. Plus, the less you skip, the better the overall experience is - you get more time to fully appreciate everything that you and Arcann have been through. <3

  6. All the Eternal Empire cinematics make me cry. It's another reason I can't kill Arcann and Senya on any toon. The entire family suffered so much that even with their dark deeds nothing compares to the torment they've already suffered.


    I know what you mean. Although it is my favorite cinematic, I find it hard to watch Arcann's frustration and rage destroy Thexan. Valkorion really caused so much pain and suffering in that family.


    I have a few imp toons that I created in order to raid with my friends. I made them in a hurry and skipped KOTET/KOTFE on them and, since the default imp choice is to kill Arcann and Senya, I don't have either of them on those characters. Whenever I log into those toons to do some dailies etc and hit the N key and see no Senya and no Arcann, I feel horrible. Makes me not want to play those characters, not gonna lie! I went and redeemed Senya from the Odessen terminal to try and feel a bit better but, eh, still stinks!

  7. Thank you!! :) They were actually the first Funko Pops I ever made, so it was pretty much just trial and error. I'm so glad I have them - those two are definitely my OTP. I've written pages and pages of fanfic about them ;)


    Recipe for Funko Arcann:

    Lightly boil and decapitate a Funko Pop Clone Wars Obi Wan and The Will from the Saga comics (the things you do for love... :o), then Frankenstein them back together using Obi Wan's body and The Will's head. I spray-painted the clothing white with a plastic primer, then painted over it and the saber with white and gold acrylics. I also gave him a coating of plasti-kote to keep the paint from being sticky. Then you hand the doll and a mini drill to your RL husband who's tired of hearing about how wonderful Arcann is and set him to work on making the scars, lol :p

    It was about one day's work plus time for letting the paint dry.


    Wow, that's incredible that you did all that to get that epic final result. I love the facial scarring job that your husband did. What a pro :)


    I am going to be kicking off a pretty large-scale project of my own here in a few weeks with my best friend. It will be a celebration of Arcann on an epic scale. I'll share more details a bit down the road :)


    I had a few items commissioned recently so I can't wait to share those here as they get closer to completion as well.


    I did that too! Since we know that

    there will be a flashpoint on Elom in 7.0, I'm really hoping to get some cool Arcann content there. It could be an opportunity to talk about how he dealt with the dark side energy there, with visiting a world so close to Zakuul, and with making amends to the Jedi Order by aiding them more directly. I'm kind of worried about sending him there too, but I like to imagine my JK missing him and I expect a very sweet reunion scene, based on the letter he sends :)

    Oh man, those letters. The person that wrote those deserves a raise. <3 As for the story itself, I really liked that the devs wrote some recent bits of story that didn't require the inclusion of a specified companion for certain interactions. There were a few parts on Onderon and Mek-sha that didn't require x companion so I was able to have Arcann there with me - if you play through the story on Onderon on impside with Arcann, there's a cutscene where

    the king (Petryph or something like that) says something absurd and walks past Arcann in the hallway. Arcann literally looks at him as he walks by, seemingly judging the king with pity and it is HILARIOUS!

    I'd really love more story content like that that doesn't require that Lana be with us etc...


    I'll definitely be there spamming the chat! ;)

    I look forward to seeing you there! I found you on Twitter btw :)


    One last thing -

    Did you see Arcann's mask on the PTS? They knocked it out of the park. One of the best CM items I've seen. Valky's armor set looks awesome as well!


  8. I'd love to! :) I left the mask at work (where I'm in the process of painting it), but here's the Funko Pop:




    I made my Zabrak JK who romances him as well:



    To quote Arcann, "This is AMAZING!". I love these so much. How did you learn to make these and how long did they take?


    I want a release date so badly now :p If we only get a short cutscene (which I suppose is the realistic expectation), what would everyone most like to see in it? I'm a terrible sap, I know, but I would like to get an I love you spoken out loud and the chance to say it back :o


    I'm really, really looking forward to interacting with Arcann early on in 7.0 since I

    literally sent him to investigate the source of Darth Nul's relic on Elom on EVERY toon. I'm kinda nervous to see how it all plays out and hope nothing bad comes of the experience.



    I'd really love to have more scenes and interaction with Senya, as well. I enjoyed the recent story tidbits regarding Arcann's concerns of "falling into his old ways" and hope they continue to explore the subject. Man, I'm so excited for the expansion.


    I hope you all show up to the dev's story livestream on Nov 18th so we can hype up Arcann and his inclusion in continued story updates going forward!! <3

  9. This post implies that existing characters will be able to choose 2 entirely new combat styles regardless of what their current advanced class is.


    Key point is this part:

    "If you have an existing character when Legacy of the Sith launches, when you log into the game, you will be able to choose a Combat Style immediately. You can choose a Combat Style similar to your previous Advanced Class or choose something new. The choice is yours!"


    It would be wonderful to get a confirmation on this topic by a dev! The answer to the question of whether or not existing characters will only get one combat style (vs new characters getting to choose two) dictates what I spend my time on in the game until the expansion goes live!


    Here's to hoping that existing characters will get to choose two combat styles just like new characters!



  10. I just love seeing people's creations :) I can't remember if I've shared it here before, but I made a little Arcann Funko pop and 3D printed his mask ages ago :p


    Oh man, I'd love to see some of your creations! Would you mind sharing? <3


    Also, can we take a moment to love the fact that we are on the 600th page of this epic thread? I can't wait to get more Arcann story content in the future. Super duper stoked!

  11. Imagine how morally corrupt player character has to be to even give him this option. This fella is a mass murderer on galactic scale, bombing entire planets to ashes cause of some daddy issues.


    So by your logic, Luke Skywalker was morally corrupt/bankrupt to try to redeem Vader? Was Luke wrong when he saw the "good" in Vader and sought to bring it to the surface?


    There's NOTHING better than a redemption story, in my opinion.


    The fact that Arcann saved Senya from Vaylin's attack showed that there was still a glimmer of hope in him. Despite a characters HORRENDOUS decisions and actions, I think it is worth the effort to try to redeem them, especially in the context of a Star Wars story. My player character tried at least three times (with the help of Arcann and Senya) to reach Vaylin, however, it was obviously not a fruitful effort in the end.


    Please consider this viewpoint when analyzing the choices that players made in the game. Those of us that spared Arcann are not morally bankrupt... we have hope that these characters can change.

  12. Arcann needs a village not just his relationships with Senya and PC to remake his life. Out of all the characters we interact which ones are the most qualified and willing to do so?


    This is such a great point. Who else could Arcann even look to for support while attempting to rebuild/redefine his life?


    Depending on the player's choices and story, they likely encountered their fair share of betrayals and backstabbing, maybe even "turned their lives around" at some point (such as in the Warrior's story on Tatooine). The only thing that is guaranteed is that the player supported Senya at that pivotal moment on Voss.


    What other characters have gone through such a turbulent and devastating storyline like Arcann's, emerging redeemed - repentant and self-aware of their previous crimes and transgressions? Lord Scourge made a 'turn around' in regards to his path, however, I can't think of any other prominent character at the moment that has been through anything remotely similar and could be deemed to be 'qualified' to help in Arcann's continued transition to his new life/reality.


    Senya is, and continues to be, a rock for him, giving Arcann the love and support that he needs (and needed growing up :( ).


    What do you all think?

  13. So, I have quite a collection of letters here that offer us more details regarding Arcann's character and his relationships/interactions with other characters. The problem is that I haven't done all of these other romances in the game and I don't know if these letters are things that you actually receive in the live game.


    I'd love to post them all in here to discuss, but I don't want to cause any problems.


    The letters are from the following characters:

    Aric Jorgan

    Kaliyo Djannis


    Torian Cadera

    Malavai Quinn

    Elara Dorne

    Raina Temple

    Vector Hyllus


    Corso Riggs

    Ashara Zavros

    Andronikos Revel

    Kira Carsen

    Lord Scourge

    Felix Iresso

    Jaesa (light/dark)


    Granted a few listed above seem more generic in nature, however, quite a few directly discuss Arcann in interesting ways. Anyone recall getting any letters from these companions after romancing Arcann?

  14. Romance is all well and good, but it shouldn't define Arcann's growth. One thing I'd like to see is him gaining some perspective on Thexan and what happened. The mini-movie clearly shows that Arcann didn't deliberately and cold-bloodedly murder his twin, nor can Thexan be the Paragon of perfection Arcann sees him as being. I hope it's explored at some point.


    PS. I also think Senya should be Odessen's Senator on the Pub side but I don't see that happening either.


    I completely concur. There's still so much that I hope for in regard to these special characters. All we really have regarding Arcann and his reflections on what he did to Thexan come from his letters to the player. A deeper dive into how he's coping with this reality now that he's been redeemed would be wholeheartedly welcomed.


    I'd also like to see acknowledgement by both the player character and Arcann that, between the two of you, you've killed most of his family... :( There have to be some lingering feelings and emotions there that can be explored.

  15. No, I can't say I've seen that letter, but posting datamined information on the Forums is against ToS. That said I could never breakup with one comp to romance another, even Arcann. My Jedi will always be Kira's husband. My SW will always be Vette's husband. My Fem Agent will always be Vector's wife. If Shara Jenn ever comes back my Male Agent will marry her. My BH will always be Theron's wife. My JC belongs to Arcann.


    Let me know if you'd like to know the contents of Senya's letter and I'll reach out. I think you will enjoy what it brings to your characters and their relationships with Arcann and Senya <3

  16. As glad as I am to know we'll get more Arcann Content, I want a cutscene where Senya gives us her blessing. Satele kinda gives one to Theron's Romance, my JC would love to know her (hopefully) future mother-in-law is happy Arcann and Gia-Sade chose each other.


    Jak, you bring up a point, coincidentally, that I was going to post here about today.


    Has anyone here ever received an email from Senya regarding your relationship with Arcann?

    I found a letter in the game files yesterday from Senya to the player's character and I have NEVER, EVER seen it before on any of the numerous times that I romanced Arcann on a variety of toons. It is INSANELY hilarious and I love it to death.



    Has anyone ever received this letter before?


    I additionally found and read through all of the other letters that various characters send to your toon after you break things off with them to start a relationship with Arcann. SUPER interesting to say the least. :D

  17. It's so nice to see this thread resurrected! It's making me feel quite nostalgic :o




    Your video is wonderful! It got a bunch of clicks and a like from me :) I really like how seamlessly the soundtracks you selected blend into each other. And the scene where your Outlander wakes up from a nightmare about fighting him (5:12-5:14) is so sweet and well-made.


    Thank you soooo much for letting us know that there's more Arcann content coming soon! I am also beyond stoked :o Also, what magic powers do you possess to get Dellums to give you these personal updates? I'm jealous, lol :p;)


    WOW. You are all so incredibly kind! Thanks for the kind words regarding my Arcann video! I'm so glad to see you back, Witchglove. I hope we can keep this thread alive :)


    I found two amazing Star Wars tracks on a SW orchestrator's youtube page and used them in conjunction with a track from SWTOR itself (the Voss cleansing scene) to make one long Arcann tribute that I thought fit the emotions that we see him go through! As for Dellums, I think he's like one of my three Twitter followers. He really enjoyed the Arcann video that I shared so that's a bonus.


    Thanks again for the wonderful feedback and I hope you stick around the thread here! Arcann is the best! <3

  18. Some of my characters don't have Arcann because I did a terrible thing, however, all my characters who do have him I'm sending. I've already sent my romanced Arcann. I thought he sent a letter but I can't find a copy in my screenshots; if I do I'll post it. I really hope he hasn't been sent to his doom now you mention it. It had not occurred to me that something might happen to him. I mean they already allow you to kill Arcann, surely they don't need a second time :rolleyes:


    Here's Arcann's Letter after he's sent on the mission if you romanced him.


    Oh my gosh I really hope you are right! I've been

    sending him to the planet on all of my toons, not even thinking about possible consequences :confused: I did go through the conversation choices and exited out of them and option three is super nasty. Your character says something along the lines of "I can't trust Arcann to handle something this important". Ooof. :(



    I was wondering if he would find out that you said such things about him and didn't trust him, but I can't bring myself to choose that option.

    Especially since Zenith sends your character a hateful email if you are an imperial toon and try to "use him". I legit thought I was going to get a chance to interact with Zenith on that toon - nothing malicious was intended! Not trying to have something like that happen with Arcann.



    I LOVE the letters that Arcann sends your character. They are absolutely wonderful!!

  19. I had my interest in the Arcann romance reignited when I heard Arcann say "I will go rest" or something like that when you dismiss him. I thought that was a really apt thing for him to say after the hellish life he's had. Created an alt on each side purely to redo his arc and romance again (one Emp one Rep). I'd only done Arcann's romance once as my favourites are Quinn, Jorgan and Theron.

    Your tribute video is wonderful. If BW do a best video, this would win. And more Arcann content? Excellent.


    Wow. Your post means a lot to me, especially coming from another person that appreciates Arcann's character as I do. Thank you for the very kind words. I'm not that great at making videos, but I did want to create something special for my favorite SWTOR character :)


    I'm hoping that this thread will stay busy/alive as more and more people get to experience Arcann and maybe even his wonderful romance!

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