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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Siita

  1. Alright, I'm doing it! I'm putting the first couple of chapters of my Arcann/JK epic on A03, even though that's really scary for me! :p I'm witchglove there as well, if you're interested :) I'll put a direct link on the Discord. It really puts the S in Slowburn though, so it's many, many chapters of angst before there's any fluff :D They're actually both little kids in my very first chapters.


    I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS! Sorry for the caps! I'm all about the slow burn! I'll see you in Discord a little bit later! <3

  2. Another thing I would change would be to give Arcann some screentime or at least reference his activities during all that time he's gone between Voss and Chapter 6 in KOTET. I'm dying to know what he was doing then!


    ABSOLUTELY, YES!! I would also love to see the scene where he decides to no longer wear his mask, embracing this new life, accepting his scars (physical and emotional), and baring all as a part of this "metamorphosis" of sorts.



    I would also let him take a more active role in his own redemption arc, instead of leaving so much of it up to Senya and the PC. I feel like he would have been a more popular character with more players if that had been the case. It would be nice to see him actually save us or an old companion we cared about, for example. One way to do that could have been to have him save us (or even Theron) from Vaylin in Chapter 6, instead of just killing that one random Knight to prove himself (in the return scene).


    Genius! That would have been wayy more effective in that scene. Arcann saving Theron or the Alliance Commander? That would be a wonderful moment for all characters involved.


    Phenomenal ideas!! <3

  3. If you had to keep the overall plotline of KOTFE/KOTET the same, but you could change some things, what would be some things you'd adjust?


    For me, during one of the final scenes of KOTFE,

    after defeating Arcann on his flagship and all of the debris is falling around Arcann, I'd give my character the option to say something along the lines of:

    "We can't stay in here - it is going to blow. Come with me, Arcann."

    Although he wouldn't take me up on the offer due to the way the story goes, it would fit my characters SO much better than letting the world come down on him, stand outside of the room and tell Lana that the "Emperor is finished" etc.

    Doesn't really fit my lightside characters to not try to coax him to safety, regardless of past actions.



    Additionally, on my Jedi Consular characters,

    it would have been amazing to have been given the option to assist Senya on Voss to cleanse Arcann of his hatred. You can't tell me that the Barsen'thor wouldn't have been able to assist in a major way during that scene. It would have been so much more meaningful for our JCs!



    I'm dying to hear what you all have for some ideas!

  4. Now I have a topic I'm curious about. What type of relationship does Arcann have with the PC's we don't romance him on?


    For my JK and SW he's sort of an apprentice/rehabilitation/protégée relationship, that morphs into friends/borthers'-in-law.


    I haven't thought too too much on my character's backstories (not like your incredible legacy!), but Arcann and Senya are two of the most powerful allies and assets on my characters that aren't romancing Arcann. I literally only complete content with one of them by my side <3 If it were up to me, they would be on my character ships instead of Theron and Lana and would also eventually become my character's 'top advisors' as well.

  5. Good point! I can imagine a very awkward conversation planning the wedding and trying to find a location that Arcann hasn't invaded/bombed/star fortress'ed into subjugation in the past! :D

    Odessen would probably be the safest choice :)

    I know, right? Big oof :( Even Odessen isn't "perfect" (not that it has to be).

    Depending on the character, that landing area on Odessen is where Arcann's sister was killed by the player character and also where Vaylin could have killed Torian, possibly the player's previous husband.



    I agree that Arcann goes well with flawed and morally gray characters, but I actually also really like him with a super pure Jedi. I like the idea that while he was never allowed to be good, she was never allowed to be anything else. I think they would have a lot to teach each other. My JK chose to rejoin the Jedi Order rather than stick with the Alliance - partly because she still views herself as a Jedi and not a Commander, but also because I want Gnost-Dural or some other Jedi Master to get on her case about Arcann so that she can actively choose him over the Order :p

    Okay that is just plain amazing. I LOVE the idea of having to make such a choice. Always Arcann... 100% of the time <3

  6. How does everyone envision a wedding for Arcann and their PC? I mean in your imagination, since I'm sure we'll never see such a thing in game (hopefully we'll get a proposal sometime soon, but I don't think swtor has ever done any actual wedding scenes?). I imagine something quiet, intimate and far-away, maybe with just Senya and a few of my JKs closest friends and family there. I doubt she or Arcann would want much attention.

    Absolutely! I can only envision something super low-key and intimate for them! As it pertains to my characters that are romancing Arcann, I can only really see them wanting Senya there. In my head canon for my characters, most other people (friends in the alliance etc) can't fully embrace/understand the PC's relationship with Arcann, although they might be trying really hard to be more accepting. Not going to lie - most of my characters, although surrounding themselves with a lot of allies, consider themselves to be lone wolves deep down, erring more on the side of trusting very few people after so many betrayals and difficult times. Having Arcann and Senya there would be all that mattered to them.


    As for a location, I'm not really sure. So many of these worlds might have some super dark and bad memories attached to them from past events. I'm not sure if "claiming" any of these locations frought with bad past events with something positive like a marriage would be the way to go or if they should just have it take place on Odessen. As we discussed before, "home" is where the people you love are. Location might not matter too much to my characters :) I'll have to think about it some more!


    That brings me to another question: for those of you romancing him with a Jedi, how do you headcanon your way around breaking with that part of the Jedi code? I wish the game would touch upon it, the way the JK and JC class companion romances do. In Kira's romance she mentions that it is possible to petition the Jedi Council for permission to marry, I think -- but there isn't really a Jedi Council anymore since, you know... Arcann nearly destroyed the Order. There's so much opportunity for angsty romance there! :p


    Lol yes this is a great subject!

    Most of my jedi (and sith!) characters that are romancing Arcann are flawed individuals that have come close to falling to the darkside several times over the years, always leaning more towards lightside tendencies in the end. It wouldn't be hard to envision most of them skirting by/ignoring the Jedi Code as it pertains to forming attachments :D


    What a wonderful topic of discussion, Witchglove!

  7. Still waiting for a Zenith romance (but if we get nothing I will just use my head canon - helps with everything :) ).


    Cawyden, you are officially my favorite person! ;):D

    The main reason I fell in love with this game TEN YEARS AGO was the fact that I fell in love with Zenith's character. Going through the consular story on Balmorra + Zenith, this wonderfully complex and imperfect individual + the touching music on Balmorra = sealed the deal for me. I officially loved SWTOR!


    I almost passed out when we were given the flirt option with Zenith.


    I'd love nothing more than a long-overdue romance with him! I'm so glad to have found another Zenith fan as Arcann and Zenith are some of my favorite characters in the game!

  8. So finally I got my Consular getting the romance option with Arcann :). Just finished the traitor arc and Ossus comes next. Playing through Kotet was faster than I thought.


    I really like Consular with Arcann - my Consular is like the ultimate healer and tries to help as much as possible. And of course what you said.


    I also have a Jedi Knight for him and I think that works very well too based on JKs class story.


    I wouldn't romance him with a DS user but LS Sith, especially Sith Warrior works too. I plan on making a LS SW for him, I already have him as LI for a LS Sith Inquisitor, but I prefer him with my other characters.


    Hi again, Cawyden!

    I recently started another consular playthrough so I am VERY excited to get to KOTFE and beyond! I just finished my lightside SW playthrough (the character that I used for the Arcann tribute video) and I have to say that I love the fact that both my character and Arcann had a shared experience of being the Emperor's servant for so many years. They both endured so much, Arcann most of all.

    SO glad to have you in discord with us now! <3

  9. The writer in-charge of the letters is very good! Jorgan's are also lovely! I think I'm a little miffed that he's used the 'L' word in a letter but not in his voice! Still, I love most that Voss didn't 'insta fix' everything. Little by little he's growing nd changing. I'd really like some more childhood stories like when he, Thexan, and Vaylin took off for a month.


    I agree, Jak! I'm patiently waiting for Arcann to say the L word out loud! This is why I'm hoping to see it come to fruition soon as the Arcann relationship continues to blossom. I love what you said here about Voss not fixing everything. As we've discussed before, the fact that Arcann saved Senya from Vaylin's attack before his Voss healing shows that his hatred and jealousy hadn't completely consumed him and that there was always some good in him. I love what you wrote!

  10. I just wanted to go ahead and post all of Arcann's letters that appear in the LIVE GAME for those who were interested in seeing them. Posted in order of arrival (first letter arrives first etc):


    From: Arcann

    Subject: The Future



    Valkorion is gone. Finally.

    As hard as I try, I will never forget my father’s cruelty. Those empty, dismissive eyes. His attempts to break me and my siblings, eroding kindness until there was nothing left but hatred and resentment. Only my brother Thexan found a way to cope… until my rage destroyed him.

    When you saved me on Voss, I was struck by how much you reminded me of Thexan. You both have a gift for inspiring loyalty. It is a shame you two never met.

    Now Thexan, Valkorion, and Vaylin are all gone, but I am no longer alone. I have my mother. I have the Eternal Alliance…

    And I have you.





    From: Arcann

    Subject: The Alliance



    We’ve spent such a short time as allies, but already I feel a connection to the Alliance, and to you. Your victories give me strength—and I feel the sting of your setbacks. This betrayal unsettles me.

    I realize you’re strong enough to take care of the matter yourself. I witnessed your power, not so long ago. But as you protect the Alliance from this dangerous man, know that I am a weapon for you to wield however you see fit. My hand is yours. You need only ask.





    From: Arcann

    Subject: I needed to say this



    Look at all that you’ve accomplished. Once again, you protected your people and kept the galaxy safe. It seems there is no end to your strength and courage.

    When we first met all those years ago, I felt threatened by you. But now I see that I admired you even then—and it angered me. It was not until you defeated Valkorion and took the throne that I realized my feelings had evolved beyond admiration. I did a poor job of concealing it, didn’t I?

    But I no longer need to hide. I am undone by you. I am not a weapon, or a prince, or an emperor. I’m Arcann. And I’m yours.





    From: Arcann

    Subject: Our future.



    We’ve been here before. My father, threatening the entire galaxy… me, feeling too powerless to stop him… and you, ridding us of Valkorion’s corruption and giving me the strength to be a better man.

    But this time is different. This time, I am not suffocating on my own self-doubt, struggling with so much uncertainty about who I am, about what I’ve done… about my feelings for you.

    There is still so much I have to atone for, but that uncertainty I felt before is long gone. This time, for the first time in my life, I have so much hope for the future. For our future.

    I love you. There has never been anything else I have been more sure of. And I will do everything I can to show you that, for the rest of my life.





    From: Arcann

    Subject: I’ll be home soon.



    Sana-Rae insisted that I leave at once, so by the time you read this, I will have left for my assignment.

    I knew that when I joined the Alliance that there would always be those who sought to destroy it. That is why I promised to meet any threat to you, or what you’ve built, head on. It is my duty—but I hate leaving you, even if it keeps you safe.

    The only thing that makes this bearable is the anticipation of seeing your smile when I return. That is what I will remember until I am by your side again. Until then, I hope you think of me too, and how much I care for you.




    <3 LOVE THESE!

  11. How much more can it 'grow' in terms of mutual attraction then what we already have? We aren't going to get R-rated scenes (thank goodness) and there isn't a single romance in the game that takes a major role in the story. That's a good thing. I get your enthusiasm I adore Arcann too. I would caution you though to temper your expectations. I'd hate for you to be glum that you didn't get quite what you thought you would.


    Oh I'd love to see things evolve even further, especially emotionally, between the two! It is wonderful when these moments occur, especially from a character that has had such a rough life constantly seeking the approval and love of someone that never viewed him as anything more than a toy or pawn.


    One of my favorite Arcann moments takes place in the Alliance base right before the player heads off to address the traitor situation on Nathema. When he says "Please come back to me. I don't know what I'd do without you", I die a little inside. To see him lower his voice and express this genuine emotion to the player is heartwarming, yet not over the top. Dellums knocks it out of the park. I'd like more small moments like that. I have hope!!!

  12. I like this interpretation. To me, Arcann reads as very inexperienced in romance. Not just because of his "this is unfamiliar territory for me" line in the first romance scene, but also because he seems genuinely overwhelmed by his own emotions and by the thought that anyone would actually care for him. I feel like there is a virginal quality to him - not that he is necessarily a virgin, but there is a sense of purity and newness to his romance that I think is really endearing.


    OH MY GOSH!!! I love what you wrote here!

    I completely get the same feelings/vibes from Arcann. He cares passionately for our characters and it is unfamiliar territory for him. Gah, I love this character so much.


    One of my favorite things about Arcann is the respect that he shows our player characters. It is extremely attractive to me. I really can't wait to see how things continue to develop between Arcann and our characters over time. I expect the respect and mutual attraction to grow exponentially and it is intoxicating to be a part of <3

  13. I wanted to get your thoughts on this <3:


    In one of his letters to you, Arcann says this -


    It was not until you defeated Valkorion and took the throne that I realized my feelings had evolved beyond admiration. I did a poor job of concealing it, didn’t I?



    Can we talk about this moment of realization? :) What evidence do you all recall that points to him "not doing a good job of concealing it"? Love it!!! :D

  14. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but again I don't think the Asylum Fight indicates just how 'powerful' either PC or Arcann is. Losing a fight isn't always about being stronger or even more skilled than the opponent. Remember Jedi/Sith/Force Users, can be killed by droids, blasters, getting shoved out windows... Just because Arcann 'landed a killing blow' doesn't mean he's exceptional.


    PS. He is exceptional I just don't think fighting him proves it.


    Valkorian did keep PC alive but he would have done that if a droid was fighting PC. It really had nothing to do with Arcann.


    I didn't say that Arcann was more powerful based on the Asylum fight. I am referring to the fight on his flagship where Valkorion saves us by shielding Arcann's attack. If Valkorion didn't do that, we would have been defeated. That's all I'm saying.

  15. IYou're very welcome! :) I think home is more a matter of who than where to Arcann, as well. I'd guess the only person who ever felt like home growing up was Thexan, which means that Arcann has felt (emotionally) homeless for a long time until he joins the PC/the Alliance.

    I absolutely ADORE what you wrote here. I completely concur. I love that we got to see Senya and Arcann rebuilding and establishing a strong bond, as well. The last time Arcann saw Senya previously was when he was still growing up, perhaps ~15 years had past?! I absolutely adore Senya and love the fact that the devs made her such a sensible and powerful force user.


    I think his relationship with Vaylin is far too fraught and dysfunctional for them to feel at home in each other's presence. Some of the things he says to her ("I freed you from his control - I hoped that earned your... support") indicate to me that Arcann would like a closer relationship with Vaylin, but doesn't know how to establish it. I don't think he understands her very well at all, actually. She also indicates that Thexan was the brother she felt close to.


    Vaylin was absolutely trying to manipulate and emotionally screw with Arcann with the twisted things she'd say and do. Remember the conversation with Arcann where Vaylin she casually dropped the fact that she told Senya during their fight on Asylum that Arcann had murdered Thexan? Yikes. The time she mentioned that Thexan was her favorite brother was pretty sad too. Since Arcann was still always looking for approval from people, he was hurt by what she said but instead tried to remind her of the nice things he did for her. :(


    I think of Arcann as the kind of character who has always longed for a sense of belonging - maybe even someone to belong to in the sense of accepting him and caring for him. I like to think he finally found it with our PC :)


    Oh man, I agree! My characters absolutely wouldn't do anything to betray his trust. I just hope everything works out okay

    on Elom! All of my characters sent him there!


  16. *more powerful* doesn't really mean much. Objectively speaking Anakin was 'more powerful' that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jin was 'more powerful' than Darth Maul. Power alone doesn't determine the victor in a fight. I personally believe Arcann to be equal to my Force users. And remember Vaylin definitely was/is? more powerful than our PC's. We beat her too.


    Arcann is definitely powerful but he's not a Gary-Stu, he doesn't need to be the pinnacle of everything.


    Yeah, I didn't mean to try to make a competition of sorts. I just wanted to bring up the fact that Valkorion was interested in our characters "all those years" and we "held his attention" ...over someone just as powerful = his son. I was simply curious about Valkorion's motivation for all of this. It isn't a competition, I agree. I also did want to point out that Valkorion's influence is the only reason our character wasn't killed by Arcann, as well.


    Interestingly enough, Senya "defeated" Vaylin on Asylum... I don't believe for a second, however, that either of them truly wanted to kill each other, even Vaylin. I do believe that Arcann and our players DID want to kill each other. The only thing keeping us from being rekt by Arcann was Valkorion.

  17. I think Valkorion was deliberately provoking Arcann in that scene, just like he did in the scene where Thexan stopped Arcann from killing him (I interpret the look on Valkorion's face as Arcann leaps at him in the trailer to mean that he knows exactly what's about to happen and very deliberately drove Arcann to attack him at this point). I think both Arcann and the PC are part of his plan at that point: he knows he wants to possess the PC (because he/she has impressed him by being so powerful, just like Revan and other champions have before), but he also needs Arcann to set himself up as a tyrant for the (possessed) PC to overthrow. That way Valkorion will end up back on the throne once he has defeated Arcann through the Outlander, but in a new guise. I'm not sure he has any reason for wanting to change meat-suits, except for what he says to the JK as Vitiate:

    "I want to become everything".


    Okay that's starting to make more sense to me. I knew he'd never stop playing Arcann as a pawn in his experiments/games, but I just never understood what he actually wanted in that throne room scene. It would make sense that Valkorion would be looking for something that interested him at this point. After everything that Valky said to our players on Ziost, he did show us that he found us interesting, however, one thing stands out to me still (I started talking about this in discord).


    I believe that, regardless of any of our player choices, Arcann is more powerful than all of our possible characters (all of our possible backgrounds) and Arcann would have defeated or killed us if not for Valkorion's intervention on Arcann's flagship.


    Think about that... the idea that Arcann is more powerful than the Jedi Battlemaster, the Emperor's Wrath, the Barsent'hor, dark council member that consumes force ghosts... the list goes on. If you follow that train of thought, why would Valkorion be so enamored with our player characters? Valkorion is more powerful than Arcann and the player. Is this even about a power play or is this just a case of an entity reveling in the fact that he's the ultimate puppet master (like "Q" from Star Trek TNG ).


    It really is. I love it. Just the fact that it's titled "I'll be home soon".... The Alliance (and the PC) are home to him :o I wonder if Arcann ever had a very strong sense of home before. Lavish as the Zakuul Palace obviously was, it's not like he ever really felt safe or happy there.


    I grew up moving every few years. We have always considered "home" to simply be where our family is- where the people we love are. It hasn't ever been a location thing. Imagine Arcann feeling like being by our character's side is home for him... wow, what a great thing to think about. Thanks for that idea, Witchglove!!

  18. I think its sort of obvious something about Arcann will be mentioned on the 14th. However, the entire expansion will not be released on that day. Also Arcann has had tons of time during onslaught and there are other romances <cough> Vette & Jorgun<cough> that do need so much love. We can't and shouldn't be greedy. Other LI's deserve to shine too.


    I hear you on that. I absolutely agree that other love interests have been given the shaft, however you can't blame us for talking about wanting more Arcann story/romance in this thread ;) That will probably never change hahahaha


    I'm going to be real here... if they created periodic story missions for individual companions that you could buy, I would be spending a LOT of money. I'd 100% pay extra money to support/fund the creation of new companion story missions that would come out periodically. That way they could still continue the main storyline but give some desperately-needed love to our main class companions! <3 Maybe I'm the only one that wouldn't mind paying for something like that.

  19. Anyone else watching the Livestream? Arcann was NOT mentioned on the list of characters to join us as part of the story in 7.0 :( Does anyone know if he's in anything on the PTS? Are we going to have to rescue him?


    I've been on the PTS quite a bit and did the new FP.

    They took the story part out of the FP, essentially. It is barebones except for the last boss. I have, however, read through some game files... no Arcann from what I've seen so far but I'm still locating "things"



    The only information that I have at this point is from

    Dellums - he says that more content is on the way. If I find anything "interesting" related to Arcann, I'll post in discord/reach out



    I'll have more information soon! <3

  20. I just finished writing a fanfic chapter about those scenes! :eek: (Still haven't worked up the courage to share it with the world...)



    I always took "the answers" Arcann refers to in that first line to mean the answers to why Valkorion is interested in these people in the first place -- and whether or not they will prove useful to Arcann by ridding him of Valkorion. It's kind of an insane gamble of him to take. I think it shows how desperate he is and how much he is willing to risk to make another attempt on his father's life.


    I agree with everything you said about how listening to the conversation in the throne room must have affected him. I really wonder how much he understands about what manner of being Vitiate/Valkorion actually is, though. He has obviously been brought up to view him as a god, and personally views him as a monster, but I wonder if he knows the extent of those powers (slithering from body to body across the centuries, consuming entire planets, master-minding wars all over the galaxy, etc.).


    What are the audio files you found that might not be in the game? Could they be the dialogue you get for choosing to kneel to Valkorion? The outcome and Arcann's reaction to it is pretty interesting. He says something along the lines of having sacrificed everything for such an offer - which almost sounds as if he once hoped to be Valkorion's vessel (though I personally doubt he means it so literally).





    Almost time! Can't wait!! :D


    I know I can always count on you, Witchglove, for a wonderful post and response!


    I love thinking about this topic! My other question is: What was Valkorion's goal for that throne room scenario?



    Was his plan all along to take over the Outlander's body? Valkiorion knew what he was doing. There was a reason why he didn't blast the player character like he did to Marr. Why did he make Arcann 'execute' the Outlander? Valkorion clearly knew that Arcann would make another power play - you could see it in Valkorion's face. Was Valky bored with Zakuul and wanted to go on another adventure inside of the Outlander?



    I don't understand why Valkorion did the things he did in the throne room.


    I will post up the audio in discord for you to listen to! :)

  21. Wow. It's just so wild to see such a long thread for what I didn't realise was a more detailed romance than I thought!


    So some thoughts. I have often thought about the Arcann romance for various reasons. Now my Jedi is a lesbian and is married to Lana. She had to break it off with Doc on his return(very hard, But In some respects.. "I apologise... I am actually married to a woman I am gay" is a lighter letdown for an ex husband then some routes. I opened the door just enough so I could have all the cards put on the table with Kira even though the conversation WAS heartbreaking. Since my Jedi is basically someone who was closeted and romancing Doc while Kira was her padawan.


    Arcann... woo. That man made me cry. There was so much emotion in that 2 minute conversation when he gives you that armour. I wore that armour as part of a set for the next 6 months. I know haters come down on the horrid things he did as Ruler but War is different than Peace time.


    And Even if we as Eternal Commander or Erernal Alliance didn't cut a swathe though the galaxy we have probably piled up a lot of bodies ourselves.


    So I am thinking he could be the one to grab my "Evil" Agent's heart as he and his brothjer(DS smuggler) were both gentically created and messed with by Imperial powers to be superior forms. Although they are both apparently dark skinned Humans they suspect they may even have non human DNA and are kind of mad at the world.



    I really like the idea that Arcann would be the one to soften my character. Irl I am also a lesbian but his voice is just amazing. There is so so much emotion in it. And I can't believe I am gonna have to go through that convo 7 more times at least... well probably more. I'm just not comfortable ever skippin kotfe and kotet. Too many choices that are unique to characters.


    My LS Jedi made unusual choices that would NOT have been the default ones and even my evil characters are almost all very anti "removal of free will" so anything involving Slavery or the like.


    But just wanted to say hello and will probably drop some updates once I have a romance with Arcann as this thread has shown me it is much more than just a 3 minute cutscene.


    Welcome!! We are so glad to have you here with us!!


    Arcann's redemption and subsequent romance are my favorite things in this game! I think he's a wonderful character that has so much more development potential. I really hope the devs listen to us and continue his (and Senya's!) story!


    We have a discord now where we share Arcann (and Eternal Throne) related fan art, media, compositions and 'unreleased' content. Let me know if you'd like an invitation! We'd love to have more people there to discuss Arcann's story with!

  22. I wanted to get your opinion on a few KOTFE scenes - not related to the Arcann romance, but it does pertain to Arcann.


    Going to put spoiler tags in here just in case someone hasn't played through KOTFE yet lol...



    In the first opening scenes of KOTFE, we see Arcann report to Valkorion that the player character + Marr "have arrived". Obviously Valkorion wants us to walk into his ambush with the Eternal Fleet. After the Outlander and Marr have been captured, Arcann tells us "You won't have to talk to give me the answers I'm looking for".


    At first, I took this literally as in he could sense or read our minds. After thinking more about it recently, I've started to assume that Arcann is curious as to why Valkorion is 1. So interested in us 2. Wants to capture us and not kill us.


    When it gets to the part where Arcann finally overhears the Outlander's conversation with Valkorion and it is revealed to Arcann that Valkorion is indeed also the Emperor of the Sith Empire, you start to see the wheels really turning. Of course, I've always focused mostly on these scenes from my characters perspective. Imagine what Arcann is thinking about at this point. His father has been living another life and hasn't fully been devoting his energy to him, Zakuul etc.


    YET AGAIN, his father has bestowed his attention to someone that isn't Arcann or Thexan. This "random" person that Arcann just captured has been "the one person" that has held Valkorion's attention all of these years and is the person that Valkorion wants to share his knowledge and power with. Imagine that insult... and the jealousy.


    I found some dialogue (audio files) in the game that add even more to these scenes and it doesn't appear that they made it to the live game.


    To be very frank, I feel tremendously sorry for all of Valkorion's children and am not surprised that they turned out the way that they did. They were all pawns in an experiment. It doesn't excuse the things that Arcann and Vaylin did, however I completely empathize with them and what they went through. I'm SO grateful that the devs gave us Arcann's redemption arc... it is a wonderful story.




    I'd love to know your thoughts on these scenes. I LOVE KOTFE and KOTET so much! <3

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