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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. well..just opened the package ( bf wouldnt let me bring a whole one home..so i smuggled in a neatly packaged frozen pack of durian meat) and pheewwwww


    ahahahah My sister had some in the freezer at our parents' place and well, I could smell it even through the double wrapping.

  2. Ack, I made myself cry earlier today when I came up with the origin story for my pureblood Trooper. I posted it on the Fan fic thread Elliot made.


    I'm seriously sad, and hugged my kids extra tight before then went to bed. It has a happy ending (that has yet to be writen), but still....


    I'm still tense after reading that. Poor girl...


    Good to know she makes it though.

  3. And I feel like there is something wrong with me - Quinn does nothing for me (no, he does annoy me but that's not count) and I want Scourge out of my ship (it's too awkward to keep an ancient evil on board). Oh, and as much as I find Aric an awesome (really good, mb one of the best) companion judging by usefulness and right place and story, I also can not see his hotness.


    Nothing wrong with that, we all have different tastes, just like the whole ice cream discussion demonstrated.

  4. He looks simply adorable! The Sepphiroth (sp?) was a nice touch too by the way.


    I gots me a silly siamese, who some how after 4years is still alive, he had a medical condition before I got him and I didn't know about it at the time.


    But oh... Got my ship on Kanashimi, now soon I'll be off to go see Quinn :D *squeee!*


    Please... don't judge....

  5. of course not, and his non FTB scenes are still very cute... just that one with vector was indeed very moving ~

    poor ship droid... all that fur to clean up ....


    It's almost as bad on the SW ship with Broonie... all that fur. Good thing the ship droid is made for that sort of task.

    So close to Balmorra, so close....

  6. how could you forget about that smurfalicious piece of blue lovvin?!


    ..... last night i dreamed i was in a store looking for green tea ice cream......

    i need a new hobby.


    You and me both hun, you and me both.....


    I decided to level a second war and said screw the JK for now.... I miss Quinn...

  7. In that case, I'll take a Quinn, a Draahg, a Jorgan and a Vector. Blizz will round them out or Khem-khem. :D


    That's only because those are the boys I know the best. Haven't actually encountered Doc yet and Blizz technically but he's a Jawa so ...

  8. I'd swap out Quinn for Draahg but there's no way I'd swap out Pierce. Give my girl both Pierce AND Draahg for romance and let my girl just enjoy them both like she deserves. :)


    Hmm.. I'm the opposite of you, I'll take me a Quinn and a Draahg.


    @ Crezelle



    Yes. I was very sad because I ended up being kittyless for a few missions. I almost cried when I found out I got him hurt. :(

    That and he was pretty much the ONLY companion I ran around with on my femtrooper.


  9. I must admit though, I can't see Quinn being irresponsible enough to bring his kids into a fight, or Jorgan really but it would be cute to have the kiddies passing Jorgan clips and watching their backs and all.
  10. I must be, I don't think I have actually had an easy romance in this game, maybe I need to romance Doc or something or roll a smuggler just to make my own life less difficult!!


    Granted I'm a sucker for punishment myself, just rolled yet another femWar....

  11. hehe that made me laugh :)


    My 2nd trooper just had her first flirt. Its a long road ahead, isn't it. Sigh. I am currently alternating between my SW and my Trooper. Alternating between Quinn and Jorgan. No wonder I am frustrated.....


    Oh god.. what are you masochistic or something? Those must be the two most frustrating romances in the game.

  12. After I did that, I spent a solid ten seconds staring slack-jawed at the screen before summoning the presence of mind to say "That was just unnecessary."


    Then I joined my husband in laughing. That was just...wow. :D


    I hit escape a couple of times to play that scene over and over again just for kicks.

  13. Kaliyo is 29 and DS Jaesa is psychotic.. that adds 10 years right?


    Edit: I too would like to see older male companion LI's. *coughScourgecough*


    I'm just glad that the boy-toys aren't all lower end 20 something and that some of them act like they're in their 30s or atleast late 20s. Granted, I haven't actually finished any of the romances with a male char so I can't comment on that but yeah.. I think atleast one of my girls would like someone older maybe not wiser but definately older.


    Blizz.. gag romance? Sign me up!


    Also the whole idea of being able to unlock certain companion romances by completing certain quests would be AMAZING! I heartily agree with this.

  14. what?! no nose kissehs? ; ;

    what good is a kitty without the magical kitty nose kissies? >:(


    Well, it's more like FemTrooper nose kissing Jorgan's nose and not the other way around. So it's not quite as magical as a regular kitty nose kiss. Speaking of.. I should go hug my cat.


    BW, can we please have more? My girls are feeling unloved by their spouses-boytoys etc.

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