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Everything posted by Chiltonium

  1. it's not. It's about the same difficulty, if you're using companions. Put your companion away and SWTOR becomes one of the hardest MMOS out there. I was getting so tired of pubstomping everything I set Khem Val to passive, good lord mobs hurt. edit* I'm not saying you should have to do that. They need to tone down companions a LOT.
  2. it's to all servers. Been going on for hours.
  3. Bioware, as usual, is asleep. While Blizzard fixed their problems hours ago according to their twitter.
  4. book...book..... is that one of those paper kindles?
  5. sad to see I came back and still none of these I was playing WoW and had a ton of fun with the foam swords and rocking animals. The picnic basket, gumbo, etc were fun to RP with too.
  6. You realize this post is from 2 weeks ago, right, mate? It wasn't about the issues right now.
  7. Yep, the disconnecting stopped for bout 45 minutes, then business as usual.
  8. Blizz cares about their game, and their appearance to their community. Bioware is that guy who comes into work late, hasn't shaved, hasn't done his hair, wearing the same shirt he wore the day before. They don't care.
  9. Theres like 6 female twi'lek forum avatars in varying colors. Wheres the male? O_o You even have male tentacle headed bug eye aliens but not twi'lek....
  10. the new pack opening experience sucks. Cant see the stats of the items, way more effort to retrieve the items. I really dont like it at all.
  11. harbinger has booted me 5 times in the last 20 minutes or so.
  12. I'd like the ORIGINAL AV type of battleground, that went on for days. Not the 15 minute bullcrap rush the lord it is now. I'd like road rage, was that the name? sega game? ride motorcycles and punch other people? xD
  13. I just want the devs to realize their "expansions" are the size of the patches FFXIV puts out every 3 months or so.
  14. I would in a heartbeat xD EQ levels of difficulty please. I want a snake to kick me and die.
  15. yep, but each one of thats games previous expansions was larger than everything SWTOR has released to date.
  16. If they actually add stuff to play that takes me longer than 45 minutes to do, I will stay. at leats 2 ops, and 2-4 FPs in the new expansion or I'm just done. Their "expansions" are 1/10th the size of any other MMOs expansions. Most MMOS release new fully explorable continents, hundreds of quests, 4+ dungeons, 2+ ops, and continue to add more throughout the life of that patch. Swtor releases 1-2 planets that are 1/3rd or less the size of any vanilla planet save korriban.
  17. I agree, but the vocal folks on the forum tend to not. I love huttball, one of the things that keeps drawing me back to swtor.
  18. I have a feeling the main problem with a lot of bosses, not just synced ones, is the companions being too insanely strong. I am redoing an agent for the DvL event, as an operative. I havn't done this story in, oh, 2 years or so. I just fought Jadus and I decimated him. I absolutely wrecked his face. Everytime he stepped down off his platform, he just got MELTED in a second and a half. Jadus used to be HARD, not just challenging, HARD. You saw people asking for help on DK, fleet, alderan, for help to fight Jadus. I mean that guy whooped my butt repeatedly!! Now vector slapped him in his face and he died.
  19. I loved TSW, and the skill system was interesting, but as anyone who played can attest, unbalnced AF. There were cookie cutter builds none the less, and a great majority of the wheels went unused by anyone, true as of 8 months ago too.
  20. Every piece of this army dyes but the pants, makes it impossible to dye it
  21. I certainly don't mind at all. New to the op or fp? Seen it a million times but still like to watch it? Watch it, I don't care, that's part of the allure of this game. I've been playing for 5 years and still watching almost every cutscene if I havn't done it in a week or more.
  22. bring it back, why? It was garbage. If they expanded on it and made say, sabaac or pazaak, maybe. FFXIV has triple triad card game, as well as MANY MANY other games and races in the golden saucer, and the best thing is you can play them WITH OTHER PEOPLE. I would love a nightlife event like that.
  23. Actually im playing through again with the DvL event, levevl 24 on one char and 32 on the other. The companion can solo everything. 3-4 gold star elites at once NO problem whatsoever. There's literally no way your companion is weaker than everyone elses. You just like it doing everything for you. There are no difficult batltes anymore. All H4s were nerfed to 2s when they were soloable as 4s, now they're stompable by the common player. All the bosses like baras, thanaton, etc are scaled down to laughable levels where you 2-3 shot them. I just took out the eagle in 2 hits.
  24. The story isn't not only not challenging as it is, it's insulting. Does Bioware really think we're so bad at the game we need to be able to have our companion literally solo the entire thing for us? The current game is not just easy mode, it's LAZY mode. You can NOT lose. A game is not a game when you cannot lose. And to suggest "just do HMs if you want a challenge." More than 5% of the game should be challenging in an MMO.
  25. just fought the level 12 Eagle yesterday. Dropped him in 2 seconds. Not that it woulda been much longer if he was higher. Same thing with baras, thanaton, etc. As long as companions remain as they are, nothing in this game will be even remotely challenging in the solo content world.
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