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Everything posted by Chiltonium

  1. er, they're BUFFING mauls damage. Reread
  2. The new Obroan rifle looks AWESOME. First nice big rifle ever! I'd like to see more big rifles in the cartel shop, and more importantly, more interaction with color crystals from weapons. Maybe a clear part at the top of the rifle where you can see into it and see the crystal. Or an open part with the crystal suspended by two little beams. Anything to give us rifle users the same feeling saber users get when swapping color crystals. Just different color pew pew is lame =(
  3. tell me about it. Maul, thrash, lacerate, volitic slash. All getting buffed.
  4. with assassins getting a sweeping dps buff in an upcomming patch, including MAUL damage increase, expect it to get worse.
  5. They had said they wont host holiday events, because our holidays do not occur in star wars. The life day thing was an exceptions because lucas himself did a christmas special about lifeday. Now that the reigns have passed to Disney, however. I can only hope the 'tude has changed. Disney loves holidays, and I garauntee theres probably a halloween darth vader at disney land this year.
  6. i just wanted the bat hat, but they taunted me!
  7. hope he's playing a shadow. Balance Spec. Then do infil spec. And tell me maul needs the buff its getting.
  8. I have to say that while I like the uncleansable dots, the thrash damage increase is very minor compared to increasing volitic slash AND maul. Maul already is ridiculous. A sin on our server hits 12k mauls and 10k discharges, and whats Maul's CD again? I am mainly peeved that I cant use it anymore as madness since bioware decided to dumb down to rotation. What would certainly tide me over, tho not even be close to balancing the spec, is giving madness the same +30% damage to crushing darkness on a raze proc that madness sorcs get. I mean I seriously dont see why they get it and we dont O_o What is also REALLY needed is a dot crit chance talent attached to lightning burns (because that talent is garbage). Something like lethality's +12% dot crit chance. Our surge talent is on dot crits, as well as our only survival talent (parasitism) and with RoTHC, crit is SO low that dots dont crit enough to make a difference in our survival. Speaking of crit chance, while I am not going to say I dont like the 9% melee crit chance on force damage, our main source is dots ....so again....dot crit chance please! I will also advocate ONE more time, although many people have stopped caring. Madness assassins are NOT sorcerers. Stop trying to make us one -_- I spend more time pointing at my target than I do hitting him. And as far as I can tell we are the ONLY spec of any class who's "class" ability (maul) is NOT used. Its like a PT spec who cant use flame burst. Or a jugg spec who cant use sundering assault. Or a sniper spec who cant use ambush. Or a marauder spec that cant use rupture. Its the ability that we get that says HEY IM AN ASSASSIN. Madness assassins for the most part, use all INQUISITOR abilities, and VERY few -assassin- abilities. Lightning charge I dont even count because its pretty much the same as the sorc insta cats dot. We are sorcs with 10m range, no bubble, and terrible survival. I honestly dont see how someone at Bioware sat down, looked at the spec, and said YEP, LOOKS GOOD! IMPLEMENT IT! edit* Also, look closer at your numbers. I played on the PTS, and I've played on live. DECEPTION assassins do -fairly- well in arenas. And only because they can pop out with recklessness, maul, discharge, shock, and spam a few more mauls to absolutely DESTROY a target. Unless they're guarded.....or a tank stops them .... Count how many were MADNESSS assassins. Then count how well THEY did. Most of us die before we can even plant all 3 dots and a death field. SQUISH. My poor sorcerer face. I mean assassin
  9. I may have overlooked it the 10 times I went over it. There is no main hand weapon at all. The only offhand is shield or pistol. No mainhand or offhand for dps PT?
  10. The propsed changes to madness are an amazing start. However you still really need to work shock or maul back into the spec. Preferably maul, as we are NOT SORCERERS. Shock would be acceptable just for the little burst that it gives. Other options are giving our Raze proc the same damage buff as sorcs (they get +30% damage on crushing darkness when it procs, we get jack crap) or just flat out increasing dot damage, that 9% talent should be higher up the tree and be 15% ish. Also, this is just a wild card I thought would be amazing. If you death field someone with dots on them, those dots spread to people around them. edit* OH, one of the main things REALLY REALLY bugging me bout madness. Other dot specs, lethality sniper/op and annihilation marauder for instance, even veng jugg can get it....have +crit chance to their dots!! Madness relies on crit for not only the surge bonus BUT SURVIVAL. Parasitism! We NEED a +crit chance to force attack or periodic atacks somewhere. Bad.
  11. Wonder why this excuse never works in relationships. Sorry baby, I accidentally tripped and fell on her!
  12. You want the icing on the cake? Imagine the download speeds when this many people are re-downloading the patch. Get ready for the entire client at 100kb/s.
  13. Luckily my sub was up in 2 days. Caught it to cancel right before it renewed XD I guess I'll resub when the game is redownloaded in a few days. Who knows 2-4 days without any ToR at all, thats pretty much like forced withdrawal, I may not even want to play after the drugs outta my system.
  14. I got home from class, after walking 6 miles and sitting through a long ethics lecture, I think YAY swtor time finally! Then Courtney here slaps me in the face with the awesome skills of bioware. ACCIDENTALLY released a patch? ACCIDENTALLY?! HOW?! Seriously, how do you accidentally release a patch? Is there just a button and someone was like *click* "oops thats not youporn." Is there a toggle switch someone hit with their shoulder on accident? Because I'm pretty sure there's more involved to it, and "Accidentally" doing it is pretty hard to do. It's like "Whoops, I accidentally built a nuclear bomb." Not all of us can afford super fast high-speed internet, some of us poor students are on a budget. Thanks for the 2-4 days of download time.
  15. Fabulous, takes me like 2 days to download and install the entire game.
  16. Wait, are you kidding me? You're answer and solution to the problem is "Just dont play the game till tomorrow!" Really? For Real? Not joking? Is it April 1st?
  17. Pretty annoying to force a download this time a day. I use a wireless 4g internet and downspeed is TERRIBLE until night time / early morning. Thanks Bioware!
  18. Sya's channel - http://www.youtube.com/vegeta0585
  19. Please do let us know if you find anything worth mentioning. So far its all been bar room RP completely unfitting of the character types. Sith warriors and inquisitors acting like 14 year old schoolgirls that would have never made it off Korriban. And a ton of absolutely lore breaking and world demolishing crap people pull out of nowhere. I'm a force sensitive, but im not sith, and I totally went to korriban. WAT U MEAN EMPIRE PUT ME TO DEATH!?
  20. Cyborgs are humans, everyone else but Chiss are aliens. Chiss get special dialogue options at two points in the game, at least the did for my agent. One was something to do with temple, and the other was on Hoth, you could mention the Ascendency and say something special to Youdress.
  21. Hasn't this been not only discussed into the ground, but had devs say it just isnt happening? Hero engine is garbage, it cant even handle very many PEOPLE on the screen, imagine 3405983405943809 chat bubbles everywhere. *Shudder* everywhere would lag like old Ilum.
  22. for me? In order of what I've played. Inquisitor Agent Trooper Warrior Bounty Hunter Knight
  23. I queue up early as well, sometimes I wake up way before class starts with no knowledge as to why. So ....TOR time.Then nap time in class. Then more TOR time. >.>
  24. I think this thread is a perfect example of why I transfered all of my toons off of Ebon Hawk >_<
  25. My friend is okay at pvp, she's not great, she's not good, she's just okay. Convinced her to move from imps to pubs because I told her over here she'd be a god. As long as you know how to put your shoes on the right feet, you're one step ahead of 99% of the pubs I've pvped with over here so far XD
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