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Everything posted by TangledDruid

  1. Hit escape for the options menu. At the top is a button to disable tutorial mode. This brings them back.
  2. I have unsubscribed, but I am not raging about it. Bad just outweighed the good finally. I will play until my time runs out, and maybe try for some legacy achievements when I am preferred. Good thing: Ui editor - perfect now Keybind management - omg finally. Love it Collections changes - being able sort and filter is an altaholics dream Removing filler quests from the map - Wow, yes! Level sync - so nice to see the old areas playable
  3. The problem is, and this point was made elsewhere, that feels neither epic or heroic escorting an npc to get your reward while you eat a sandwich.....
  4. You should practice reading comprehesion. The comment I was responding to was in fact, racist. It made no mention of other games. He flat out said, if you like grinding, you are Asian. I can link you a few you tube videos made by asians who play archage that blow that statement away.
  5. First, don't be a racist *****. Second, Seriously, did I just see a post where someone non sarcastically said "I approve of being able to play afk" :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  6. This is baffling me SO hard. You can. You just can. Its EASIER. Please go try. The number means nothing....
  7. That, my friend, sounds like a bug, and the VERY REASON they came up with level sync. This shouldn't happen anymore with new content published under the sync system.
  8. So does not making it optional, I find this argument invalid, as it can be applied to both sides equally. This is the only argument I have seen. Frankly having spent all my play time last night doing older content, this just doesn't wash. We are *faster* now, more powerful, *and* the loot is better. Please give us one concrete, "I went here and couldn't do this" example, so we can have an actual discussion. Seriously, check the other threads, login and try to do something quickly. Its a face roll. I did the whole Ilum string in about 30 minutes, didn't get knocked off once. I had zero trouble driving around mobs I did not want to kill. However, I realize that is my personal impression, and not very helpful to this argument. So, here is my concrete example to argue against, even using your vague and hazy example. Level Sync on: Person you help gets 125,000 XP Level Sync off: Person you help gets 2000 XP You named one, and it was more of a generalization than an argument. I saw no examples of content you have trouble with now, issues with gathering nodes, just a general "its not as good" statement. You say you want a an open and mature discussion, so please, elucidate your concern. My personal experience with lower content is that it is even easier than it was before, so your assertion baffles me. Post 65 the content is on the existing planets. For expansion in the future they can design more instances, planets, new areas, and the backstory for them. Or Change them game world so they can tell stories in the existing universe Level Sync effectively allows encounters to be designed without having to spend all that production time and money. They now have a giant area in which to tell stories and publish new chapters with out worrying if the new area will be barren in 4 months when the next bit comes out. Look at the history: Makeb CZ-198 Oricon Lots of effort went into these places for them to be a ghost town. The game is about the STORY 1 - Level sync turns the whole game into a medium to tell star wars stories 2 - Level sync turns turns operations and flash points into something that can scale, which means less work for new ones, now hopefully they won't have to "redo" them every time there is a level cap increase. PVP arguments either way are irrelevant, I agree. Neither side will make a good point here. There is no challenge. I skipped mobs just as effectively on Makeb, Ilum, Oricon, and Alderaan as I did pre sync. Clearing an area is easier. Please tell me what would change if it was switched off. This is a straw man argument I cannot have a response to, as having it on does not make things any more difficult. Please, show me or tell me where you are having difficulty. I can't find anywhere. The main point is this is a major change that is going to allow more story content to get added. I would hate to see it get screwed up trying to implement some sort of toggle. It isn't something they did to gimp you; this is made obvious by the fact that everything is still face rolled. It a MAJOR game change; there are lots of facets other than the number above your head changing. Where to put them, how to determine difficulty of encounters. So to summarize that into a reason against a toggle: Right now, every battle has a baseline. Every player will be within X power, X health, X accuracy etc. As a result, every battle can be incorporated as a STORY element. Anywhere. As you level , you gain Passive and active abilities ; these never go away, you will always be able to face roll when you are synced. To enable a toggle, now each encounter has to be set to a certain power level. so WHERE the encounter is, is level dependent. Now there is a lot of game world that is unusable. Which is where we were last week. So, in a nutshell, the best reason to not have level sync toggle is: We will get more story. More Content. and previous content will no longer be taken away from us. The trade off is ... well, nothing, it is easier to float through older content than before. Its a mechanism, not a punishment. The number beside your portrait literally means nothing as far as fighting mobs. (Until you are talking about higher levels, as you do not sync UP) At this point I would summarize my argument as "Level Sync is working, allows more content to be published" So what reason would make the additional work of re coding encounters to be single level again would be worth losing Tython / Belsavis / Hoth / Korriban / Hutta as place we can go back to for fresh story? To clarify, by re-coding encounters, I mean the additional work that is making sure the high level mobs dont agro under level players, adding terrain features so low levels don't wander in, setting up another loot table for each new bit of story, etc) I am trying to be ordered and polite, but I am getting tired writing I will probably write a summary post later in this thread that will hopefully be more succinct and getting people to maybe reconsider sync toggling.
  9. First I was like AGAIN with this Then I was like hmm, already flooded with people who dont fully understand their class, which was really my only argument. You're right, doesn't matter anymore.
  10. I have to say, I didn't have this problem. I did the Ilum story on one of my troopers last night for the codex entries, and I didn't get agroed and knocked my off mount once running back and forth. I was 60.
  11. I appreciate the civil response I do not think I made my point, I will try again, and then give a reason why I think it shouldn't be a toggle. I have seen first hand the rage that come about from latent or unconscious OCD. Personally I have dealt with this. While I have been reading the posts the last two days, I suspect, (and I could be wrong) that it is the numbers changing which has upset people. I feel way MORE powerful than I ever did being 50 levels higher than what I was doing. I was hoping to maybe get some of the pro option crowd to consider that it may be a change that doesn't actually affect their game play, or at least won't affect it as much as they think. As to an argument against the toggle: I made one of each class, two of each for a couple to try some alternate advanced class. So I have characters that are the only one that can complete certain codex entries. Codex entries are not legacy. I need them on each character. So I will not be triggering kotfe for a good long while on them, which means I will be leveling, and doing things at level. If I am killing away on some mobs, and somebody wants the slicing node behind me, they zoosh in with the toggle off, blow up mobs, and take off. In reversal, the mobs are SO EASY now, I can probably kill them before that would happen, which leads me right back to... I am more powerful than I ever was, so I don't think it matters. But I hope my point illustrates the opportunity for griefing is much higher if there is a toggle. If the advantage to having it means more content / quests etc on the existing planets, I am more than willing to pay it. I am pretty sure the sync is in place so that more encounters can be added to planets, so the planets themselves are not level restricted. There are more reason I may post later, I am in danger of a wall of text crit here...
  12. I have unsubscribed for many reasons. Level sync is NOT one of them. There is not ONE good reason to toggle it off. ('So I feel powerful' just doesn't cut it) Its a NUMBER. A base number. it takes nothing away from your character. You still have your abilities You still have your bonuses. You still greatly over power the mobs (Seriously, has anyone complaining about it actually TRIED their normal activity? I feel like Wonderwoman and Mace Windu's love child) I am reasonably sure that the level sync rage is coming from a certain level of OCD, and not based on impaired gameplay. Its a number... nothing more. So far, I am even more powerful on lower planets than I ever was before.
  13. Hardcore??........ I send Kira into a full group of gold and elites with a champ and go make coffee. It. doesn't. get. any. easier.
  14. Erics comment during the livestream "that event isn't in our game" has me thinking that it may in fact, be a: I really think they expect us to be thrilled at 15 year old crap. I don't think it was fund driven at all.
  15. Yes, exactly. I have played since beta and have had a non-stop sub from launch. There has always been stuff I don't like, right from the beginning (Starting with the low quality models used) I have unsubbed so that my -1 will hopefully be counted among others. Maybe they will change some things, maybe not. I have two months to decide if I can get over what's pissing me off before I slip to preferred. Even then, I can play to try and get the Legacy achievements I want. Even with the crap I don't like, I still had fun and enjoyed playing. I got bored a couple times and took a break, but kept my sub up to support them. Cons just finally outweighed the pros for me. I don't post "I unsubbed" to try to convince other people to, or expect the company to go "oh wow tangleddruid REALLY doesn't like xx, we better fix it" The best I can hope for is some bean counters to call up the devs and say "dudes, *** did you do?", and hten the devs go through the forums and thier metrics and go "ahhhh maybe we should...xxx" If not, I know I am the minority, I will either adjust and resub in the new year, or be happy for the majority of folks who are loving everything. The mistake people make is they get super over angry about what irritates them, and the responders assume if you don't like one thing, you must hate everything.
  16. That "shimmer" was the final straw that got me to unsub. No way to turn that junk off that I can find.
  17. Browse the class forums, you will see a few. Rewards not granted Legacy tree is a tangled mess of random numbers and characters Edit: You are right, there are fewer than other Xpacs.. Like I said in my deleted post, I am angry and sniping when I should just shut up and be constructive
  18. Deleted. I am bitter, disappointed, and just lashing out.
  19. mmm maybe. But sending heal spec Kira at 2 golds, 4 silvers, and a handful of regulars, going to make coffee, have a pee, and come back to loot is a little too much.
  20. Sorry, but all your fears are groundless. I took my 60 sentinel, without any skill points spent, with Kira set to heal mode, played with one hand to drive around just to trigger mobs and eat a couple sandwiches, completed, Zoist, Ilum, and Makeb without hitting a single Abilty. Companions screw over has made level sync irrelevant.
  21. Ok. I agree. This is reason # 4 I unsubbed. Hope enough people complain and get it changed before end of dec, when I run out of sub time. Neverwinter Nights / Baldurs Gate II were awesome... 20 years ago.
  22. I did unsub. But, I WANT to play. My sub runs out dec 29th, and I intend to play until then. I am HOPING that enough people ***** about the ****ups, that enough of them get fixed that I personally can enjoy the game again. However, I am not going devolve into flame wars on the forum, I voted with my wallet. If that vote doesn't count for enough, well, the majority deserves their game....
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