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Everything posted by darth_knine

  1. If your a pvper then don't care about PvP vs PvE server. I have char on both PvP and PvE server. The only thing important as pvper is to roll republic else you will only play huttball and never see anyone of other faction. World pvp doesn't/can't exist since BW designed against it and you rarely see folks of other faction, especially if you roll empire but even on republic.
  2. Agree with this 100% Any real pvp game doesn't have pvp gear because pvp is fun and not needed, see guild wars for example. This is copy of what WoW did and they did it because their pvp sucks. It isn't fun enough to jus play like SWTOR so you have to give rewards to get people to play.
  3. GW1 and 2 are real pvp games, this game should have simply not had pvp that is how bad pvp is in SWTOR. I almost want to start a thread about how SWTOR can compete with sandbox games because they are as close to a sandbox as pvp game. Anyway devs never said we were getting anything more than a pvp mini game.
  4. What a joke!!! Not much more you can say bout pvp in SWTOR. Been better if they simply had no pvp at all
  5. It wouldn't matter you are on sith so if you could choose anything but Huttball queue times would be an hour maybe longer...now I guess if that is ok this could be option, otherwise roll republic...this game has awesome PvP!!!
  6. It's also that BW does everything in their power to prevent republics and sith from meeting in the world. Well except for ilum where we work together and team up to accomplish objectives.
  7. You should be so lucky, I am lvl 38 and have seen other faction twice and I'm on a freaking pvp server!!!!!!
  8. I want you to have things I don't have so 1) you don't look like me 2) I have something to go after and play for
  9. Agreed I am an old SWG vet and same there, we had a community well before NGE. Anyway it's time the kitties start acting like adults and the adults start acting like adults. Show some respec for one another.
  10. Get a life, reroll, or play a game that has something to do
  11. I hope this isn't true, would be major deal braker. Nobody wants to run around and see clones everywhere. Things are bad enough with very limited char and companion custimization and humanoid only races. SWG had 10000X custimization on day 1 8 years ago. BWs answer was players could customize through gear and now that only applies to lvl 49 and below?
  12. BW is great a copying and this sounds like a great way to implement world pvp rewards +1 for world pvp rewards
  13. This and sadly that is how terrible pvp and world pvp in SWTOR is
  14. Move along, nothing to see, this is NOT the game pvpers are looking for. Hopefully GW2 can step it up and provide something other than WoW WZs in space.
  15. Two words for you: Guild Wars prob best to be patient and wait for GW2 to come out than be hopeful SWTOR will be anything but a story / quest game.
  16. Stop copying WoWs WZs and implement real PvP. If you want to copy something, copy guild wars or for world pvp DaoC. PvP sux in SWTOR, I don't want warsong gulch and Huttball is just a variation of that. Make pvp mean something guild vs guild. Add guild ships make them part of maps and add 20 or so maps. Of course a ladder system on top of that and it would be a good start.
  17. PvP is simply awful period, anyone who says otherwise only played WoW or no real PvP games. I can't wait for GW2 but SWTOR is a nice story game and BW said they aren't making PvP centered game so it was to be expected.
  18. +1 Huttball sucks remove it and add something similar to guild wars
  19. Group with 3 other 50s and steam roll WZs After that gets old going to re-roll, rinse, and repeat Welcome to epic PvP
  20. Bump BW please make world pvp a reality this is stars wars!!! Where is the conflict?
  21. Yes PvP in general is utter joke and Illum is ice on that cake
  22. 1. Make pvp brackets 2. Make brackets guild based not team like WoW 3. Get rid of pvp gear and expertise, it's retarded and copy of WoW 4. Make guild ships be base on pvp maps In summary make pvp like guild wars NOT WoW!!! Copying WoW for operations/flashpoints is good
  23. I agree w/OP healing is no fun at all, pvp in general is boring. There is no point and you either hate getting owned by 50s or as 50 simply are bored of lack of challenge.
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