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Everything posted by darth_knine

  1. Sweet now I can kill trade again...wohooo!!!
  2. Another programmer here and I work on enterprise software, the **** that if it breaks businesses lose millions or even go out of business. One job of a programmer is to help write TEST CASES and think about how the program will be used. It is your job to understand what users may do and if the results are desired or not. A good dev spends 80% of time reading code not writing it...there is a reason for this...maybe you should try this? I would be fired if I put out code with the quality of BW plain and simple.
  3. It is subjective but feedback nevertheless, a lot of people find endgame a borefest so devs should try and understand this so they can improve game. Of course by the time they do most will be gone so maybe there is no point, leave game as is for those that enjoy it and start server merges!
  4. I do know this and have been playing MMOs since 2000 however I got caught up in hype and wanted this game to be a step forward in MMO gaming. I played beta weekend and based on story leveling made my decision. I just assumed end game would be awesome, I was wrong, never again
  5. Exactly this game is tolerable but that is point, we were promised something better than status quo and mediocrity. Besides leveling PvE, end game is simply mediocre at best PvE but especially PvP. If you never played WoW or a WoW clone great, enjoy SWTOR end game. However if you did you are most likely bored out of your mind with this end game and I think that is the sentiment of many. The next great MMO will do something different, something new, not copy the WoW formula for success. I addition to end game content being same old boring stuff the game mechanics around PvP are horrible, again in the eyes of many, just read the forums and in game chat comments if you are still playing.
  6. Well I have till June since that is when my sub runs out. I really am not into PvE, I played WoW in raid guild after SWG for 5 years so this PvE is same as WoW (except WoW is better so if I really wanted to PvE I would play that) and like I said burnt on that. GW2 PvE sounds refreshing though, we shall see. I was hoping for open world battles like in SWG and ground breaking pvp. Star Wars is perfect environment for PvP. Please let me know when you find it
  7. If that is case why are servers light and why at peak times are only 50 people at fleet? As a lvl 50 all there is to do is hang out in fleet and wait to queue into PvP or PvE instance.
  8. Can you link some info on this game? I am old SWG vet too and that was hands down best game I ever played. I am sick of these instant gratification, dead world, on rails, themepark games.
  9. Well GW2 may also fail, but my grandma and a monkey could code a better pvp game than SWTOR so it doesn't take much. Keep in mind GW2 is also very focused on PvP as they were in GW.
  10. BW promised "ground breaking pvp" Nobody got to test or really see this ground breaking pvp know as Ilum until launch. So yes I feel they lied and cobbled together a game of mini games and deceived us and for that BW deserves what is coming to them!
  11. Wrong only WoW and it's clones do Login and play GW I cancelled and am never coming back to this POS sry excuse for a game. It isn't even fun enough to play as filler till GW2, D3, secret world, or Tera come out.
  12. Yes but GW focused on something specific and that was guild vs guild skill based PvP. I see GW2 also maintaining focus. Remember GW and GW2 both did new things. SWTOR is epic fail because they haven't tried to do anything new for pvp and also pve. It is same boring **** we all have played for years except worse SWTOR did a poorer job of deliver clone content formula / game mechanics and that is equation for epic fail. Even if SWTOR solved imba problems and game mechanics, the content is simply boring and nothing new.
  13. I like NOTHING about SWTOR PvP, it is worst execuse for PvP ever. BW simply checked a box that said PvP so they could sell more copies, nothing more.
  14. Yep no game to play I don't troll on WoW kuz I stopes caring about that game after WotLK. I still care about this gam mainly kuz I got another few months till my sub runs out, people that QQ generally care about the game else they wouldn't post or even go to forums.
  15. Ok well that makes sense, you enjoy Huttball w/pre-mades and gear progression / grind. I can respect that I also agree besides old games like DaoC there are only failed WoW clones or WoW itself to play but that is changing. Read about GW2 or Secret World, they are different and offering new ideas not the same old WoW.
  16. I don't like WoW but I like SWTOR less, get the facts straight
  17. Must not be pvping or trying to level w/friends since even that doesn't work well. Maybe PvE operations, ok I buy that as you must have never played WoW or burned yourself out on WoW endgame.
  18. What PvP do you do? WZs or Ilum? What is enjoyable?
  19. I have never seen game forums w/this much QQ...there is something seriously wrong w/this game don't ya think? Heck SWG forums after NGE were maybe not this negative. SWG at least even post NGE had the space game w/crafting that is a heck more than SWTOR has for enjoyment at end game.
  20. WoW = top notch competitive PvP, is that why blizz had to sponsor it's own tournament? GW = actual pvp but I bet you hated that game as it isn't a gear grind Anyway both GW and WoW are predictable instanced PvP, if that was what I wanted, I would go play them and not this POS. Instead I will QQ about the world PvP that is Ilum and hope SWG or DaoC are re-made.
  21. Have fun w/your single player MMO you pay a subscription for
  22. Well said...I bought game and 6 month sub so I too care and would like to see the "ground breaking pvp" BW promised.
  23. How is that fun? That is a slaughter fest and for you no challenge, I guarantee you will get bored soon...
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