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Posts posted by ChickenWangs

  1. I'd just like to get some official word on this topic, so please someone from BioWare fill me (and everyone else) in: When people quit warzones because they don't want to stay on a losing team -- is that a permissible use of the Quit Warzones feature and therefore working as intended and something that BioWare supports? Or is quitting a warzone an unintended consequence of that feature and therefore an exploit of the game code since it gives players an unfair advantage over other players?


    I think everyone deserves an answer. Do you at BioWare think that quitting warzones, thereby screwing over the people in the warzone because you've left them shorthanded for a time and, far worse, screwing over whoever is at the top of the warzone queue because when someone quits, the top of the warzone queue gets pulled in to that loss, if that is something you folks at BioWare have no problem with and have no intention of addressing.


    Otherwise, if it is an exploit, when are you going to start penalizing people for using it?



    I don't know if you like staying on an entirely recruit geared team, but I certainly do not. If people cannot be bothered to collect 2750 ( I think that is the com cap) regular wz comms before hitting 50, are they really there to actually PvP or make everyone else's life miserable. Or someone could just get the war hero gear and put the mods in legacy gear and send it to their alt. There are two easy ways to make sure that YOU don't screw a team over by simply getting some gear before hitting 50.

  2. Listen OP, we know that smashers are op, and the only people who will deny have a smasher that they lol everywhere on every class. I used a smashed specced sent for my amusement, and noticed how crazy it is to do 5k damage to everyone around me. People will say "oh just spread out" however that is someone who has never fought a smashed specced person, and is in fact specced into lolsmash. You cannot control others actions making it very difficult to spread out. Because of the nature of most classes and pvp environments clusters are bound to happen.


    TL;DR Smashers will be nerfed just like vanguards, scoundrels, and assassins.

  3. Nice troll 7/10


    This isn't about Merc specifically, if you would not TL;DR his post you would see that. The title should be nerf bounty hunters but that's beside the point


    The real time where this comes into play is in extended pvp fights (usually RWZ) and PVE. Bioware should address the issue as the OP posted some simple fixes that could be included for the heat system.

  4. I love the imperial trooper armor and I want to wear it so much. Im not a Collectors Edition member and I know alot of people who agree with me aren't either. So I would like to ask Bioware if they plan on moving this armor to a more public vendor, at least the vip lounge vendor which anyone can access with the buyable VIP armband. Maybe even security key vendors, but anyway anyone who agrees I don't and Im sure Bioware doesn't need an "I agree, it sucks that we cant have it." If you agree just post a +1 on this thread and hopefully Bioware replies with an answer will all like. Please only post if you are going to agree.


    Unless the CE people get 17,500 cartel coins for FREE (thats about $150 dollars of cartel coins) then NO. I spent my money knowing I would get benefits that only other collector's edition people could acquire i.e. not the majority of the player base. Certain items should be only acquired by a few people in an mmo because it makes those items unique. The CE items are trash besides the Imperial Armor anyway, so it's the only real benefit to spending money in the CE market.

  5. I come to the forums seeking information about the game: Build advice, crew skill recommendations, flashpoint boss strategies and such. What I find is that I have to sift through a lot of anger, bitterness, resentment and, in my opinion, overblown senses of entitlement, in order to get to the good information. After going through all this over the course of a few weeks while looking for information, I felt compelled to write something myself to you Developers of SWTOR:


    Don't let the venom of the forums get you down: You folks have done good work here.


    The audience for this MMO seems to be all over the map in terms of priorities. Some folks simply wanted KOTOR 3 while others wanted something so radically different from WOW that they honestly had no clue what they wanted: they just wanted something different. Some really want same gender romances, others feel this is a huge waste of time. You announce more content with the new expansion pack and some of the audience blasts you for not working on bug fixes enough. It would seem, judging by the forums, that no matter what additions or improvements you make to the game, 75% of the forum posters will hate you for it becuase it's not what they specifically want out of the game. You add a new planet, you get blasted for not adding Pazaak games. Add 5 more levels of content, you get blasted for not getting same gender romances in sooner. You add a new Flahspoint and you're scorned for not balancing the PVP. As the old phase goes: Dammed if you do - dammed if you don't.


    To that, all I can say is to keep your head up. This is a quality MMO and you guys have done an outstanding job. The voice acting, class storylines, ship designs, mission and flashpoint designs, group finder... there is a lot of good stuff in here. I myself have 3 50's and am working on 50's in the rest of the classes to see the storylines. The journey in the game from 1 to 50 is so rewarding, I was almost sad when I hit 50 on my latest character. I really enjoy the game and have already sent my pre-order in for the expansion pack. Cheers all around.


    Sure - like any MMO - there are aspects that need more polish and more bugs that need fixing. But that's any MMO - even the mighty WOW has it's issues.


    So I hope you won't let the overflow of anger on the forums get you down or discourage you. You have produced a hell of a product and one you should be proud of. Let those who predict DOOOOM for the game go about their business - many of them are probably still subscribing as they vent their frustration on the forums day in and day out, and I think that is the biggest judgement they can make about the game: they still pay to play it.


    To you I say: Cheers! And keep up the good work!


    TL;DR The forums= you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

    Some people will help you make the Kessel Run in less then 12 parsecs (lol parsecs) and others will try to kill you before you can escape their post hunting and thread destroying ways.

  6. Elite War Hero Med-tech's MK-1 System vs War Hero Med-tech's MK-1 System (implants)




    That's an awfull lot of red stat's in my tooltip item comparison! I'm not convinced Elite would be better as all stats add up to 362 for plain ole WH vs 357 for EWH...huh?...wth?...a bug maybe? I know...adding them up in that way is not the best way to compare them as they have different stats, but still, losing 5pts to uprade to Elite?...really? The only good I see coming out of the deal is better endurance...yay for more life! I like having (Rating 150) or (Rating 146) on other WH/EWH gear description to clearly tell me that I'm getting better gear...I hope they will add that feature to earpieces, implants and relics in the near future. Still trying to understand how EWH would be more beneficial, in this case, for a commando healer...not sure too much research went into the compared stats b4 they were implemented to vendors...either a horrible decision, or an overlooked mistake...hopefully the developers will review this issue & give us some clarity to explain why it's better...though I still may not be convinced. I could even settle for the crit/surge replacing my beloved power/alacrity combo if the stats were significantly greater to make it worth while, but there's not even a bonus to upgrading...sad...for now I will stick w/my plain WH implants.

    Same problem with the dps ones they have dumb stats on them too.

  7. I could less about christmas - it doesn't invalidate the other monkey business though.


    The T7 ship gear fiasco has cost them 2 subs from my house. That was before Makeb entered the equation.


    See I get the feeling that some people who complain about the space missions haven't actually tried them. They are challenging even if you have T7 gear. It' not an I win set of gear.

  8. First off, I "was" an avid PvP player on the Republic side. I say was because I can no longer stomach the absolutely terrible players that PvP on there (at least on the Jedi Covenant server). Players there have resigned themselves to one simple fact: If you queue solo for PvP as a Republic player, you are going to lose. It breaks my heart to admit it. To tell you how bad it is over there, let me say that I picked up my weekly PvP quest on Tuesday. By the following Monday, I had won 3/9 matches. And this is playing roughly 3-4 hours of PvP every day for that week. (You should maybe note that all 3 of the matches I won were skirmishes against other pubs).


    Now, if I play my Imperial character, I can get wins and on average about 35 kills while not even wearing any PvP gear. What is up with that? (They are the mirrored classes, a Sentinel and Marauder)


    Now, what I want to ask is, why? What makes the Imperials SOOO much better than the Pubs? Is it the fact that a staggering number of PvP Imps are Sorcs (tons of heals and shields there)? Is it that they actually utilize stuns in succession to keep players down? Possibly all of the AoE's they drop on top of mission objectives to keep players from accessing them?


    Feel free to toss your two cents in. Perhaps even make some of the Pubs wake up to how awful things are.


    Population. Imps on most servers outnumber the republic.

  9. Juggs/Sents are the only class without an AOE over time. Force quake, mortar volley, and freighter strike all do damage over a span of 3-5 seconds. Mortar Volley with crits on the hits (and keep in mind there aren't talents that make this crit 100% of the time) can maybe hit 5k damage if every mortar crits. Freighter strike's ticks can hit 5k as well. But they can all be avoided! That massive red circle is a clear indicator that you are about to get hit by a powerful AOE. With smash it's instant activation. There is no warning and no time to escape a 5k crit. And it is one 5k hit, not 3 hits for 1.7k. The smash's damage needs to be nerfed. Instead give that spec something to reduce the cooldown or other attacks that can be paired with the smash to deal damage.
  10. You can't really avoid it, unless the Jugg is bad and has an ability queue of 1 second or spams his Smash button even after getting knocked back.


    Whenever jugs come after me I naturally just kite (and for some odd reason they never slow me). Guess that is the cool thing about being a vanguard.

  11. That's what i'm getting from this thread and the bigger one on the general forum.


    Which they definitely should not have the same access to. Unless the game wants to be Pay to Win where the Cartel market has items that give subscribers or people who buy things a clear advantage over others (i.e. gear abilities ect.) then they have to make money somehow. If you just want to PvP you aren't going to be paying 15 dollars a month. Just buy the PvP license (Don't know if they expire but even if they do a license is still cheaper than a sub). They want F2P players to be able to tailor their experience or be a sub and get everything.

  12. Because everything in F2P IS NOT FREE. No one would ever use the F2P model if everything was free. They have to make revenue somehow and this is one of those ways. Just be glad the Cartel Points market isn't adding items that make you inherently better than everyone else (which is called a Pay to Win model).
  13. I created a thread a while ago saying to reduce the snare for vanguards and change the range for AP and IR to 10 meters. Guess what's on the PTS?


    I can't really thank them for nerfing my class, but at least they listen.

    Should have just kept my mouth shut and watched QQ unfold

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