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Posts posted by ChickenWangs

  1. True enough.


    Question I have is...


    Why does nobody ever get outraged when they pay some exorbitant price for something on the CM only to have it go on sale at 50% off later?


    Because that is a sale. If a game goes on sale at a later date, I really don't care because I wanted the game then. If (all of a sudden) they made the game free, then those who purchased it should be compensated. When F2P was released, dedicated players were compensated. Players who are still dedicated should be compensated for Cartel going f2p (for subs) as well

  2. Okay now maybe I can't read properly, but if I did read this correctly, only people who bought the ROTHC expansion in the last 30 days get 1050 coins?

    Pasted from the page


    Subscribers who purchased the Digital Expansion: Rise of the Hutt Cartel between August 11, 2013 and September 12, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT will be granted 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins in appreciation for their purchase of Rise of the Hutt Cartel in the last 30 days. The 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins will be granted by September 13, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT.


    What about everyone who decided to buy the expansion and not wait 5 months later? If anything, the people who preordered the thing should get more coins for their dedication.

  3. This wouldn't be an issue if the devs would be a little more liberal with their nerf hammer. A small fraction of the community cries? Destroy the class's way of life. A large portion of the community complains? Ignore them.


    Some of the best suggestions I have seen about classes have come from people who actually play the class. Vanguards: I suggested multiple times that the range on assault plastique and Incendiary round be nerfed. Then the class would be more balanced. The nerf worked quite well because vanguards could not burst a target to death from 30 meters away. Then comes along a nerf bioware thinks of: Trash Assault plastique. No longer viable in PVP.


    Bioware needs to rely on experience and metrics (not just what a bunch of numbers say). Human beings are unpredictable and can determine if a class is OP or not OP simply by the way they play it, not what a computer says a class could potentially do.

  4. I honestly am not sure why anyone thought it was a good idea. The fact is that one way or another, they were going to have to tell people things they didn't like to hear in response to questions. No matter what they said, it was going to aggravate a lot of people. It's kindof a lose-lose program to be honest.


    But if they knew anything about the game, they would actually listen to the class reps. It's not an issue of the reps, it's an issue with the devs.


    I used to avidly defend the game devs because it seemed like they had some idea of what they were doing. A couple of nerfs to vanguard were deserved. Then they hammered the nail all the way into the ground. Why? There had not been a single complaint about VG/PT in months. If there is no issue, then a class won't be complained about. You never EVER saw tactics being whined about. Why? Because almost ever player could easily defeat a spec. So to a certain degree, perception is a valuable tool when it comes to MMOs.


    Is this a joke? "Planetary arcs work better for group story." I'm perfectly fine with having 2 stories going at once. It is very interesting. Oh well. Throw personalized story out the window.

  6. The general forums of most MMOs are a hive of scum and villainy. But last year, if you remember, SWTOR was voted for having the worst community in MMOs by various gaming sites and publications, which is saying something considering there are some REALLY bad ones out there.


    I've tried to do my part to lighten things up a bit by making threads that are meant to be fun and kind of goofy while still being game related. I still browse the WoW forums, which is a community that used to be known for being terrible. But if you ever check out their general board, you'll see some threads that are simply made in good jest. And they usually have HUNDREDS of posts of people messing around while still making it game related so that it doesn't go too far off topic. Sometimes they even get mod or dev participation.


    Those same exact threads, if copied here but made to be SWTOR related, are moved to off topic or deleted because he playerbase often doesn't get the pun (not sure if this is a case of youth or just because everyone here is used to nerdraging - maybe a combo of both) which then causes the mods to move or delete the thread.


    There will always be threads that bash the game and a plethora of "I'm quitting" posts. But why not have some fun threads on here as long as they are SWTOR related? Is that outside the realm of possibility? I feel like that's part of a vibrant community and what a good community does. LOTRO for example used to be absolutely FILLED with those kinds of threads. Can we not do some of that here?


    My gut tells me probably not. The cool thing here seems to be to bash the game or complain about a certain aspect of it. Which is normal. All MMOs kind of look like that. But putting your nerdrage aside to have some lighthearted fun can help make boards, and the community itself less mad.


    TLDR: Lighten up.


    [citation needed]

  7. I'm just going to go out and say it even if it is harsh:


    These were terrible answers to these questions. Absolute trash.


    In the first question you failed to address the fact that Vanguards currently have the worst defensive cooldowns in the game. The explanation that "oh their range makes up for it" is a cop out. Any smart melee class is just going to leap/pull/speed/slow the target vanguard, waltz right up to them, and kill them. Heavy armor makes little to no difference in the dps classes because the game is designed to where just about anything penetrates armor. Even when assault specialist had great burst the defensive cds were still trash. They were just covered up by the fact that most targets could be killed before we needed them.


    On to the hybrid vs 36 point build

    Assault plastique has never been useful in PVE. The extra Ion pulse damage will outperform a 15 second CD of that ability. Assault plastique was not useless in pvp (pre-2.0 due to burst). The nerf in 2.0 made it useless for anything. A slight buff in damage does nothing for PVP. Burnout being buffed? So what? You also failed to mention that because of the reduced energy requirement, IR was nerfed in damage. 36 point builds work for very few classes all around the game.


    And finally your last answer. The buffs you have made to vanguard will simply make the TTK less. But isn't that why they were nerfed in the first place? The TTK was fast, but it needed to be fast so that the vanguard never had to rely on useless defensive cds. Now attempting to revert the class back to a weaker version of pre-2.0 is the solution? If reactive shield and adrenaline rush were simply buffed to do something besides delay death for 2 seconds, the class might work a bit better.

  8. Congrats Mfour. This will be interesting.


    Next patch:


    Ion Pulse has been removed, Explosive round should overtake it's function.

    Focused Impact and High Friction Bolts has been redesigned.

    - Focused Impact no longer increases the armor penetration for High Impact Bolt. Instead your High Impact Bolt now hits 2 additional targets for 20% of the damage inflicted on your main target. Also hits sleeping targets.

    - High Friction Bolts no longer increases the armor penetration for High Impact Bolt. Instead it gives your High Impact Bolt a 20% chance to make your next Explosive Surge cost no Ammo.



    What I'm trying to say is, try not to bite their heads off immediately, so they won't do stuff like this out of spite :p


    5/10 I stopped believing after the removal of armor pen.

  9. Don't joke about this, because you know some dev will do it.


    What might help PTs a bit is to revert the adrenaline rush change. Then we might have a CD we didn't have to pair with the shield.

  10. 1) no

    2) several on both.


    That's why I mainly put an emphasis on leveling brackets queue time.


    See there is the problem right there. You never played 55 pvp. I am on POT5 (considering transferring). Want to know why? Republic pvp is awful at 55. 800k damage done, lose. 700k, lose. 750k, lose. Republic teams are so dumb and half the guilds who claim to be pvp guilds are terrible. Granted there are a few gems in the pvp guilds, but (since I can't name specific guilds) there are many bad casual guilds with 300+ members. I used to be a member of one of those bad guilds. They said they were solid ranked players, and they wanted me to "try out." After losing 4 times (every time I topped dps) they said they would like me to join.


    Now if you join Empire on the other hand, you will feel like sunshine and daisies. Roll the worst spec in the game and you can still win. Pre-2.0 I could do 500k on an Arsenal specced merc as imp. Pubs were so terrible they never shot at me.


    As for the Bastion I have no comment on the matter because I never played there.

  11. Powertechs have a leap, pull, slow, huge burst, and a rocket that heals them.. All in one spec!?!? Redonculous. I demand that railshot do 20% less damage, flame burst do 50% less damage, and TD do only bleed damage.


    Since the devs listen to terrible suggestions when it comes to powertech, this will be implemented very soon.

  12. With the increment of crafting mods to tier 31 (allowing automatic progression to NIM) the game has yet again become veiled P2W.


    Heres How.


    Step 1: Buy Cartel Coins

    Step 2: Purchase the item with best credit to CC ratio

    Step 3: Post items on GTN

    Step 4: Recieve your Money

    Step 5: Buy gear that allows you to go into any instance

    Step 6: Clear hardest content in game while skipping 99% of other content.


    End Result PAY TO WIN


    (i would be fine with it staying at 30's)


    *Credit of theory to dude in another thread of mine*


    Really? This is what you think is pay to win?


    Pay2Win would be me buying Underworld gear for cartel coins.

  13. We have a team of programmers who work on optimizing both the client and the server, in order to increase performance and the quality of the play experience, increase visual appeal, and reduce downtime and loading time. They have already made significant strides, but many of the improvements they've made aren't as big and splashy as all-new features, and may not be apparent to people running top-end machines.




    Our codebase forked from Simutronics codebase quite some time ago - at a certain point, the divergence between code bases is so significant that continuing to merge in updates from a coding partner becomes technically unfeasible.


    You know what would be the greatest 8 week update ever? 2.2 Lag, FPS drops, and Activation time fixes. Just spend 8 weeks totally focused on optimizing the game and have the art department do something like make more cartel armor (not just reskins). I would be willing to bet that an update like that would bring droves of players back. I run on a top end system and have noticed FPS increases of about 2-3 over my course of playing TOR. Even on the lowest settings, the fleet still has about 30 fps. The day that my games sits comfortably at 60 will be a good one.

  14. This is the most un-balanced game since WOW came out. I really enjoy being stunned to death and destroyed by hackers, cheaters and players who only join WZ as teams/groups. I haven't won a PUG WZ in forever. I get killed in litterally 5 seconds. Honestly, I see no fun in this game when it's so un-balanced in PVP its completely pointless to even log in.


    This patch completely destroyed whatever fun I was having playing it where at least I could last in a match long enough to do SOME damage. Not anymore.


    Since WOW just lost 1.3 million users in the past 4 months, I suspect SWTOR will also go the way of the Do-Do bird and die right along with it.


    Games that are completely unfair and not fun to play always die out. And so will SWTOR. Unless there's some magical patch coming out to stop cheaters and hackers and balance the game, it's going to die, mark my words.

    My characters are in my sig, just send the credits my way

  15. Just reroll to Sniper/Gunslinger, no point to play Powertech/Vanguard any more, it's what EAware obviously wants its players to do.


    The new holy FOTM class! They buffed them so much it became crazy good. Just like smashers. Notice how operatives, vanguards, and shadows all seem to get nerfed and then a below the dps bar.

  16. We all know what we want but let's write about it now I have listed only 2 options to choose from so lets see what's hot and what's not.


    Character Transfers or Cartel Customization


    for me I do like the idea of being able to do things to my toon that needs changing but I think transfers would be a better option to be able to play on a server of my choice with people and not have 24 people on the republic fleet.




    I currently am safe and sound on my server.

  17. Wutsup shard.


    I've fought against you lots, you are definitely a force to reckon with. I don't have a trooper so I'll stick with hunter terminology.


    Long story short, I'll say again that shoulder cannon should remain exclusive to middle tree, and pyro's generic CGC dps potential should be increased. Thermal detonator should have the dot placed before the explosion, not after. I, like the rest of you have found use of shoulder cannon, but I think it's actually a joke. When calculating/balancing the dps potentials, it's actually hurting us more than helping. I'm done developing my jug so I'll be heating things up alot now on my PT. see ya out there.


    I am going to have to disagree with you that shoulder cannon needs to be moved to the middle tree only. Currently assault plastic is absolutely useless in both PVP and PVE. On the other hand Shoulder cannon is very useful for AS vanguards in PVE. It should remain as is.


    I personally believe that vanguards need their armor pen for HIB back. That would solve many DPS woes. Center tree could also use a buff of HEC becoming a 10% increase in elemental and internal damage instead of just 5%.


    For those who put screen shots up of Vanguards who do a lot of damage (700-800k) I have done it and let me tell you it's a bunch of bs damage. The best way to do damage now is to use mortar volley, pulse wave, and explosive surge in tandem to create a "false" amount of damage. The abilities are very weak on a target; however, used together they can hit very many targets. It won't hurt an enemy that much, but it will make your stats look good.

  18. My brother talked me into resubscribing about 2 weeks ago. Almost once a day since then I've gotten stuck in wz's while using Exfiltrate. I try /stuck, enemies on the other team have used grapple, force push on me and sorc have tried to pull me. THIS DOES NOT WORK. Several times I've used fleet pass and quick travel... these do not work either. I simply arrive at the fleet and cannot move. I can use all abilities except for exfiltrate(glitched skill) which is greyed out. I've checked the forums and HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE REPORTING THIS ISSUE. The only fix is to log out of the game and back in. Hence I've lost over a dozen warzones and lost hundreds of ranked and regular wz coms and counting from this glitch. How can you release a skill for a class that's glitched so bad?


    There are also several other glitches Swtor hasn't fixed since beta. For example losing chat while in a warzone/operation. Having to press ctrl + U twice with people beating on you is not very good gameplay. My Marksmen sniper still randomly get stuck while using cover. Friends list still randomly doesn't work and/or update. These glitches have all been there since beta. No wonder you have such a low player base compared to real mmos.


    The customer service rep on the phone informed me you don't have the resources to fix these glitches... so I ask.. how long will it take you to truly "fix" these glitches!?!?!?


    Let me preface my post with: can I have your stuff.


    Why don't you create a customer support thread with a video/picture for the exfiltrate bug? It makes their job a lot easier. And losing ops chat? There are so many opportunities (unless in a ranked wz but even then you have voice communication) to reset your UI like after death and node guarding. I haven't noticed that bug in months TBH. Sniper getting stuck in cover? Again an instance where visual proof and a good description of the issue can benefit customer support.


    All too many times I see someone say something is broken and make no legitimate effort to have it corrected.

  19. We all know about the nerfs so I'm not even going to start. I'm just curious to see if anyone is continuing to play/gear their VG and see what kind of numbers they're hitting on crits/attacks. I can't help but notice that my commando is critting for 8k to 9k, my sentinel is hitting for 8k to 9.5k while my VG is still hitting for 5.5k to 6k (HIB). I'm not fully min/max in conqueror but I was expecting at least a little bump just going to 2.0. Everyone's HP is up at least 20% and crit numbers (damage/healing) seem to be up across the board. However, VG assault damage is just not moving in the right direction to make me want to keep playing. I have seen a 7k crit on a rail shot with stacked relics on proc, but what are the odds that's going to happen very often (well, never after they fix the stack on proc relics). So, if we now time our sticky grenade with a rail shot and happen to crit we *might* be able to sniff the crit damage that a sent/guardian can basically output on demand with an autocrit. As others have noted, I can still put up pretty stats at the end of a match, but I'll gladly trade my dots for some kind of burst. Is anyone else having better luck? And again, yes, I know about all the nerfs but HIB crit'ing for the same damage pre and post 2.0 just seems a bit off. Hmmm, maybe it'll all get fixed with the bolster...yeah, that's the ticket. :p


    Someone hasn't PVEed with their vanguard yet :).


    As for PVP I feel that the damage reduction is annoying, and there needs to be a buff to fix it. Not a huge one, but maybe put the reactive shield cooldown back in the tree. Survivability is garbage now.

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