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Posts posted by ChickenWangs

  1. This would be my team comp




    Powertech PT

    Operative Concealment

    Assassin hybrid tank

    Jug tank

    Operative healer

    Sorcerer healer


    Lolsmash double smashes the healer, PT attacks dps with Operative, healers defended by their tanks


    In reality teams will be






    assassin hybrid

    assassin hybrid

    operative healer

    sorcerer healer

  2. It really astounds me how schizophrenic and polarized the tone of this community seems to be in general.


    It's almost as if the polarization that's evident here were in direct resonance with the the Jedi vs Sith approaches to wielding the Force. One side regresses into a spastic, infantile state when faced with any kind of criticism—constructive and/or otherwise—of the game, while the other seems hell-bent on tearing down each and every single feature that is announced, or proposed by other players.


    What's ironic is that both sides are equally keen on dismantling any suggested alteration or improvement to the game, no matter how reasonable and sapient these may be, each for their own reasons: the "white-knighters" do so because they can't stand the very notion that the game might actually have flaws, while the "black riders" do it out of some destructive compulsion and sheer pleasure they feed on with their attempts to vivisect a genuinely heart-felt proposal.

    Meanwhile, those aligned with the neutral grey faction (of which I include myself as a part), are relegated to the sidelines, watching with sad incredulity as the burning building collapses.


    In the end, everyone loses.


    Can't we all just get along...?


    Sadly this will never happen. Have you been on an MMO forum before (not a criticism, just curious). STO's forums were (before total free to play) rampant with rage and anger from both sides both for and against. When Wow had a lull of content until Pandaria people cried and whined or fiercely defended. GW2 people constantly bicker about little things in the game. EVE online forums buzz with people crying for or against rebalancing a ship/skill.


    My point is that MMO forums are awful places where nobody gets along. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can post reasonable responses to criticism/defense/suggested changes and ignore the inherently annoying posts like OMG (fill in 1 single spec that does not represent the class as a whole) IS THE MOST OP CLASS EVER and TOR IS DEAD.

  3. I thought i would list things that are to do harder than playing pyro pt/assault vanguard

    1. Breathing

    2. Drinking water

    3. Walking

    4. Walking up/down stairs

    5. Pouring cereal into a bowl

    6. Turning on a light

    7. Opening a door/closing a door

    8. Doing nothing

    9. Putting clothes on

    10. Eating

    Any more suggestion to add to this post would be appreciated.


    Classes with complex dps rotations: Sniper..............Sniper..............and no other spec. Cry me a river about how hard it is to leap and smash, or incendiary missile and railshot, or hidden strike and backstab, or volatile slash and shock, or force lightning over and over and over again. Every class has it's bread and butter and if you would actually play all of them correctly you would know that.


    I've also heard people say in general Rep side is better, PUGs or premade,


    Tell whoever said that to you to stop overdosing on their meds


    POT5 pvp makes me quite angry. So when I got most of my elite war hero gear I quit pvp (until 2.0).


    IF you intend to be a Jedi tbh just roll smash spec. If warzones were filled with smashers and vanguards with a couple of scoundrel heals I would be in heaven.


    UNFORTUNATELY we have the people who are playing as gunslingers speccing sharpshooter (and failing)


    We have commandos going gunnery (and will obviously fail)


    Sentinels who spec ataru (and fail)


    and vanguards who spec tactics (and fail)


    I'm not saying all of the above are bad specs, but a lot of people do not understand them. I don't understand how to use sharpshooter effectively that's why I use dirty fighting. Learn an easier spec and become VERY good with it. Then move on to the bigger and more complex specs.

  5. To me, an MMO is about progressing your character from nothing to something .. This includes the grind for higher levels and the grind for better gear .. Am I missing something? I'm talking about PvP and the bolster system ... The fact that you can go naked into a warzone and have bolster make your existing gear worth more than a player with EWH gear, is just embarrassing.


    That is a bug that will be resolved. Bolster system is not perfect, that is why it is being tested





    The new Operation and Hard Mode Flashpoints in Game Update 2.0 are Level 55 Elder Game Content. The level cap increase to 55 is included with the purchase of the Digital Expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


    The answer to this thread


    There will be no upped levels, crafting, raids, flashpoints, gear, or progression if you do not but ROTHC. And who cares what James Ohlen said about Rothc, I don't even think he works for bioware anymore and that statement was made months ago, in an interview with some random game website.

  7. Do you have any screen shots to support your claims? Have you submitted a ticket to customer support?


    Bioware does ban the cheaters, but coming on the forums and crying about it does not help. Report the person with a well thought out message to the customer support agent, and you will see results.

  8. Maybe you should have saved up 2750 Wz comms before you hit 50 so you could buy some WH gear?


    And what class are you? If you are a class that can heal, and you are in recruit gear, then heal. Otherwise you are just plain useless.


    Players who want to get their weeklies done quickly are the ones who need the ranked comms. It is entirely elitist; however, in a game with gear progression their is an inherit degree of elitism.

  9. I'm tired of joining WZs in progress where the enemy is winning by a landslide and half our team left, or people leaving at the start because they don't like their teammates' gear or didn't steamroll the enemy right off the bat. I don't understand why there are absolutely zero consequences for leaving a WZ, people can just repeatedly leave and requeue until they find a WZ where they can get carried. It promotes a terrible attitude and it needs to stop.


    Please add a 15 minute quitter debuff so this nonsense can end.



    A raging player


    No, Some people who leave are concerned with ranked comms. Those people are people who are acquiring elite war hero gear and don't have time for the other 3 people on his team who decided it would not benefit their team to save up 2750 comms before hitting 50 and are in full recruit gear. Bioware's fault for making recruit gear so god awful, maybe they will fix it eventually.

  10. At this point I am posting this as a notice to anyone who does a lot of trade on the Galactic Market: Screenshot and count the amount of sales and posts that you do compared to the amount of credits that you receive. If, like me, you post a lot of items on the market then you will see that you are actually not receiving the credits for all of your sales. This bug sucks up millions upon millions of credits a day and you will never get any of it back. I have been watching this bug for some time now and they have failed to take any action on fixing it.




    The answer to this issue is that the investment for putting something up on the GTN has changed (possibly a bug). Normally to put something on the GTN you would have to pay a scaling rate of a sum of credits to do so. Now that rate is fixed at a VERY low rate (like 130 credits or something) however the system realizes that your original payment of credits was too low, so it compensates and sends you less credits


    Not saying it is not a bug, however there is an explanation for it.

  11. I think it's fairly obvious why people quit warzones - they don't like to lose. You do sometimes get people quitting when you're miles ahead but that's quite rare and presumably those people genuinely do have to logout / do something else suddenly, etc.


    People can rationalise why they quit a particular match but frankly the excuses offered here (and elsewhere) always sound vaguely pathetic. Yes, it's your leisure time and you can choose to spend it how you wish - I can't stop you quitting. But I'm slightly puzzled by how many people think quitting in the middle of a team game is perfectly acceptable behaviour. If you were playing 5 a-side football would you just walk off the pitch in the middle of the game as soon as you noticed the opposition were better than you? Maybe you would but to me I'd be hugely embarrassed to do something like that as

    i) I'd be letting down those I'm playing with. (Yes, players are replaced but it can take well over a minute for the next player to accept their queue + finally load into instance - and there's a decent chance they'll see a losing game and quit too. In otherwise close matches a minute missing one or more players can turn things into a rout)

    ii) It'd be a huge admission that I had zero fighting spirit.


    I have some sympathy for people who join matches so late that they have very little chance to make an impact. I understand those people quitting when they see a civil war score of 520 to 130. But when I'm in that situation I don't quit myself as I know the next bugger who fills my spot will have it even worse.


    As I've said before, I don't necessarily support a debuff or similar mechanic to penalise quitters. But I'm curious what the impact would be of a (publicly visible) stat which kept track of how many cowardly retreats you had engaged in. (i.e. quitting a warzone which had started, I'm not talking about quitting a minute before the match starts because you can't stand Huttball - that's not so bad - you can be replaced in time with hopefully no impact on the team). I'm not saying that such a tally would solve the problem entirely but it would at least mean there was some consequences to giving up, however mild.


    It has nothing to do with "not liking to lose" People simply want to get their weeklies done and loses do nothing for them. I can lose 20 times and not progress in my weekly at all which is worth 900 comms of regular wz (in ranked comms).

  12. So now we've gone into february and the info/news about the Rise of the Hutt Cartel "expansion" that's suppposed to launch in the spring is few and far in between. Am I the only one who has a very bad feeling about this? (and weren't we actually promised a steady steam of info "soon", not long ago?)


    From my experience it's rare for games to withhold that much information when we're this close to launch. Which makes me wonder if there's actually a lot more info to give? Or maybe there's a delay announcement incomming, pushing it to summer of autumn? You'd think they'd want to start building the hype if they want to continue brining new players to the game, and existing players back and not just be satisfied with the revenue created from the Cartel Store.

    It's still winter..... Spring is not until March. Calm yourself young grasshopper

  13. I know the devs have put a lot of time and effort into giving us a wide variety of customizeable and in some cases adaptive armor.


    Then when our characters get to 50, they give us 99 Tionese commendations that have set bonuses, and force us to either wear the (almost universally ugly) Tionese gear for the set bonus, or give up the bonus and wear the gear we prefer the looks of.?


    This seems counterproductive to me.


    Any chance of moving the Set Bonus for the Tionese stuff to the armoring or mods, like the Black Hole pieces? This would at least give us the option of keeping the appearance stuff we like...


    Save up Black hole comms for Campaign armorings, get custom armor: Profit

  14. I see people whine and complain all the time when people quit Warzones. People ask for some sort of debuff or have even suggested to implement a quitter warzone group, where the queue sticks you with other quitters.


    Let's go over why people quit:


    Person A (The quitter) has half Elite war hero gear and could care less about losses. He wants to win matches and be done with PvP for the day. Person A decides to enter a warzone.


    Upon entry person A notices Person B, C, and D. B is in full recruit gear, C is in BM gear as a Commando, and D is in sub par PvE gear. Person A decides to quit the Warzone because he realizes that with 3 players already hampering the team, the likelihood of them winning is significantly reduced.


    Person A is usually more geared than the typical War Hero pvp'er. He is a skilled player, and yet he is called bad because he left a WZ due to poor team composition.


    Now let's analyze what can be done about this.


    1) Before hitting 50 you get 2750 commendations of regular Warzone comms. This will allow the purchase of Boots, Gloves, and Pants.

    2) While attempting to get gear for your dps spec, spec heals in recruit gear to be more helpful to your team.

    3) If you want to show your dedication to PvP, then while pvping at lowbee, ranked comms can be purchased from the vendor, allowing 3 pieces of War Hero to be bought as well as 1 piece of Elite War Hero.


    I know people are going to come to the thread and say OP raged because people called him bad when he left the WZ; however this simply isn't true as I have never been personally attacked for leaving a wz. People I know have been attacked for leaving a terrible team.


    Do your team a favor and make an effort to gear yourself before coming into 50 queues. It will strengthen your faction's pvp as a whole.

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