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Everything posted by TheLightningLord

  1. Also, my pistols randomly disappear while attacking and it looks like I'm shooting with my fingers. The animation for my recover ability, "Recharge and Reload", isn't displaying. My character stands there while I regenerate health and deplete Heat. Jesus Bioware, fix your game.
  2. Yeah, I know why it happens but today it is happening more than I've ever experienced in the game thus far. It's literally taking 5-6 clicks to loot a body, and when I do there is lag in the item window popping up. Like I said, I'd first think it was my connection but it's running at a steady 76-80ms.
  3. Has anyone else noticed an increase in the amount of bugs they experience today? In just the half hour that I've been playing, I've run into several bugs multiple times that I had previously only experienced occasionally. - Dead enemies remain standing and in "attack pose". I realize that this has been a problem for a long time, but it seems like every enemy I kill has this problem today. - Loot bugs. The "loot box" cursor not appearing over dead enemies, having to click multiple times on enemies to loot them, having to click the ground away from a dead body to loot it instead of the body itself, etc. I've run into these problems before, but again it seems like every enemy is having this problem today. There's probably more but these are the two that are really bugging me. It's not my connection either, as I'm running at 76ms. Anyone else having an increased problem with these bugs today?
  4. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it I'm gonna give it a shot with your advice and hopefully I can get past it. I've played nearly every other class in the game to at least level 10, and yeah this is the hardest encounter I've experienced in those levels. It feels really out of place.
  5. I decided to start an Imperial Agent tonight, and I'm on the class quest portion called Economies of Scale. I was just astounded that this enemy is so difficult, since I've not come across anything this challenging in this game. Especially not at this low of a level.
  6. You love paying monthly for a single player game? Cool... I guess?
  7. Sure, there is some responsibility that belongs to the people that came here and whined and cried about queues. I've been playing MMO's for a decade at least, so I knew that queues came with the territory and patience was the best remedy. Those people that cried about it so much that Bioware implemented a million servers... yes they hold some of the blame. But BIOWARE is the developer, the players are NOT. Bioware had every right to do as they pleased and add 5 servers or so at a time. They had every right to ignore the complaints and wait for the population to balance out. The fact of the matter is that they had no idea what they were doing, and went completely overboard. A rookie mistake, sure. It's their first MMO. But the fact that they have yet to rectify the problem is the biggest concern here. Not only does it show that they don't know what they're doing, it also shows that they are unable to admit they made a mistake and take steps to fix it.
  8. Laugh all you want, any company with a brain wouldn't have added 500 more servers when people complained about queues. They would have either 1) added a few servers at a time, letting each set fill up before adding more, 2) told the community to suck it up and wait in queues. Also, re-rolling isn't an answer, it's an excuse. People shouldn't have to re-roll 3+ times just because the server they're on dies off. And I never complained about server queues. Glad you had a laugh though.
  9. I hate to break it to you, the story isn't that good. If you've read any generic novel, seen any generic movie, or played any other generic game you've seen these stories a hundred times over. The Story quests are fine with voice overs and cut scenes. There was no need to fully voice every side quest and add a cut scene. Or if they were going to do it, they might as well have made your decisions and actions actually mean something. Great, the entire game is voiced with cut scenes. But my decisions don't matter one bit, except for excluding me from some gear. Awesome.
  10. Is the "better textures" not in effect on the PTS? Because those models still look like absolute crap.
  11. It doesn't matter, the "Prestigious appearance" of the Rated War Hero gear is a simple re-coloration of the Unrated War Hero gear. Don't believe me? http://dulfy.net/2012/03/17/1-2-new-armor-models/ Scroll down to where it says "X class color variations". Once again, armor in this game is a joke.
  12. It is disconcerting that the community is flocking to a few "bastion" servers. I like the game, but that's not a good sign. The Fatman is the FULL East Coast server, Zakkeg Beast is the FULL West Coast Server. There are a few HEAVY servers mixed in there, but most are STANDARD or LIGHT. It's just not a good sign when everyone and their brother is re-rolling on one server 3 months after launch.
  13. It doesn't matter, the orange gear is going to look just as craptastic. Besides, laziness isn't an excuse when someone is paying for your product.
  14. WHY is Rated PvP gear just a re-coloration of unrated PvP gear? WHY do both Advanced Classes have the exact same armor, just different colors? WHY does every design other than Sage and Trooper look terrible? If we are getting better textures in 1.2, WHY do these models still look like absolute crap? How your character looks is a VERY important part of an MMO. WHY does Bioware continually manufacture this nonsense that doesn't look good, and more importantly doesn't fit with the Star Wars theme? Seriously Bioware, fire whoever designed this crap and hire someone with talent. Hold a contest like Blizzard does. Or something. This is getting ridiculous.
  15. Trooper looks pretty good as well.... but you are completely right. Whoever is designing the gear should be fired. Also... if we're getting better looking textures in 1.2, why do the textures on those models still look like crap? Sigh. EDIT: Also, why is Rated PvP armor just a re-coloration of unrated PvP armor? Double sigh.
  16. Also, dialogue choices don't actually matter in the game. They don't affect the conversation or the world. If it was a Light Side / Dark Side choice, well that doesn't really matter either. There's enough points to counteract the 50 / 100 that you got from selecting the wrong one. I like most of the game, but honestly why even have dialogue choices or Light Side / Dark Side when it is so arbitrary? Oh well.
  17. It's the 1.2 armor for Juggernauts and Marauders.
  18. Why the mods are tossing every thread about server merges and transfers into this giant mess is beyond me. Right now this thread is on page 2 of the forums, and with how quickly new posts are made it will continually get pushed back. This is the most serious issue with the game right now, this thread should not be getting buried in an effort to "clean up" the forums.
  19. If any developers are reading the forums, please take notice. You NEED to implement server transfers and/or mergers soon. Several of my friends have quit the game because of this issue. We started playing on a FULL server at head start. We had a queue and everything. For various reasons, I quit the game for a month or so and decided to come back. Upon asking my friends if they were still playing, the unanimous answer was: "Not really, we got tired of re-rolling every time a server died." Bioware, seriously, please bite the bullet and allow transfers or merge low population servers. I like this game, I believe it has potential. But dead servers are going to drive people away from the game far quicker than any bugs will. You have two options. 1.) You can give in to popular gaming media holding the belief that server merges or transfers this early in the game are a sign of weakness. This will undoubtedly lead to more people quitting the game. 2.) You can give the gaming media a huge middle finger and start merging servers and allowing transfers. I guarantee you this will cause people to come back to the game, and also retain the players you already have. I know this thread will probably get closed or merged with some other gigantic conglomerate that no one ever reads... but if any of you at Bioware are actually reading this, please make the right choice.
  20. In SWG, you had to work to become a Jedi. There wasn't a ton of them running around. It wasn't until after NGE that anyone and everyone could become a Jedi, and as anyone will tell you that's what basically ruined the game. The Jedi Knight series isn't an RPG, so lore hardly matters. At the end of the day, it was a first person shooter set with a Star Wars backdrop. I'm not downplaying the importance of game mechanics and suspending disbelief. I'm just saying that it would have been more favorable to add new, faction appropriate races rather than what they did. It's all a matter of personal opinion though, I guess.
  21. The only real problem I have lore-wise with the Legacy stuff is the fact that Pureblood Sith and Chiss will be fighting for the Republic. I mean sure there are defectors, but they're few and far between. The fact that there will be tons of them running around as Jedi is completely immersion breaking. I could possibly see a Chiss Smuggler, but that's about it.
  22. I don't know that the second part of your statement is correct. I'm thinking it's more that they had to get something for the Legacy system done by 1.2, and so they picked something that would take the least amount of work. I doubt EA would have spent 100-300 million dollars on a game, just to cut it off and watch it burn after 3 months.
  23. You're right, I thought that schools would teach you that English is not everyone's native language. Silly me.
  24. I have to admit the direction that they seem to be going with Legacy is a little disheartening. It's just more single-player content in an MMO. A cross-class ability that you can only use by yourself once every 20 minutes? I'll probably use it once and never bother with it again honestly. It's not like anything in the game is actually difficult to kill when you're questing anyways. It would be cool if Legacy levels unlocked special skins for your armor, or special dyes that you could only get through Legacy. That stuff could be easily implemented at a later date, however. We'll just have to wait and see. As it is, Legacy just seems like fluff that really won't have that much impact on the game. Pretty disappointing, considering it was touted as something grand before the game was released.
  25. I've been a fan of Bioware since Baldur's Gate, now THAT'S a long time. I personally think, despite it's flaws, that this game is the best alternative to WoW on the market currently. And that's exactly what I wanted it to be. I was tired of WoW, wanted something new to play, and here it is. The problem isn't the game, it's your unrealistic expectations.
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