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Everything posted by LordKOLZ

  1. lol anytime I die that quick I just figure it's by people with better gear. The thing I can't stand most about the pvp is how small the area's and 8 v 8 is on a pc agme of all things. When consoles have bigger games and maps you know things are just sad. And upon that list you brought up you forgot to bring up wow's expansion that comes out in September. Yes we all (or most) hate the kung fu panda expansion but none the less it will bring a lot of people in so that with a mixture with everything else this poor game is gonna have even more issues to deal with. I am just considering letting my account finish it's time and wait it out until this game goes completely f2p.
  2. All I can say is I am not a major person for pvp much as I am for pve but damn I am excited for gw2's pvp with that massive WvW alone. Unlike swtor which has these mini golf courses and a small 8 vs 8 only. The thing is people can view this game as s inking ship now but imagine when the big titles like gw2 with no fee and the kung fu panda expansion of wow's comes out. I am not fan of that kung fu panda garbage which is why i am on this game......but we all know that is gonna bring in a lot of people and then there are many other major games through out the year. Swtor is most likely gonna need another major server transfer for the reamining 20 fanboys that will protest to the end of time that this game is doing amazingly well, lol.. Right every major successful game down grades to 12 us servers.. lol
  3. LOL you haven't seen how WoW went down the drain starting with WOTLK for the garbage casual players if you got to ask that as a serious question. No, those people don't like a challenge which is why they make 5000 threads a day with cries how they don't got time to play or whatever excuse they use so they can have every thing handed to them with no effort needed.
  4. Ah..one of those casuals that don't want to put effort in to their game and just want everything handed to them...Go to wow or farmville. Those games will be good for you.
  5. While I easily agree with you about the first part because that is the exact same thing I said to the fanboys when they were all excited about seeing 2 fleets finally. I have to disagree with no end game content. I got no idea what's your idea of end game content unless you are expecting over 50 ops the day the game comes out, lol. Because the 3 there are fine and gives people something to do with another one coming (probably in 8 months and broken beyond belief as the usual patches go with more days in a row of down time to fix minor things no one really gives a damn about) so there is end game content. I will keep my account active until august and by then I will decide what to do with it.
  6. Yeah don't pay attention to the fact of the MASSIVE server transfers (not even just some servers but nearly all) aimed at one server or another to put the people that are left over together. Ignore the fact they in a 6 months they already began talking about f2p models. That with a mixture of horrible management (aka server down time 3 days in a row with them saying at one moment they won't go down and then they instantly shut down) and a fact that more people are playing gta san andreas of all games than this one of xfire..Ignore all those facts and you can be like the community and say the game is "doing amazingly well". Or the best one yet..."this game had the best launch than any other MMO" LOL.. To be honest if you waited all this time then you should wait to the game goes f2p, maybe by then and that's a big maybe, the lfg will actually group up for the class they choose instead of making a dps a healer in the queue.
  7. LOL the garbage lfg tool is broken like that. My friend has had the exact same issue since the patch came out and even with 3 server down times in a row the garbage still does it even though he is unchecked.
  8. Yeah...but we are talking about blizzard a company that knows how to make a game (even though they destroy it too for the garbage casuals) and bioware austin a company that releases a game that's not even completed...Two major differences, lol.
  9. Ah. there you fanboys go. I was wondeing where the blind fanboyism was. Took a bit long, what happened? Waiting on that hour+ lfg queue? lol LOL I couldn't have said it better my self, nice work. Honestly I never seen such a horrid management of game design my self in my self with the countless games I have played. Wonder why they are looking at a f2p model...hmm still no idea because according to the fanboys this game is doing "amazingly well".. Odd, isn't it..
  10. You would think with a game that is dying that they would wanna keep the people that are left a bit happier than this right? lol
  11. Gonna take a wild guess here. Might be a crazy one too...but I am getting the most oddest idea here that patch 1.3 wasn't ready to be released but nahhhh bioware austin (b-team of bioware) would never ever release something too early and that wasn't ready...would they?
  12. lol I am for updates much as possible but a third day in a row? I haven't seen these many down times since the game got released. So are we going back in time ? Maybe they are getting ready for the f2p model sooner than people speculated with their professional opinions.
  13. lol yeah it's pretty much garbage to be honest. The queue time is so amazingly long and horrid that you're better off spamming the channel still for a group. It will get things done light years faster than this lfg.
  14. I was hoping that with server transfers and the 1.3 patch that more people would come back. Now it's a matter if they stay after seeing how bad the lfg tool is or whatever else will disappoint them. I am enjoying everything so far except the lfg tool just because the queue time is horrid to say the least.
  15. Yeah the LFG is garbage unfortunately. The queue time is horridly long that it's pointless to queue and just better to spam the channel over and over as usual. It will get things sooner than the lfg honestly.
  16. lol seriously. shut up. I am in queue 900+ and so are my other guild members. 429? Please, go play farmville if you can't wait for the small queue.
  17. What? Someone that actually isn't crying about the game? O_o Gonna snap shot this.
  18. Ah..was waiting for the crying people to start the usual topics. I called it to some random person that this was gonna happen. Same as usual with this community no matter what is given.
  19. lol the quickest way to fix that is by learning to play instead of begging people to play the game for you and help you do your quest instead. That is always a good way to get all your exp and items. Yep, longer than most games, years of work put in to it, millions put in to the game... And yet the game was in such horrid shape when it came out. Things like the missing AA settings for how long? Things like KP not being complete aka just one boss... LOL..., Stuff like XXXXXXX amount of bugs in HM's and ops (especially soa and the boss that clones your characters, forgot the boss and dungeon but someone should remember) Or shall we go in to illums beautiful history? Simplest things like the /roll missing, and so on.. Why would ANYONE think this game was released way too early...No idea right?
  20. lol ok I was really trying not to reply to this because you people will always think this game is doing amazingly well even when it goes f2p but did you just say people weren't out raged? LOL.. All these people do on here is cry about one thing or another. The game's population is a joke, so much that they had do such massive server transfers to nearly every server if not all. And yes, they did cry a LOT about the transfers ( I didn't bother reading them all because I was just happy with getting off the dead server I was on. Tuesday will bring in loads of new cries from these people for who knows what reason but I am sure they got their complaints saved to a text file already.
  21. LOL even when someone post a legitimate concern on here the rabid fanboys go in a rampage. Hilarious. And it's a wonder to some people how the fanboys still say the game is doing amazingly well...
  22. This is not wow. This is a much much much smaller game with extremely smaller number of subs. This game can't afford to lose such massive numbers in a quick time and then expect to stay as a premium game.
  23. Hope it's true really. I do enjoy the game a lot and hope for the best for it.
  24. LIke now? No, they look like they got life because the left over people are now all smashed together so now it looks like the game is booming right? I remember that post was back in February or March although if I am off with the date then ok but I know it wasn't very far after the release date. And yep I still play for now, well until they announce the game goes f2p then I am definitely gone. Probably would be better to let my account expire and wait to then because if it happens I doubt it's years away from now but I never been too good at waiting unfortunately.
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