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Everything posted by LordKOLZ

  1. Agreed. Anyone could see it a mile away. First few months and the 400+k loss of people and then some time after (not very long either) the game down sizes to 12 us servers. You can see just how horrid the game is doing. I am surprised that they aren't going with the f2p idea even sooner.
  2. Yep. I was gonna by my prepaid card today and decided not to and went with ghost recon future soldier instead of wasting more money on this game just so most of is given away for free. I was thinking that over for a while but after reading that i decided to forget the card since I am not in the mood anyway to play much as it is and when GW2 comes out I will be even less of a mood to play this game.
  3. Yep yep. Don't forget the rip in swtor 12/20/2011 - 8/28/2012 Well some games have people wanting to actually buy them instead of them having to give them out to people to play.
  4. Two reasons you have to expect the number count to be pretty damn low is because we only have 12 US servers in a short matter of time and then you never see EA or BW announcing a new sub count. Companies love to brag how many subs they have on games so that is just another sign of how low the count has to be.
  5. lol yeah I was thinking not because I remember reading the article some time ago where they said they wouldn't use this trash engine. No idea how that game will turn out at all but it would be doomed before release date if it used the hero engine.
  6. Elder scrolls online? i remember reading they weren't going to some time ago. If they do then I will definitely pass on that game because this game's engine is absolute trash that can't even handle more than 8 vs 8 pvp.
  7. I am a big vehicle/mount collector also but in swtor I never got much in to for the fact that this game reuses models so damn much it's pointless for me to collect XX vehicles all with the same model and just a different color.
  8. LOL. Yeah I agree with you so much about the kung fu panda garbage. That's the sole reason why i bordered this titanic of a game to begin with. I still enjoy the company blizzard but they way they dumb down their games all the time for the garbage casuals just annoys the hell out of me since I like to put effort in to my games. Even though I enjoy them much as I do I can't stand that kung fu panda expansion. It wouldn't been bad if it was like cataclysm where the new characters had their own area. I could of deal with that but the entire expansion in kiddy land kung fu panda? No thanks at all. I am not a huge pvp person but gw 2 pvp does really look fun and actually got me excited for it. The game looks like it's packed with a lot of good pve and pvp so I am definitely interested in it a lot .
  9. lol yeah I was thinking the same thing. 10 years from now is just a joke. It will be surprising if this game hasn't went f2p with a cash shop by 2013. Nothing ever but bad news is reported about this game so yeah I definitely don't see 10 yrs from now people playing this game. Laughing about it but that's about it.
  10. 1.4 definitely won't come out in a months time it's not even on pts yet so yeah give up on that idea. Even if it was to come out it won't help this titanic of a game against gw2.
  11. Maybe not but my money does help it unlike the leeching kids that have to use other peoples accounts to play. And I am hurting it by stating how horrid the game is doing? Sorry I don't have blind fanboyism syndrome going on like you cool people do but I never been good being a mindless following sheep like you people. The dev's are hurting the game enough as it is and nothing I will say can help or hurt it so deal with it. The point of the forums is to type and that's what I am doing because I can.
  12. lol I really can't say I care how old the guy or is how he looks to be honest because either way it's not gonna help this game. And instead of opinions I look at facts like the game losing over 400k in an extremely short amount or time, lay offs, and the game being down to 12 us servers only. The facts are there is nothing ever but bad news reported for this game.
  13. You don't got to really be covering games for 30+ yrs to see swtor is the titanic of gaming history. Sad but true.
  14. According to xfire more people are playing gta san andreas of all games instead of this too...so shall we talk about xfire and starwars still? lol
  15. World pvp? Since when can this trash hero engine could handle more than 8 vs 8? lol
  16. Then that's the developers fault again if people ended up with nothing to do.
  17. Much as I love having more areas and planets to be on would you really want a 500 planet game on a game that is dying so badly they had to down size to 12 US servers only in a matter of 6 months? lol
  18. The thing is by the time they release 1.4 for the new content the games like gw2 and wow's kung fu panda will be out (most likely) and if not exactly by then it still won't matter too much cause a HK droid just won't be as tempting as the other games.
  19. What began ruining a lot of fun for me is the countless and I mean COUNTLESS reused models and rooms for the game. People wanna cry about the reused areas in DA2 but damn this game is over run with reused models. From vehicle to the gear sets of all things. Personally I am a huge collector in these games so I love to collect mounts/vehicles but in this game SO many of them look exactly the same it's completely pointless to me unless they look different all together. The gear well I got no choice in getting if I wanna go to higher end content but the first 3 tiers looking the exact same? Then next two tiers looking just horribly ugly? The game has some awful artwork to it and come on, 5 years in developments and the republic fleet and imperial fleet having the exact same model too?
  20. Yep, I been saying the same thing. Although a lot of people expected this game to sink and it has badly which is surprising in a way with so many big names attached to it. But use a b-team and trash engine to make the game and I guess that is what you do get. Millions wasted on voice acting because people just skip everything and a game being released way too soon didn't help either. Agreed completely with the fact of the other games just giving the fatality to this game, not a wow player or fan of the kung fu pana garbage either but it will draw people in. The pvp in gw2 does look really fun unlike the trash in this game with it's mini golf courses and pathetic 8 vs 8 games.
  21. lol I been saying the server I was on before the transfers was dying but the rabid fanboys wanted to deny that and everyone see's what happened after that. The game is dying badly and I am really close to considering letting my account just close down since it ends in about 20 or so days and by then gw2 will be out and I am gonna be wrapped up in that game a lot. Plus others like phantasy star online 2, torch light 2 when ever it comes out, borderlands 2, so all that with no annoying fee is making think of just letting the account close down.
  22. And you just notice this? In a short matter of 2 or 3 months at max the game loses over 400k people. Later on we down size to only 12 us servers. Lay offs continuously for the company and nothing ever but bad news for the game and company. And this is all in a matter of 6 months and before big titles such gw2 and wow's kung fu panda expansion comes out. I can't stand the current wow and especially that expansion but it will draw people in none the less.
  23. lol yeah the fanboys get very defensive immediately for this dying game. It never get's old or stops being amusing.
  24. You know you can only harp on about EA for so long until the song get's old. Much as their part is in disaster of a game it's also Bioware austin and this trash game engine that also hurting things.
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