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Everything posted by Richelieux

  1. Well some sandboxing as another endgame element is not a bad idea. Dont think of it as changing the game totally. Just adding something for the comunity to interact that is not PVP or PVE-Flashpoint/Operation-oriented. I believe that would make tons of players happy.
  2. @OP: then be more specific in your chat post. Instead of "LFG xxxxxx" you might need a few more words. For examle: "Like to JOIN group for xxxxxxx"
  3. Yes, leveling as healer is fun. I have a blast leveling with my heal specced operative and with my heal specced mercanary. And right now I do not need to change my spec. But if I want to do serious endgame - espacially both pvp and pve - i have to skill differently depending what I do - even if I stay in heal spec. There are some different skills needed for different *advanced* endgame. If I go with some more survival and damage stuff for pvp i might not be able to keep an Operation-Group alive in difficult boss fights. And with a full-out PVE-heal spec Im at a disadvantage in lvl 50 PVP. So changing specs is important for me in about 2-3 months.
  4. It sure would be nice to have better UI for healing, but it is not a deal breaker for me. About dungeon finder... I dont think its really needed. One of 2 main problem now is, that there are not enough 50s yet and that for the moment there are too many flashpoints for them. If I listen to the LFG/LFM-speeches... everyone is looking for a different lvl 50 flashpoint. In 1-2 months I guess the lvl 50 community will be healthy and the issues will solve themselves. The second problem is: LFG tool is not that great and people tend to prefer a chat channel. So give them a server wide chat channel BUT: They should implement server-wide LFG-Channels - for different levels. maybe < lvl 30 / < lvl 50 / lvl 50. A higher level should be able to join a lower level channel but not the other way around.
  5. sehr ärgerlich. Die Infopolitik ist miserabel. Leute, die eh nur an eingeschränkten Tagen spielen können, planen ihre Zeiten entsprechend. Dies ist bei derartigen Verschiebungen und viel zu späten Informationen schwer. Auch werden nichtmal Gründe genannt.
  6. Im a big fan of this game - but I am very annoyed by this timeframe decision. Shame on whoever is responsible. Unhappy customer here.
  7. Oh yes - definitely that! Its really strange that most of the time i play there is no music and its really quiet outside of combat or conversations. And of course the original post - I too multitask with 2 monitors and really would like to have game sounds/convo while in windowed fullscreen but active on other screen.
  8. Resubbing and loving the game! But I am not casual from my pov. I play a lot and I did raid succesfully in various MMOs. I also do enjoy pvp regularly. I started with Ultima Online, played Everquest, FFXI, WOW, EQ2, LOTRO and tried some F2P like Runes or Atlantica etc. - so Im around in the genre for 10+ years. I would call myself hardcore... or maybe semi-hardcore... since Im more of the patient crowd. I dont care about rushing to max and having server first kills or all that nonsense. This game is great right now and has potential to shine even more. Yes, there are quite some issues... but duh its a new MMO.
  9. From a pure lore perspective it would be possible to go with your idea. But what about gameplay? Right now Agent mirrors Smuggler and Trooper mirrors BH. What should happen in your scenario? Do both faction now have the same class (gameplay perspective) twice? Or do you want them all to be different (i.e. completely new gameplay class?)
  10. Actually I think its fine, that the planets are *different* In the end, it balances out... you are done at lvl 10-11 if you did most/all quests and move on. You also learned about heroics, mission items, modifications, your story, etc.
  11. Thats kinda the death penalty in this game. If you die a lot you have to go to the Medcenter or wait longer, till you can respawn where you died. Personally I think its a very mild penalty in this game. Most games dont even have the option to respawn where you died.
  12. Grundsätzlich mal eine Frage an die Leute, die zu wenig XPs bekommen... Kriegt Ihr öfters mal die Meldung, wenn ihr versucht Quests anzunehmen, dass ihr erst Quests abschließen müsst... und vergesst dann vielleicth die Quest später zu holen? Diese Meldung kriegt man ja dann, wenn das Questlog voll ist (und die Meldung ist vom Wortlaut irreführend) Ich kann mir anders nicht vorstellen, wie Leute, die sagen sie machen alle Quests inkl. Bonus und auch zumindest 1x Heroics und Flashpoint dann zuwenig Erfahrung bekommen. Oder schleicht Ihr an möglichst vielen Mobs vorbei, verpaast dadurch Bonusquests und Kampf-Erfahrung? Oder gibt es wirklich einen Bug, dass manche Spieler weniger XP bekommen?
  13. 99% agree with that one... only nitpicking: Swoops are the Pods of old republic era. Also Pazaak and Sabaac!
  14. Ya... with your attitude I really wonder why... a true miracle... O.o
  15. Ya, but you can slice them and even re-slice them in combat. Its not the same, but still good enough. On Topic: As a heal-spec with Kalyo I did not encounter any drop-down leveling in my early 30s. It was easy all the way. Im even faster killing stuff with my heal-specced Operative compared to my heal-specced Mercanary. One thing: We operatives tend to ignore cover. But there are some occasions where it comes in pretty handy. For example, quickly kneeling down and using the instant cast explosive thingy (forgot skill name) and then getting back up barely takes time and can increase your damage output when you include it into your routine every now and then.
  16. Heal-specced here and using Kaliyo in her DPS-stance. She deals nice damage and takes out mob after mob quickly, while I wreak havoc with backstabbing, slashing, bombing, stunning, dotting, etc. Its also rather easy to play aggro-ping-pong with her in damage-stance.
  17. Lvl 21... Go to Athiss Flashpoint! A really nice looking Rifle drops there. (At least I liked the optics a lot).
  18. The bug is, that mod-able and pre-modded dark/light-gear is usable - at least for non-force users. My Operative got a mod-able Rifle with a red color crystal and is light III - no problem using it. But if I go to the mod-menu and un-mod the crystal and put it back - then I would not be able to use it anymore.
  19. 3-4 Weeks after the launch of a new game... only a minority is 50... and most of them have their social group / guild they play with. Patience is your friend, otherwhise you miss out on a great game.
  20. @OP: Just re-sub again and enjoy the game. And stay away from the forums if they drag you down. In case you dont wanna come back now... come back in a few months and try it again. But dont just listen to forum, try it yourself. New MMO... give it a few months to grow and flesh out. Duh!
  21. 37 Operative (Healer) 30 Mercanary (Healer) 19 Assassin (DD) 18 Juggernaught (Tank) 17 Comando (Healer) 11 Gunslinger (DD) 3 Jedi Knight (going for Sentinel) 0 Jedi Consular (going for Sage) Had lots of time before and after Christmas, but now RL kicked back in.... damn ;-)
  22. Ya, the one Trooper quest on Ord is quite tough. Smugglers already have a companion at this point, so I believe the whole area is designed for player + companion. Trooper has to do the area solo - and espacialy that one class instance is really tough for a starter planet. To the Topic: Difficulty is fine in the game. But I agree - I dont like getting thrown into combat directly after a conversation with pants down.
  23. Let me first start that I am not a huge fan of Arenas and I am also neither a very good nor very bad pvp player, just average. But: Arena play is more then just class combination and skill tree. Thats only a part of whats needed. You also need teamplay and coordination and skill, too. I can understand that quite a lot of people like that. And if enough people like Arena - then why not implement it. Just dont make it like wow where the best rewards only come from arenas. I believe its a bad idea to make loot the factor to decide, which endgame content is the way to go. Let entertainment and fun be the deciding factor and give similar rewards for different activities.
  24. What are you talking about? IA Operative here. And having a blast in both pve and pvp. Yes, we have tons of skills... but after you get a hang of them, that class rocks!
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