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Everything posted by GuillimanT

  1. And they'll keep getting rarer since the BOE source of them is gone, and legacy transfer gear isnt being handed out anymore! Payed 2m for mine, love it. I hope it stays rare
  2. Suggested price is set by the devs. There's no tracking of prices of any kind unless you do all that manually. So on a few items, the suggested price is above the actual marker prices. For most items, the suggested price is far far below the market prices. To know a price of something, you'll need to look at the item in the GTN first by searing for it.
  3. Greetings, I wonder if anyone else think it'd be more fun to have elite mobs drop a bit more loot. Recently I've gone out of my way to kill random elite mobs during my daily runs and I always feel very disappointing when I loot them. Sometimes they drop nice amount of credits, but usually I feel like I've wasted my time killing them. Would it be possible to have elite mobs (not in flashpoints and ops), have a 75% or more chance to drop one green item along with the credits. I want to kill those elites as they're a bit more challenging, but it's currently not worth it! Thanks in advance!
  4. This is correct. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draw_distance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessellation
  5. It occurs to me all the problems with the bubble can be fixed by removing the stun component. It still stops damage which is very nice and has a relative small cooldown.
  6. +1 Considering it needs a debuff and 5 focus before we can use it, the damage is just embarrassingly low.
  7. Unlock in the cartel store for 10$ worth of cc's. wanna bet?
  8. They couldn't do that. It'd take them a month to create a story chain, and a day for people to play trough it. The remaining 29 days of the month people would complain that they're bored.
  9. This is the responds I got in the CS section. If they don't bother to check up on the issue at all and just give a standard reply, I have the right to throw a fit. I'm paying for this so I expect a working service/product.
  10. I can assure you these issues may not effect everyone, but they are not on our ends.
  11. My mentioning Section X was a snide remark pointing out that these issues aren't. BW can come out with all the content they want, if they cant ensure a lag free environment it doesn't matter.
  12. Deduction. There's various types of issues that can fall under lag: "FPS lag" = graphics related, generally an issue due to not having enough local processing power (graphics card) "Latency lag" = network related lag (this is what the bar measures). Since this isnt lag related to bad networking (see isp's, internet nodes/cables, etc) we can conclude it's the last option: "Server lag" = Lag created because the servers arent powerful enough to do all the calculations, or; the application code just isn't efficient enough.
  13. There's no combat in fleet. We're talking server latency/server processing bottlenecks. NOT Graphics lag.
  14. Right, Since your customer reps have no clue what goes on in this game, I'll keep it simple and only want a dev responds!! The lag in busy areas/instances is HORRIBLE. I press an ability, see the global cooldown activate and it takes another second before the ability actually fires. About 30% of the time the ability WONT fire but the global cooldown will. Like this: (not my video!) FIX IT
  15. I'll tell you what wont be in 1.6: - Companion lightsaber fix (extended lightsabers even when sheeted. ) - Ability delay/ general lag at prime time/ global cooldown firing without ability fixes - Graphics stutter/ low fps in pvp fix - ..
  16. This, they take twice as long as the Black hole ones, not counting the huge number of cluster**** of mobs everywhere. For less payout! Double the credit rewards at least. And while you're ad it, make a system that converts the xp you get from doing BONUS objectives on dailies to credits! What's the point of bonus objectives if they give you nothing
  17. Because your opinion is the only one that matters right.
  18. I'll move my Jedi to Tython now, this is a wonderful idea! Count me in!
  19. As requested, the items! Also new crystal = <3 Doc's chest was a random drop. Can't remember where I got the jedi chest, I think it was a Bind on Pickup drop from red reaper boss (normal), not entire sure though. http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/451/sw01m.jpg http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4631/sw02.jpg http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/3221/sw03e.jpg http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/5951/sw04h.jpg
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