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Everything posted by Applicator

  1. Dalborra population seems good, I just don't want this type of thread pushing them to closing the APAC servers and leaving us with horrible ping to the US again. This is one of the only MMOs that has been nice enough to give us local servers, don't scare them away.
  2. Dynamic > Story is only true if it's done well. GW2 was a boring zerg fest and the Dynamic Events in some places repeated every 3mins. It was different, but really not that fun
  3. Game runs fine for me and has since launch. Try adjusting settings like shadows. Lag might also be due to the distance you are from the server, what is your ping like?
  4. Seriously, Simcraft does not relate well to real OPs as it pretends its a patchwerk fight and there is no movement or target switching. It's indicative only but not definitive.
  5. To be honest, PvP gear gap isn't that bad, you just need tanks to taunt and heals. If the TTK got longer, no one would ever die. PT Pyro are also the squishiest classes going around with poor defensive CDs and short range. Mine is very well geared and still gets snapped quickly without support.
  6. Dps sims don't take into account things like time on target, buffs/debuffs brought, they assume perfect rotation. Dps meters don't take into account that some raids are missing some buffs and that marauders/sents always receive bloodthirst and may show higher than specs that don't receive it, gear differences and are typically a small sample size. They also don't show average dmg, but only highest dmg, some specs have random procs that can mean they are either high or low and rarely in between (ie fire mages in wow)
  7. Nice videos from Dec 2011. It was fixed around patch 1.1 which was in early 2012. I'm not saying people aren't still getting it, but the example of speeder bikes in that video and the majority of people's problems have been fixed
  8. Rubbish, I just spammed Double Strike on my Shadow and every attack went off, I've never had any attack not go off while activating a GCD.
  9. So you saved $15 and are whinging about 150 cartel coints probably worth $1.50 Wow...wasted everyones time for $1.50
  10. APAC servers are great as I like the low ping, I can't stand WoW and GW2 with their US servers and terrible latency. PVP has never been this good and OPs are much more fun when you aren't at a 200ms disadvantage for moving out of bad and interrupting. I'm on Dalborra and the community seems ok, I have no issues if they wish to merge them.
  11. PT aoe stun is 2.5sec, 3 with pvp set (not all get this as some like the 15% crit to rail shot from the merc set) PT do not have a root
  12. I just did a 520k VS game as PT, my biggest hit was 3800. Rail shot is not the problem. If you actually focus a PT they just explode as they are the squishiest class around with no escape mechanisms. Next game they learned and focused me more and my dmg dropped substantially. L2P issue
  13. Played the beta of GW2, wasn't a huge fan. The majority of your attacks are an auto attack... wow that's fun! Also no procs and barely any resource management. Overall combat was pretty terrible, and no aussie servers so I'll lag like nothing else on US servers so won't dodge anything and harder to hit opponents. PVP zones are capture the flag only so far and the PVE seemed pretty much a zerg fest on the NPCs and not very fun
  14. A PT vs 2 gunslingers would die even faster. NERF GUNSLINGERS!!!!! Stop whinging about 2v1 and then making things up like how many GCDs you died in. If people actually focused PTs and/or taunted them they'd be fine. PVP is meant to be balanced around dps, tanks and heals. If there are tanks and heals around, PTs burst is nullified and they end up overheating. I think some people need to adjust their play style and stop blaming class imbalance.
  15. Have you tried Pyro instead? Why does everyone complain about stationary dps when they are playing the stationary dps tree?
  16. This is a pretty bad analysis. The weighting of the players and dmg could be due to the fact that his team is always counted in the stats. It could be that his team has 2PTs and 2Maras....leading to "omg every game has heaps of PTs and Maras!" You can't even tell what spec some classes are, quite a few play as hybrids (eg Jugg immortal/veng, or sorcs) and others like operatives/assassins sit in stealth a lot of the time and others may or may not be defending. Having a PT defend is pretty bad as they are so squishy they will die well before help arrives. So you stick your PT on offense and he racks up big dmg numbers. Also just because a class is popular doesn't mean it's OP, it just means it's popular and likely perceived OP. PTs are squishy as hell, but heaps of people on these forums think they have awesome defense....25% shield and a 15% HOT self heal on a decent long CD is not a good defense. People whinging about classes being OP are typically bad players that don't know how to adapt. It's almost as bad as people crying that they get rolled because they are in recruit gear, not that they have no idea what they are doing.
  17. Yeah shields work, but only 5% chance so not really worth it. Ion cylinder etc make it an extra % to block and there are talents that can further increase it
  18. I just tested on live and it is present, I just then tested in 1.2 on PTS and it is completely gone, was getting 105FPS while spamming inventory
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