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Everything posted by Bowoci

  1. As a customer of Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a reputation system based exclusively on money expenditure.
  2. $0... although some of the new stuff (outside of the Pay for Rep) is really tempting. Must resist....
  3. As soon as I saw the new stuff and Shipment 1 stuff on the new Cash for Reputation Vendors... I thought to myself, wow this stuff would have been nice on the CE Vendor! Haven't seen what you did put on the CE Vendor... with apparently no patch notes. But from the comments here, it appears it was a huge failure. Guess I'll log back into the game and check it out... so I can be disappointed too:X
  4. I have two pieces of orange 'adaptive' gear from the cartel market, the rest are rakata/columi light armor shells. All of the mods are pretty much all BH, level 61 pieces, w/ campaign armorings. Last night we were doing TFB story and we wiped quite a few times on the rejuvenated Kephess. Each death cost me just under 10k. I wasn't keeping track of the costs for the night, but one of my other guildmates was keeping track and hit 100k for the night. I don't remember exactly what my repair costs were prior to 1.7... but they were around 3-5k per death. So costs have at least doubled.
  5. LOL, Happy Life Day.... Yeah, so you put up a bunch of crap for us to BUY to celebrate Life Day. Just realized the tree is actually a re-skinned version of the trees on the Imperial Fleet... cheap:X I haven't bought any of it and I won't. You should have had a LIfe Day EVENT where we could earn the items... like SWG used to do:X Same goes for the Anniversary of the game too.... stack of Fireworks? What a joke:X
  6. I'll end up buying it, when they announce when it will actually hit. I'm in no rush to pre-order it just for 5 days of early access.
  7. "The 5 new levels will occupy players for a fair amount of time" So you're going to give a ridiculously small amount of XP for the new 5 levels... to make it last a 'fair amount of time'?
  8. I also experienced this bug today. Up until this morning I NEVER had a Proton Torpedo launcher equipped - finally bought one last night. Last night I did Zosha Advance just fine and was able to take out the 4 shield generators w/ ONLY missiles. Today I go back and try to do the same mission w/ Proton Torpedo's equipped and my ONLY option when firing at the shield generators is TORPEDO's, missiles would not lock & fire at them. Finally unequipped the Torpedo and did the mission again, missiles worked just fine, completed the mission. Really ridiculous mechanic... and NO response from BW is even more ridiculous. Since the only thing I need the torps for is a bonus objective, I guess I wasted my comms on it! Thanks a lot!
  9. Then escalate it, or call them and ask for a supervisor. Eventually you'll get somebody with a brain that understands good customer service and good will.
  10. So if very few actually like... 'buy' the Cathar... then we won't be seeing any other new races. Great:X
  11. And you can now buy Campaign Armorings w/ Black Hole Comms.
  12. Entitlement society.... god help us all:X
  13. Pretty much... ya pays your money & ya takes your chances:cool:
  14. I'm on Shadowlands too and have had this happen numerous times since 1.4. Disconnect when it happens, in HM FP's and Ops. Also happened to others in my Op. Go right to server screen and takes sometimes multiple attempts to get back in. There is no error code and I'm not on a wireless network.
  15. Also have to disagree with why you think players were leaving the game. They left due to lack of content AND that the game was not 'worth' $15/mo to them. It had nothing to do with them not wanting to pay or not being able to afford a sub to play the game. Now, I'd also like more specifics on what you're doing with the performance issues. On Sunday night several in our OP, myself included had multiple disconnects from the server and latency in the 18 to 20k range. Had this happen a couple weeks in a row now. I've also experienced these same disconnects from the server in HM FP's. I love the game and intend to stay subbed. But, let's not blow smoke up everybody's butt. It needs a lot of work and much more content on a regular basis or people will not come back.
  16. Level 1 Speeder training on ONE alt, Black Hole Transport on ONE toon & Repair Bot on that same toon. Nothing else...
  17. Apparently we're stuck w/ the much smaller fonts, as there has been NO acknowledgement of an issue from BW or the 'community support team'. I guess it doesn't matter that some of your subscribers can't read the much smaller text. After all this is a video game, not a book... so no big deal:X They can't even give us a reason for making the change!
  18. Soooo..... according to Allison it IS a bug. Sooooo.... the people they have answering tickets have NO idea what they're talking about!
  19. I've been waiting for a response, apparently it's not a big enough issue to warrant a response:X
  20. You actually believe the response to your ticket?? The people that answer those don't even appear to have played the game based on some of their responses. I don't believe it until a Dev posts here.... ::waiting::
  21. Yeah, I put a ticket in with a bug I saw on one of my class quests. NPC's that pathed through the area would walk right up, over and through fountains. I thought that was odd. The response I got back was basically.... thanks for the Suggestion, but we have a Suggestion Forum where you should put this and they were hoping to see some of my suggestions there soon. Really? So they may be 'seen' but not sure it's by somebody that has a clue:X
  22. I'm sorry, but prolonging the UI guy's career is not reason enough. Hopefully he's not the same guy that thought the original unadjustable UI was the best thing since sliced bread.... but I'm sure he is:X For those of us with diminishing eyesight... this is a big deal! I'd like to be able to read the same stuff I could read with no trouble on the 25th. Whatever the reason, unless it was some type of exploit, nothing justifies the negative impact on players w/ less than perfect vision!
  23. Can we at least get some of the 'community team' to comment on this?? Either a 'sorry you aren't impressed, but you just have to suck it up and deal with it' or 'we're sorry, we'll reverse this ridiculous change in the next downtime'???
  24. And of course the only sound from the Devs is..... ::crickets:: A response of some kind would be nice here! I shouldn't have to resize every part of the UI to be able to read text I could see just fine before this patch!
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