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Everything posted by Cial

  1. ohhhh baby! We have live music & webcam throughout the stream, come hang with us.
  2. win is a win broski. you likin the stream?
  3. http://www.twitch.tv/murk1n Rakata Mind Prison server Murkin valor 67 Assassin (tank spec) & guildies ~WZs, Music and Bromances~ Come join the partay!
  4. They need to just change it to Play 3 Warzones. Daily quests should never take more than 1 hour to do - they are designed so the casual 9-5 guy can still accomplish something in the game every day.
  5. I agree with the op. Daily quests are in place so casuals don't fall too far behind the curve. They should take no longer than 1 hour to complete. Play 3 Warzones is more than sufficient as a daily timesink.
  6. Colbert/Daily Show are 2 of the most un-funny shows on TV. l2BigBangTheory
  7. Back before MMOs, MUDs had a system called "Remorting" that allowed you to take your max level character and Remort back to level 1. You had to level all the way up again, but you gained more passive stat bonuses, unlocked additional abilities, earned new titles etc. Endless content by making players re-play through the game again AND get progression from doing so. AA (Alternate Advancement) is another good form of endless endgame.
  8. As much as I hate to say this, I admit the pvp "Daily" is pretty ridiculous. Dailys exist so casual players do not fall behind the curve, and should in theory take no more than 1 hour to complete. The fix? Change the current Win 3 Warzones to Play 3 Warzones. ~45 mins to get your Warzone daily complete. Seems fair to me.
  9. This. Pyro PT is one of the highest burst single target in the game. Jugg/Guard is even better with a Lulz-Smash combo.
  10. Seriously, you idiots think Sorcs are burst kings? Jfc no wonder people are so bad at pvp in this game. You have absolutely no idea how other classes work. Sorcs are completely aoe-pad damage. At endgame with all classes in BM/Rakata, Sorcs have arguably the worst ST dmg in the game.
  11. you must be new. dps PT's are under-the-radar overpowered. The main reason people aren't qq'ing more is because they are one of the more under played classes. And I agree with the op. The fact that dps PTs and Juggs can do such insane amount of damage (Juggs blow Maras away btw) is completely imba.
  12. Pretty much this. If anything, they need to leave Champ token rate where it is but increase the amount of Cent tokens. A fresh 50 should be able to get a "starter" set of Centurion relatively quickly in order to compete.
  13. lol. In an endgame situation where every class has BM the Sorc is right on the verge of being completely meh. In a premade or 4v4 situation I would pick another class over a sorc almost every time. Sorcs don't heal as well as Merc healers, and Sorc is completely pad-aoe dmg. They lack any type of burst a Merc/Commando or rage-spec Jugg/Sent get. While there are classes that are worse (Mara, Sniper), the Sorc is pretty under-whelming in competitive high end pvp. Max geared-out classes that are far, far superior to Sorcs: Powertech, Jugg and Merc.
  14. Bump. Huge issue. Fix it BW, stop failing.
  15. Cial

    New Warzone

    sounds good too. Anything is better than pve'ng a f'ing ball to victory in Huttball.
  16. Cial

    New Warzone

    Yes. This is what most people mean when they say they want arenas.
  17. I blame the Wow kiddies. In WAR this would be borderline cross-realming and people involved would be banned.
  18. I never said RTS or any other gaming genre requires less skill than mmo pvp. But I absolutely contest the statement that mmo pvp is not in the same league, or can not be as competitive, as other types of gaming. Just because MMO gameplay is different does not mean it takes any less skill. This whole argument is akin to saying Football takes more skill than Basketball or vice versa. That may be *your* opinion that RTS games require more skill, but "skill" is subjective in this case, and personally I'm much more impressed by the teamwork and group coordination you see with competitive MMO pvp guilds.
  19. Oh because APM is the only measure of skill? Teamwork, coordination, positioning, cool-down management, assist targeting etc must mean MMO players have no skill. Right...
  20. Sure, because we all know open rvr promotes balanced population gameplay. /sarcasm
  21. you mean PVP where the side with the most people zerging wins? No thanks. Equal numbers on both sides instanced pvp is not the same as zerg-fest open rvr
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