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Everything posted by Subatia

  1. You can't declare yourself a winner just because you are arguing from an weak position ie: the right to break the rules that everyone agreed to. http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/en/PC/ Nowhere does that say it has to be directed at an individual. Just doing it in public is enough.
  2. You know, you and your peers could take it to a private channel. To that, I add: If a word is blocked by the filter, then someone at BW has made a judgement that those words should not be said in polite company.
  3. Here is the part right above that quote: "Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players" And below your quote: "Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed." And http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1880 gives a nice list of things that are prohibited.
  4. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. First Amendment doesn't exist in a private club, like this one. And no, it wasn't taken away. You gave it up when you clicked "I Agree"
  5. Actually, this is restricted content. It is a private game. BW can determine what goes on here. Please let me know if any of my assumptions are incorrect. 1- This is a voluntary purchase/subscription. nobody is forcing anybody to be here. 2- This is a private game world. The First Amendment does not apply. Free Speech is to protect the individual from the oppression of government... It has diddely squat to do with how a PRIVATE game is run and what is allowed to be posted in it. And no, nobody is trying to take away your free speech rights; you VOLUNTARILY signed them away when you clicked "I AGREE" 3- Do you remember those 3 check boxes that said something along the lines of "I have read and agree to follow the EA/BW ToS, EULA and Code of Conduct"? Even if you claim you don't, you did. Either you, or the person who created the account did. So you are bound to follow them. 4- The filter so many cry about: If a word is blocked by the filter, then someone at BW has made a judgement that those words should not be said in polite company. 5- Section C of the ROC starts with "Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior" It then list what is considered harassment. The post on In-Game Harassment (see below for link) gives even more specific references for improper language 6-Essentialy, BW has said offense is in the eye of the beholder. They will investigate to try to determine intent. But, from the examples given in this thread, I imagine 90% of offensive posts are made with the desire to offend. 7- If a player is offended, they can make a report on it. A quick right-click>report spam may be enough for some. Others go for the full report. It is in a player's right to ask for a litter-free environment in which the rules are enforced. Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/termsofservice http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc <RULES OF CONDUCT> http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1885 <Account Penalty System> http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1880 <In-Game Harassment> http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1884 <Inappropriate Language and Naming> TL;DR: You chose to play this game. To do so, you agreed to abide by their rules. Don't cry when you get a vacation.
  6. Oh I don't talk to 'em. If it is bad enough, I report it and forget about it.
  7. Or, you know, not use profanity in General Chat. That could work too.
  8. Are you reporting them? Are you getting your friends/guildies to report them? I know it take a few minutes to fill out that form to BW's satisfaction, but it does work. Note the time, planet, person, take a screen-shot and mention in your report you have a SS. I have found mentioning you have a screen-shot speeds things up a bit, even though no CS has ever asked for one. You need action, not apathy. You get the server community you deserve. Do you deserve a general full of bile and hate or do you deserve a friendly community that tries to help one another?
  9. Can i has your stuff? So you played through 1 of 4 stories on 1 of 2 sides? You experienced, at most 35% of the 1-50 game story. But, it is your decision. Have fun elsewhere.
  10. I want a dewback. And a tauntaun. A bantha would be cool, if impractical. Maybe a baby bantha pet to follow us around.
  11. The defense of racists and sexist everywhere. If it is censored by the filter, 99% of the time it is legitimate and BW has decided those words have no place in their game. You keep using words like irony and nuance, but I don't think you actually know the meaning of those words. If you think it is ok to go around in public yelling those words at the top of your lungs, do it. Someone may decide to correct you or they may beat the crap out of you. A freedom of speech does not entail a freedom from repercussions from your twisted speech. Want to be racist? Take it private. Want to the sexist? Take it private. Want to do it in public chat? Take your medicine when BW swings the ban hammer at you.
  12. Actual end all is BW They say no harassment. http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc C-2 Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Don't like it? Don't play. Go back to that other game where they tolerate your level of maturity.
  13. 1- There is no "Freedom of Speech" in a private game. Everybody agrees to follow the rules. 2- General Chat is not "public domain space." It is a small part of a private game. 3- The only entitlement going on in here is that people think they are entitled to say whatever they want to, with out any consequences. You really can get on chat and say whatever you want to. You may get reported and, if you are, you may get a suspension. If you don't want a suspension, don't be a moron in public.
  14. Your server A/B example would never happen. If it did, both servers would probably be rather nice, since the the main reason peeps engage in such abhorrent behavior is to get a rise out of the 'squares.' Thank you for your service, but any 'freedoms' end as soon as you click "I Agree" to the rules.
  15. Also, tell them you screen shotted the offense, even if you didn't. First couple reports I put in the droid said they wanted SS's. The last couple, I mention that I have SS's and am willing to upload/email/post them and nothing was ever mentioned about them. I guess they assume that if you didn't ss it, it must not bother you too much.
  16. Why do you feel the need to break the rules? Why do you need to do it in public chat? Why does being vulgar or offensive constitute fun for you?
  17. It doesn't matter who shares the sentiment. And everybody in the game agreed to be judged. The fact is that this is a closed, private game which EVERYBODY, including you, agreed to the rules of conduct. If you want to read them yourself: http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc For the TL;DR crowd, allow me to bring your attention to Section C, rule 3: "Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed." My $15 a month is just a valued as yours, and mine says follow and enforce the rules. I left WoW because of the horrific environment Blizz allowed to fester. I am glad BW is hopping so fast to crush people that are reported. Be as small minded as you want in private. Stay out of and public chat with such trash. Then, everybody will be happy. If you can't follow the rules, I don't know what to say to you.
  18. I wish the "filter" was more pro-active. For any general chat or random group, the filter would just refuse to post any message with offending language. You can still be kewl in guild chat or private groups that you make. You just can't be 'mature' in general.
  19. Did you repair before the FP? How many times (approx) did you die? Did anyone look up boss strats? (this is a personal [or by group] choice. I have heard of peeps [not usually people in PUGs] who like to clear bosses blind. Cool if it is your guild; lame if you are screwing a PUG)
  20. I call OP a liar and a troll. I've check all my alts, since most I just made day 1 to grab names and never touched them since. Everyone still had their CE items as well as the founder's medal. But, YMMV. EDIT: I just realized OP is not a liar, just misinformed or ignorant of mail system.
  21. I've tested this for about an hour and it does work. The only problem is that only 2 abundant Underworld Metal missions have come up in rotation.
  22. I have a note program on Firefox. In it, I keep stuff so I can quickly c/p when I need it. Inappropriate Language and Naming http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1884 STAR WARS™: THE OLD REPUBLIC™ RULES OF CONDUCT http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc I think Kabjat said it best in a post above: It takes less work to NOT use naughty words. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
  23. Thanks. I always wanted to figure out how the ignore function worked here. I never had a compelling reason to before. This appears to work. Thanks for the tip about abundant. Changed my original post to look less dumb.
  24. I'm trying to proc a level 49 piece of gear with a mod slot. I need 4 pieces of Mandalorian Iron, which seems to only come from abundant Underworld Trading missions. As of the time of my post, all 5 of my level 49-50 UT missions are for companion gifts. So, I will have to wait til they reset. Afterwards, I will have to HOPE that a rich Underworld Metal mission pops. After waiting an hour, I will have to hope that I get 1 or 2 pieces of Iron. This repeats until I have the 4 pieces I need. Then I wait 45 minutes and hope the mod slot procs. (12 pieces so far, 0 procs) Can we has an improvement to this system? Suggestions: - a short "mission" with an approximate equal cost that re-randomifies our missions. - Some sort of moderately expensive item(s) that guarantees a mod slot or a recipe if we RE an item. My 2 creds.
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