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Everything posted by Brad-

  1. Since they decided to over-nerf some of the crafting skills, I think they should allow people to respec to different crafting skills with the sale skill level. People have spent a lot of time and money to level Bioanal, Biochem, and Diplomacy to 400. Now that they have decided to emasculate Biochem, those people should be allowed to switch to different crafting skills at level 300 to compensate. I was hoping SWTOR would avoid the overnerf/overbuff cycle that are the bane of most MMOs. I am sad to see I was mistaken.
  2. Since they decided to over-nerf some of the crafting skills, I think they should allow people to respec to different crafting skills with the sale skill level. People have spent a lot of time and money to level Bioanal, Biochem, and Diplomacy to 400. Now that they have decided to emasculate Biochem, those people should be allowed to switch to different crafting skills at level 300 to compensate. I was hoping SWTOR would avoid the overnerf/overbuff cycle that are the bane of most MMOs. I am sad to see I was mistaken.
  3. Lost in Space references are always appreciated
  4. For the level 50s out there ... how do you feel compared to the other classes?
  5. Lol, no offense taken. I use my sig to poke fun at myself.
  6. It is relatively easy. I get to be a a-hole in my real life, so playing to good guy is a nice change of pace. In that regard, I have been married 27 years, so I play my trroper as a womanizer, who always chooses the "flirt" option. I ultimately chose Dorne. Jorgan seems a bit of a loose cannon, doing whatever he feels is best ... and that is my job. Having Dorne as my XO, her strengths compensate for my weaknesses, so we make a good team. I did not start my relationship with her until after I promoted her ... but either way ... rules are made to be broken. [i roleplay him as a 40ish Trooper ... who was demoted right before the first scene and shipped out to Ord, for sleeping with his former CO's wife.]
  7. I am trying to decide who to promote. There are good reasons for both of them. Who did you promote and what were the reasons for your decision?
  8. Why can't you just need/greed?
  9. When I thought about flirting with Garza, I trew up a little in my mouth. Please don't add this option. I play my Trooper as a 40ish guy who likes to chase skirts. I never turn down a "flirt" option. I would hate to think about flirting with Garza.
  10. I like 4X, I want to use him, but it feels like I am gimping myself using him. I am not a Cybertech, and gear may be an issue, but using the quests rewards to gear him, he feels much too squishy for a tank. The other companions seem fine using quest rewards and hand-me-downs. 4X seems much weaker in comparison. If the only way to use him effectively, is to be a Cybertech, I do not think he is balanced properly. EDIT: one thing I noticed about 4X is that you have to heal him up after each battle. The other Companions regenerate naturally. You have to RnR to heal 4X.
  11. Zero dark side points? That is so wrong ... Admittedly, I have more Light points than Dark, but some of the Light options are ridiculous.
  12. What abilities do Troopers get that are better than the BH version? If there are none, it is a balance problem.
  13. I find the lack of those WoW features that dumb down the game a sign of quality. I find it a sign of intelligent game design.
  14. Threat meters dumb down the game. People need to learn the skill of threat manangment. Learn your skills, watch for a string of lucky crits, watch to see when your skills are resisted, communicate with your tank - and you won't need a threat meter. Please Bioware, don't dumb down the game and spoonfeed us everything. Make skill count for something.
  15. Believe it or not. Some of us played, and succeeded in MMORPGs before combat meters. There are games with no combat meters now, and people are able to succeed in those as well. This is not WoW. We don't need Chuck Norris here.
  16. This is what I will be using (at least until dual spec is implemented): http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/commando/#::efe2f3efe2f3e2fef3ef2e2f3efe4fe3fef11ef6:
  17. Hopefully, the combat log will only show your data, so you can only see your own dps. Personal parsers are beneficial tools. Group meters, do more harm than good.
  18. My trooper will be my main. I will use him for healing or dps as needed. I am planning to go with a hybrid 23//16/2 build until they implemet dual spec, then will have separate dps and healing specs. I am debating on whether to take Biochem or Cybertech on my Trooper. I am not that interested in which is best when leveling (since the majority of my play will be at max level). Which do you think will be most helpful for a Commando at max level - Biochem or Cybertech?
  19. I was playing around with a build that has 13 points in Medic (for the AoE heal) and the rest in the dps trees. I haven't found one I like yet though. Has anyone found a good hybrid dps / off-healer build they like?
  20. Hello everyone. Brad here. I am one of the Saga Guild Ambassadors. We are looking forward to working together to build a strong community in Sanctum. If I can ever be of service, please PM me here, on the Saga website http://sagafamily.org (username Brad-), or contact me in-game. I will usually be playing Braddas or Braddyn. As an aside, I do not use (or give out at all) my real name, address, etc. in MMOs, so I will not be able to connect via Facebook.
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