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Everything posted by WheresMyWhisky

  1. Well adds that come out have to die, you cant just ignore them part of overall dps requirement of fight surely? Anyway my dps was over 7k on grobthok and under 1k on adds so one of us at least was over 7k on him . I am not interested enough to get peeps to check logs anymore as its not exactly the first time we cleared this
  2. You certainly wont our 4 dps ran 8.2, 8, 8 and 6 when we killed Grobthok 2 nights ago and he was enraging as we killed him. The Nim bosses don't feel properly buffed from what little I have seem of them so far, my feeling is they have basically been nerfed quite a bit but the peeps that have ran them all again will be better able to comment on that
  3. No self respecting nightmare guild would ever use those crystals, they cheapen nightmare to the point that its not worth doing. As has been said many times those crystals should be removed form the game
  4. They removed it, in 4.0. Yeah I really miss it in pvp
  5. I think at this point we can assume they are not able to work out what is a win win and a lose lose situation. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out the community's reaction to many of their recent announcements but they genuinely seem to be surprised which given they are meant to read the forums and social media so they know what the player base is concerned about shouldn't be a surprise but still somehow is
  6. Lol so you have messed things up so badly even the community manager is getting confused, what a complete and utter shambles this expansion is turning out to be. Most companies have a clear plan before they announce things like this not Bioware they just make stuff up as they go along.
  7. This, seriously its not over tuned in any way. You can do it in 192 gear all it requires is a tiny amount of time to learn a tiny amount about your class and to move out of red stuff
  8. Could not agree more. So glad I cancelled my recurring sub as soon as kotet was announced as no way I can justify grinding this stuff just to do the same old ops and pvp maps. So many players I know are off play legion in WOW or FFXIV now as they have had enough, essentially Kofte almost killed the guild I am in pretty confident Kotet has even before is launched
  9. They have made it less bad its still a steaming pile of .... . The issue is not dealt with its just not as bad. I have cleared everything apart from revan (sobs) at lvl but now I need to fring for about 50 hours to go back to the harder ops seriously they can go ................. The whole reason they have server population issues is their neglect of the pvp and raid players, those are the guys you would normally see logged in 5 days + a week, but as was shown in kofte the total neglect of raiders saw a massive fall in the active number of players just as it has done in the past when the pvp players have been neglected the most infamous case being everyone server transferring to setup a healthy 8 v 8 pvp scene and Bioware knew exactly what was going on but still totally butt raped them and announced there would be no more 8 man ranked pvp after they had let them spend real cash on the transfers.
  10. Just remembered this old song which very accurately describes this dev team when they came up with this loot system
  11. Eric so for advanced classes that have 2 wholly different disciplines e.g. heal and dps are the rolls totally independent? It just seems unfair for those classes e.g. say I am a tank and I really need that shield I have a 1/2 chance I will get a tank item then a 1/14 chance I will get the correct slot which is basically 1/2 * 1/14 = 1/28 chance I will get that shield. If I am a marauder and need my offhand I have a 1/14 chance. Now maybe that is not how its going to work but that's the standard way of working out the probability of 2 independent events as far as I can remember (caveat its been 20 odd years so I may be being a div). Now its not going to be quite as bad as that early on but once you have filled half your slots its going to be potentially one hell of a grind. I really think if you want to keep any raiders or pvp players you will need to rethink this
  12. Yip it really does make a big difference and people making the suggestion that crafted gear will be almost as good really want to go and look at some of the set bonuses to see how useful they are for PVP and HM / Nim Ops. Not to mention if the new equivalent of dark matters mainly comes from ops then GL getting any crafted gear as nearly everyone I know that raids has cancelled their sub or is letting their game time run out after the KOTET announcements.
  13. But at least their metrics will show everyone loves GC Ignoring the fact its all those poor tanks trying like **** to get a shield but they keep getting a focus instead.
  14. Lol you crack me up Eric no one that loves doing ops does story mode they were always easy but after being nerfed into oblivion in 4.0 its more fun to go to the dentist than run a SM operation. Anyway have to agree with many posters the new gearing system is a terrible idea. I don't want to grind parts of the game I don't like e.g. Story (as its been rubbish post 50) just so I can do what I like which is run operations and occasionally pvp. For HM and Nim ops gear drops should remain on the bosses as it will be a real grind to earn those now for the majority of the player base given that you have successfully driven so many raiders from the game. If you then want the FP and Story mode players to be able to earn the same gear in GC then fill yer boots. The RNG of all of this will just drive more raiders from the game and PVPers who were here in 1.0 must be having flashbacks to the RNG loot boxes you had back then which you got rid of because like this they were a terrible idea. Due to the RNG and the time all of this will take how do I switch role for my Raid team if required? As its unlikely I will have managed to grind GC for sets of gear for my alts. This is also terrible for preferred players who have bought artifact gear tokens and raid using ops passes. Honestly if you want to totally kill off the raiding and pvp communities GG because you might just have succeeded
  15. 3 to 4 guilds really? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=884236 and considering how many raiders left due to kofte including no new raids at all that's fairly impressive. There was also a large percentage of the population used to raid until they stopped producing content so most of your comments have zero merit, but if no one likes raiding why did the population tank as soon as they stopped producing content if its such a dead format? Legion seems to be doing rather well for WOW at the moment seen a hell of a lot of old SWTOR players over there, and why are they there raids! Again considering as you keep saying its a dead format its doing pretty well. Oh and if you are honestly suggesting SM ops are still too hard for love of god all you need to do is avoid the odd red circle and hit basic attack pretty much, well ok maybe another ability as well but its so simple my budgie could play it successfully
  16. Hard mode only requires a so so group, its not really that hard, correction unless its 4.0 M&B in which case I would say a very decent group is required and obvs for revan as well since loads of mechanics for a hm fight, all other hms outside those 2 fights are pretty easy
  17. Well as I said my experience on tre was loads doing df and dp I pugged hm on those loads of times, issue is its anecdotal what is not since no new ops the server populations have gone through the floor
  18. Maybe the easier way of doing this as will not agree is this During EV and KP large population loads doing ops massive lul no ops population tanked EC and TfB lots of peeps re appeared decent populations not as good as launch S&V launches with 2 loads of peeps doing S&V and Tfb (as its not that old at that point) S&V very eays in hm peeps get bored massive lul til next ops population noticeably reduced DF and DP loads of raiding population pretty healthy returns to early 2 state Tos and Rav launch lots of HM peeps realise its way to hard for them ops team slowly bleed out for the whole of 3, this is why you need nim as they were neither hard enough for nim but far to hard for hm Kofte launches no ops but massive influx of new peeps have to add capacity to servers by February population starts to tank to where even high population server like tre barely have 3 fleets up Notice the trend evrytime no ops population tanks. Oh and if they had actually added pvp content at a decent rate in that period the population wouldn't have tanked at all. The reality is that its the pvp and raiding orientated people that regularly log and keep on logging and to have healthy servers you need them And if you think I am incorrect I point you to the current server populations which are woeful
  19. And I pugged 16 man hm on frostclaw quite successfully during 1 as did many others, and on TRE loads were doing df and dp
  20. The numbers were high all way through df and dp I think you will find, yeah lots took a break between ev and kp as it was ages but they came back for ec and tfb in 1 then S&V in 2 and eventually df and dp
  21. oh and the no one did ops thing ok, their old ops participation numbers I think you wil find it was 38% which is a fair percentage of the population, just like a lot of people used to do pvp til they neglected that forever Oh and here is a link to the old numbers I refer to unlike peeps that pull %s out of there arse http://dulfy.net/2012/03/05/swtor-guild-summitlive-blogging/ it was similar all the way through 2 and 3 well that was a cluster ****
  22. No when df and dp were out and at level pugs could do hm the majority of the time in my experience
  23. Before they stopped making ops no one would have had trouble on sm on anything but since they did the skill level has gone through the floor, and there were many pugs during dp and df era that had no issues with those ops on hm. TOS and Rav at release were to hard for HM which is why they should have done nim so they could have made HM a wee bit easier
  24. I totally agree If they just asked for some help or look on dulfy http://dulfy.net/2015/02/12/swtor-hardmode-battle-of-rishi-flashpoint-guide/#Shield_Squadron_Unit_1 it's actually not that hard if they follow the mechanics, but no no I cant kill it hitting basic attack and standing in every big circle there is so nerf it nerf it now geez
  25. And numerous people have explained why your interpretation is incorrect, so maybe just maybe its you that's wrong and not everyone else? The general weight of opinion would suggest that you are reading something extra into his statement. But yes I laughed as you repeated yourself to about 20 people as to why you were definitely correct when it would appear it is you that have misunderstood the semantics of his statement. Anyways I hope that their hope comes to pass, and that what they hope does include new operations. Here's to hoping
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