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Everything posted by Aus_Jedi

  1. I also believe some of the items in this patch could have been released, instead of hording them into one big update. It makes me feel like this was done because they can promote how many new features and content they are releasing in this update. I also am disappointed that it likely won't get released until after PAX. Again I think that is partially because they can use PaX to announce a date which I expect to be late April or Early May with the bugs on the test server. Really disappointing since they advised when 1.1 was released that 1.2 was planned for March and then in March they said Early April and it appears it won't be making that date either.
  2. Well I am disappointed that the 1.2 update won't be out for the easter long weekend. It original was planned for March, and then Early April. But since they haven't announced when it is being release I don't expect it to even make early April.
  3. I am thinking about suspending for awhile. I really like the game, but I have been playing much lately and well I may come back when they finally release update 2 or wait for update 1.3.
  4. I love having this companion. What I don't like though is the only way for me to have him look different is buying different customisation. I would like to see some armor designed for him that when you put it on Khem it shows:). This isn't a complaint, nor am I angry you can't do this. I think the game is great. This is just an idea I would hope Bioware rights down as a possible future feature.
  5. wow, so many people on this forms scream and cry about what the game should have had in. I have never played an MMO when it launched that didn't have problems or lacked features. Wow got there features after 7 years and still angers some of their customers. so many other games, Rift, Vanguard, Everquest II, DCUO etc all have items that people would like to see, but the games didn't have a launch. And I have played all the above games when they launched and will be playing Secret World when it launches. I expect things to be missing and then added in time. I am greatful they ware working so hard to add new features and content. **now when will 1.2 go live. I am really hoping before the Easter Long weekend, as I really want to mess with the legacy system.
  6. This isn't suppost to be a discussion - flaming bioware, but what questions you would like answered: 1. When will we see our class story lines advance? 2. Will we see high textures for the world, not just character models. 3. Will you be introducing anything like phasing? Where what you do does effect the environment? 4. Will you introduce a feature let us display our toon as our Forum Picture? Last, I love this game and will keep supporting you with my sub to see were you plan to go with it.
  7. okay I just an understand on what the FPS means as there is 2 set of numbers I get 99.9 (81.5).
  8. Wow, and you wonder why this forum has one of the worst reputations.
  9. I was wondering if Bioware will ever implement allowing you to have your profile picture be one of your Toons.
  10. Okay the game downloaded some patches this week, but I don't see any patch notes for what has been changed?
  11. I am excited about the patch, but disappointed it has been pushed back to early April:(
  12. I am disappointed to hear that the maintenance times are still going to be during Australian Prime Time. Just when everyone is getting home from work for me - 6:30pm. But happy they are going to have local servers.
  13. I saw Star Wars 3D on Saturday and was very disappointed in the quality of the 3D, but enjoyed watching the movie on the big screen again.
  14. Will the upcoming release of Australian Servers will we have different times for Maintenances and Patches. Currently the 2am PST is 6:30 Tuesday for me in Adelaide Australia which is not an off hour time.
  15. Will Bioware be implementing more interaction in their open world environment. Something similiar to phasing in World of Warcraft would be great. Also can we get different armor in the social. So far the only thing offered in light armor:(.
  16. I am interested and love to create more alts, but holding off, as I don't know what options or benefits I will see with the legacy system....hoping that in February they provide a little detail and also hoping it is not released towards the end of March.
  17. Wow, I have read your replies and they just amaze me. 1st, I am american, but now live overseas and just can't believe how belittling you are to other people. I also get the impression that if the middle of your Saturday was taking down for around 8 hours you wouldn't be very happy. I can't say if this downtime was poorly planned, but I will say I am disappointed in it. I work all week and was looking forwarded to my evening of play when my boys were away with their mother. Next, Did any patch actually happen?? When I logged on just now, there was no patch? Does that mean they ran into a big issue and didn't apply the patch? Does that mean we are going to hear about it again the next day and suffer through another weekend loss. Would love to hear some true response from bioware. I won't be quitting over this, I love the game, but would love to see some caring response from bioware. Next, I really think it is so poor they lock down the forums during any dowtime.
  18. I am really enjoying this game and will be in for the long haul:)
  19. I am sorry, this game is leaps years ahead of DC Universe Online. I have a life Subscription and well in 2 days you are grinding and grinding. This game makes me feel like I am a part of the Star Wars Universe and DC Failed at making me feel like a hero or villian in DC Comics. I am really looking forward to the future of this game.
  20. I feel that for a launch this game is very polished. Yes it has bugs and yes I look forward to the future of this game and improvements they have hinted out. I really hope the do show an aggressive release schedule only time will tell. This game is fantastic after my last MMO that was a big brand, that was an extreme disappointment and still is. DCUO has voice acting and was suppost to make you feel like you were a part of that universe. They failed miserable, but I believe bioware has done a great job. I am sorry you are not happy with a game and hopefully in time an MMO will come out that you will enjoy.
  21. I personally think the maintenance downtimes are a extremely long. 8 hours is a joke and a disappointment. I would expect 2-4 hours but not a full day.
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