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Everything posted by Jett-Rinn

  1. I just think that people who think that all their years of forum rage is going to pay off will be disappointed. I think Keith will do very well at his new position.....but I don't see the constant complainers getting their vision of SWTOR.
  2. I'm personally am not tired of Walkers they're just cool, but I could see where some would be. I know we'll never get anything like a AT-AT, but man that would be sweet.
  3. Yeah hated them in SWG would hate them here, if there is a option to turn them off fine.
  4. I had this and I had to reinstall, I know that sucks as an option but I literally spent a week trying to get it running when I moved it from my Disc drive to my new SSD. Try other options first.....but that may be what you need to do.
  5. I miss the companion interactions, though I must say I wish they were less shallow.
  6. Well Keith I'm really glad to see a Roadmap and I'm glad to see a commitment to transparency. I also think wanting Feedback is good, but I think it needs to be constructive Feedback, and honestly the incessant ranting and hysteria that a few of the constant forum complainers spew, serves absolutely no purpose. Also everyone that visits the forums should have a voice as long as that voice is constructive and civil, and right now we don't have that; what we do have is four or five people who spend 12 to 16 hours a day on the general forum that labels everyone that dares to disagree with them "White Knights" and "Bioware shills" and that needs to stop. The hard truth is these forums and fleet chat are out of control, and unless that is addressed that noise is going to drown out any other thing you're trying to accomplish with the game. Good luck man because you're going to need it.
  7. They can handle it much like the movies and books do, people drift in and out of the protagonist radar all the time, they can keep those in reserve and put them back on stage when it's convenient. The people that want all of their characters back and now....I just don't see that happening, I think the devs are using this to reset a lot of story elements and that's a good thing.
  8. Doesn't the Instances pretty much expand as needed anyway?
  9. Need I remind you what started this? Nevermind...I think it's best to put you with the other Three Bridge Dwellers...welcome to the club I guess.
  10. I can respect that, but it really depends where Lucasarts/Disney wants them to take it. If the guys upstairs tells them to put the game on Maintenance mode, there isn't much anyone can do.
  11. No they haven't and I think it's because the devs sorta painted themselves in a corner with the early operations....some of that content had exclusive story that if you missed it by not doing the Op, the main story didn't make sense, going forward they need to add a supplementary 'This is what's going on" quest for those that don't partake and provide people who do take the time and trouble to do the operations adequate rewards and a reason to move to the next one. I think if SWTOR sorta backed away from the current post Raid MMO mindset and adopted a everyone matters mindset the community as a whole would be happier.
  12. We have been fed....well is up for debate, I honestly think they can dovetail both or all and a great way to do that is with an expanded space game and not the on rails Starfox clone we have now. I don't expect they will ever do that, but one can dream.
  13. Of course there are but there are small gives like this that can buy a lot of good will, you know make certain things available, fix some of the music that doesn't fit to what your characters doing (seriously it's down right weird to be attacked by a pack of Rakghouls and have this smooth jazz ambiance music playing) add more quality of life things, I know for a fact they have the man power and they can still work on the big things, it's not a either or, the problem is people that know nothing about how games are actually developed thinking that if something else is being worked on in the background it is taking away from their wants.
  14. I don't want him to go all in on Story, but don't ignore it and try to turn the game into a Raid Centric or PVP centric game, there are a lot of different type of players and he needs to find a balance, but I agree he is a good guy
  15. The problem is that we are in the dark about so much. Are they going to pull a funcom and refit SWTOR to be something like the upcoming TSW game? If not where are we going? As good as I think the game is I see that they have left so much potential on the ground and they have a lot of places to go (a open space game continuing the stories etc etc ) I wish they would do a monthly video version of the Cantina and just give us a clue on the path of the game, right now none of us are really sure what's happening and that's not good for the community.
  16. It honestly depends on what he is prepared to do, keep the communication up,(meaning take a page from Square Enix and give us some type of road map ) don't get into a ground war with idiots who just want to hate and troll and start letting the GM's and forum mods do their jobs when it comes to the toxicity in game and on the forum.
  17. Why is this forum so down on hotpockets?????!!! Sure they have like a Zillion Calories and loads of fat, but have you tried the Chicken Bacon Cheddar Cheese Melt?
  18. I don't have to, I know "Has got to be" in that context belongs in the same camp with "ain't got no" plural or not. Even informal, it isn't correct usage. Try, "has to be", like so: Jett...dude, that has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever read on this forum. Want to give it a flourish? Try this. Jett...dude, that has to be the single most ignorant thing I have ever read on this forum. But, hey we live in the day where a Secretary of state regularly uses ebonics so.... That's like your opinion man... Instead of just giving you the forum verbal finger, Like I do Jdast and the rest of the forum Trolls, I thought I would expand on where I was coming from, and I'm not getting into a hair pulling contest cover this. There is too much old lady bickering on the forums as is.
  19. I just want the step on animation....maybe with a nice metallic crunching sound for metal and a squish for Bios. Is that so wrong?
  20. *Looks at grammar. Ummm yeah thanks for your input. Edit: You know I should let this slide, but I think it's better if I explain to you what I originally meant. I have some experience with Unions being a shop foreman for two separate ones in the great state of California. It's not always about money, sometimes Unions renegotiate benefits working conditions, vacations or a myriad of other workers issues. Also if said union workers are contractual one developer can't just give them money and end the strike, because the union doesn't negotiate with the individual entities that hire them. So your remark about EA being cheap and not paying them is sorta ignorant. All caught up now?
  21. I really don't see why they don't go the GW2 route and make a second build for PVP, it's obvious that they way the PVE game is set, that they are never going to find balance in the force, so why not just create a alternate build system that is built from the ground up for PVP? That would certainly bring me back to that aspect of the game.
  22. What you couldn't work in a lame shot at Andryah too? Who are you and what have you done to Jdast???!!!!
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