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Everything posted by Shrug

  1. Thanks for ruining the game for me.... Hotbar is bass ackwards in design.. Shows in full color while in cooldown, instead of "greyed out" with a stupid line moving in it before its ready.... As a warrior who has been trained to see color, this game is now unplayable. In PvP, constantly we monitor the hotbar for color so I know its ready, only to cast nothing because it is not.... Do the people changing this **** even play games? I have now logged off and simply can't return until fixed back to normal or the way it was... Its a game breaker and one that can't be trained around. Its a 100% game breaker for me.. Hopefully, I can cancel my subscription in time because I simply can't play at all like this.. Not trying to whine like a nine year old.. I am simply stating the fact, that this is so incredibly bad and mentally unplayable.. I simply am forced to quit... Is this a bug? Please tell me its a bug
  2. Sorry, the huge white bar does not work on all systems and DOES NOT WORK in height and crowds... Fast paced action.. forget about it... Traditional game, combatants face each other and are visible. This game is strategic, different methods must apply... The two features here in invuln and a fast paced moving game do NOT mix
  3. Stuns were bad, stuns where you get beat on are the known worse...We knew this back in Ultima Online days... How it got revamped here.. I am guessing based on Engine problems.. How to stop an overloaded engine.. Let's have players stunned not processing buttons... But there is a worst problem here and now to the point... The invulnerability buff. Everyone complaining about this not working or that not button working comes down to one thing. The way invulnerablility affects the player attacking the player with it activated... This can't not be dealt with by simply ignoring the commands a player is "casting". For many reasons... The obvious reason is player feedback.. When I or anyone casts an attack on someone... It should cast, simple as that.. I can't have a server who has lag issues to boot, tell me now that attack wasn't casted with NO FEEDBACK whatsoever from the system.. MAYBE we need a big red flag, saying.. PLAYER IS INVULN.. First of all invuln is stupid.... "Hi! Im Invuln"... Huh? What does that mean??? If anything the system has to change this to some sort of shielding... or at worst case scenario, pop a message, this player is immune, but then make him susceptible to stuns so i can go.. oh he is in immune.. cast "X" CC here.. But there is no way to know when its released, when it was cast.. No real visible tell in game... Especially in hutball where they may be height differences and its just bad gameplay and bad gameplay design in general Finally, I would like to add that if any player changes the preferenes attack queing timer... This effect can triplifly and 50,000 complains of attacks not working is the result.... This feature set to 0.0 should be removed, it is bugged and i guess designed?!? terribly..
  4. To those that care and not meaning to troll.. What happens is the offensive line.. is actually becoming a defensive line to the ball spawn..... The dead players are coming down out of spawn, and getting battered by a group of 4 (offensive sided players) They are now too slow to get back to the center to protect the cap. They are half dead now fighting 4 more fresh players protecting the cap.. if they even make it there... But then the ball is scored again.. If the spawned players get thru and have used their stuns and shields just to have a guy wiht invuln shoot right past them and score again.... By the time the players get thru they die again.. Its simple to say, dont get caught this way, but it happens, and it happens alot, now that players understand the leap, and speed, and invuln.. In football after a score, the kick is reset... A reset is needed to clear the advantage... Think of it this way... What if you spawned on their side from the start? Who has the advantage? By having the gate open, at least on a score if not ALWAYS... the offensive line can't camp and will get widdled down and it will be fair..
  5. Ugh, You obviously have not seen us play hutball... you dont have a prayer... How many have oyu played? i am valor 60 and valor 43 on an alt..... Now off the bickering ******** you lamers do... The fact again is... you can't stop invuln, with the leap and the charge.. followed by an invuln, you score in 15 seconds or less, and 150 dudes wouldnt matter, you can't hurt invuln We finish hutball in 5 mins or less on average.... and rage quitting is all time high.. most times we get in game everyone leaves.... and the game defaults... but whatever... call me a idiot and a bad player... its the easy out If you let people out the gate, the offensive line wont get built for this to happen, people could fight the ball capper after a score.. but no they are jumping up and down trying to get in, getting demoralized, as when they do get out they take 60 seconds to get to the ball that is already dominated... game over
  6. The doors in PvP are annoying and no longer needed.. I think they were there as many not know how to play correctly, but now that more do, they should be removed.. In beta game was much better with no doors... Huttball especially needs at least to auto open the doors open after any score, as now its kind of exploitable offense problem has arised. There is a tactic used that is unstoppable once a team scores... A cloaked player usually sits on the ball spawn as the team is about to score. (Perhaps we need random ball spawn as well now?) He grabs the ball and gets forced pulled up to the top. From there its a speed burst followed by a invuln, if there is players, there's any of 4 passes or a dart thru.. rinse and repeat. Nothing you can do to stop this. The game is over 2 minutes or sooner depending on score I've seen games now where it was 3-0, end 90 seconds later 3-6 after the other teams first goal. They can score that fast now.. and a whole team can't seem to stop them, cause they have no time to clear the end zone...There is no delay in the fire pits with the invuln and speed boosts, so any defense cant slow down this aggressive strategic move. This game was much better in beta, with no doors, im sure there was some exploit or something why it was added, but I think that people who don't know how to play changed design and that should never be the case.
  7. No immersion, its for flashpoints from what i can tell... a place whree you can get jumped or any cutscent for that matter, based on class quest, if you are on XX quest by allowing them to do some coding checks when you go thru...
  8. no, i heard they are hiring more age of conan console devs for more great linear playstyle.
  9. Engine completely sucks and is unplayable. The engine is so bad, they gave ridiculous CC to all classes.. to help alleviate the engine's problems. Crafting is so pathetic. After 2 weeks i have maxed everything and every class and everything is worthless because you can get better without even really trying. Market... Pointless.. Stuff moves and can make money, but really doesnt even need one. End Game, hardly much here.. they held back initial content, to make you think more content is regularly inputted... Its a fools business move obviously implemented at subscribe date.. Itemization.. pathetic.. again every class, has xx designs, all level restricted with minimum changes and whatnot.. Itemization is limited by design, skill level is nerfed by installing heat/stamina tactics.. so why have cooldowns as well? Story.. woop dee doo, $150 million dollars on voice over... And its mostly spacebarred out because we want to be 50.. should of started all voiceover at 50 Should have made all that **** endgame related PvP... serious issues of 50's with expertise playing with nubs.. 2 BH's fighting each other.. one can do 3k per hit, one can do 1k per hit on the same attack... Recipe for disaster. Too much CC, classes with immunity is a joke in huttball... Who the hell makes a game where you CANT cast a spell at someone if you're able too.. thats the stupidest thing ever.. so the player casts it again and again with no FEEDBACk.. i mean *** thats 10 times worse than knowing stuns where you can get beat on while stunned are BAD... Rating 5/10 it will become a 6/10 after they put in some love, but doubt it will be any long term game of playability.. its a lore game made to for the masses and playability is a last effort thought
  10. You have to stand back and wonder with all the engines processing problems, is this the reason they put so much CC in the game to begin with? Think about it... if the server can't handle half the casting.. which is surely can't..... A cheap solution (and one we know is horrible game play design, learned this back in UO) to add this CC stuff to all classes, and have so muhc of it to boot. I really think its implemented because they know the engines limit problem.. And if they fix the engine, will they ever change this CC problem??? I cant see how as the game is designed around it... I can't see playing this game in 2 months, as it simply becomes pointless once your maxed out with levels and gear.. you eventually learn, that there is no playability future.. Such a shame..
  11. Check out this video and see more Quitters, afk resting here collecting objective points.. When asked why they won't help.. their exucse now is "we can't win" So now a whole team of players time is wasted because one person knows the final outcome... which is possible to achive.. but he don't even try... How pathetic. Battle For Aldaraan Quitters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnxQ7FCCQW0 So whats your excuse this time guys?
  12. So you come here, tell me I suck, dunno why, you are reviewing a game where I am not even playnig at this point... don't read ANYTHING about this scenario and whats going on.. And think you have some sort of merit and truth to bring to the table? Well kid, here's the facts. You didnt read the forums or the video text, where there was 3 here and I told them before they left, i was about to turn fraps on.... You failed to review the text where it was clear, the squad leader was asking them to leave the flag and help others... And you fail to make any point whatsoever, since you don't even know what your talking about.... The only one that sucks is the one without the facts, opening their mouth. Sorry, but you discredit me none and I feel even stronger after reading your case... Feel better than ever, so if bringing me down was your goal... Sorry you failed... Here's some I suck screenshots.. i have 220 more to upload still... http://s1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc447/Sunder-ZigZag/
  13. They didnt get a medal in this game because I as the squad leader had told the other players not to vote for them and they also listened to the entire discussion.. This entire game I was talking to them asking them to leave the flag... Again to get Eat my Dick replies.. Sorry, but the video was incomplete, i loaded fraps and recorded it after being disgusted and seeing this in many of the past rounds i played in the last 2 days, to inform the devs.. I am not here to win public opinion award, I am here to inform the dev's of the needed change in objective points and nothing further.. Have a nice day.
  14. insert tin foil hat here.... sorry, your actions warrant your rewards, i applaud the MODS for doing part of their job... Sadly it was not from this angle..
  15. The intelligent thing to do would be to listen to your squad leader who was barking to move out as they never attacked that flag the whole game.. probably because the 3 players sitting there were with the guild on the other team and coinciding to throw the game to begin with.. But that's a fight for another day.. I was not the squad leader by random choice, it was because i was the most experienced on my team. When you have 3 guys standing at a flag, and failing to get the other 2 and losing, you do not belly up and go.. oh well its not this time.. i have to wait till next game to win... Sadly, there is no game debate here, this is a growing problem, and in a weeks time, you will see how bad this AFK botting gets, if nothing is done about it..
  16. MODS, its obvious this thread is nothing more than troll food now... The dev's are now notified and you can close this pointless thread where the lamers are trying to save their free XP glitch, so they can gloat to thier classmates they are level 50
  17. Yeah because, i took the time to record the video and get the problem correct after the game was lost to get the problem fixed i should be banned from the game.. You trolls are all the same... Its obvious why game dev's don't give a **** anymore.. its obvious its a lost cause.. your cheating breed has overwhelm the populous and the kingdom is crumbling to the peasants... Such is life with a weak emperor... I shall move to the East and assemble my own development team.. what was I thinking...
  18. You failed to read the video comment, where the squad leader did tell him to leave and help and the response was "eat a di*k" You also didnt see the entire video of the clown sitting here doing nothing for 10 minutes as he was being lectured by the squad leader who has seen this time and time again.. This player was told he will be reported for being AFK, and if you look at his chat response, he says, he don't care, and that Bioware wont boot him because he is paying. You also didnt see his 2 friends here who were smart enough to leave after I announced I am frapsing the video... I have screen shots of that text chat, before i turned my fraps on, I will add them later...
  19. Give it another week, you'll be here /signing this thread.
  20. So while your team is down 2 flags, and you are losing by 100 points, and no one has attacked your flag for 5-10 minutes, you're logic to win the game is to continue standing there for 5 minutes? Even while the Team Squad leader is telling you to move out and help.. and you continue to stay there and disobey leader orders... Please be sure to not signup to my guild... Thank you, my point has been made... I have nothing wrong with defending a flag, realizing when to be there or no might be trivial, the point being, these kids are not playing on purpose and can care less.. only sitting there for the objective points and the massive free xp at the end of the lost round.. IF you can't see this point, well then I suggest not participating on the point debate, this one is for the dev's.
  21. Kinda funny, whenever I see this tactic, 2 flags down, the result is not Cap- Defend - Lose its Lose because your standing there not capping, when you NEED to cap.. So your logic has failed because you sir were not ordered to defend the flag, and you were ordered to do what is the first point of your creed... CAP Yet another fix.. you assign a squad leader, well give the leader the power to kick then... If you were in my army and not listening, you'd be face first in the sand until you puked blood
  22. So be it, if you want to stand and do nothing for 15 minutes when down 2 points and no one attacks for 15 minutes and you choose to pick your nose instead of helping your team, when we need help elsewhere then I guess the real choice for us then is to refuse to play this map, and since we have no option to bypass the instance, we shall move forward by leaving in droves when it pops, to help ensure you are short sided players. I will rest assure, my 4 man group wont participate anymore with a chance of non team players doing nothing when needed to get their free XP just for showign up.. So good luck with that This is great actually, its helping our case that granting XP to losing teams is a JOKE and the big picture is that, we should only award those that WIN, therefore the lamers wont participate.. To all those that actually understand this, i know you don't respond to these kids, as it's usually a complete waste of time. Just do us a favor also and boycott by exiting it when you get in until its addressed and the kids who don't want to play correctly are dealt with. In any of the provided scenarios such as removing points, not awarding XP to losers.. etc. The last thing we need is more WoW based useless PVP Instances in this world.
  23. And who says it don't? I am only reporting what I am seeing on my side.
  24. Thats a shallow approach and you have no clue in game design how things need to be addressed, by your theory this game is 100% perfect and never needs a patch again... The game can be easily fixed if they remove or tone down the objective points and don't reward losers with big XP. Definately they should not get MVP points with under 10k dmg/healing as obviously they are afk botting Again, you fail to read the point, Defending is fine, especially if you have 2/3 points.. having 1/3 points and standing at flag 1 for 15 minutes doing nothing when your leader is saying move out... is afk botting... and nothing short of that, no excuse... End of story
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