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Everything posted by Antifaith

  1. Honestly, all i remember from early wow forum complaints were **** NERF TEH SHAMANZ!!! Ahem..yeah.....
  2. Most likely when you recieve your product key. Not the pre order code thing, the actual product key. As for when that will be i have no idea , i got a friend to grab me a physical coppy and email me the product key when he has it. After that it will go to a monthly sub fee.
  3. No but awesome troll. 10/10 Thanks for the laugh
  4. I will go to the beach and ride my jetski like i had planned to anyway. I will then come home and have dinner and "spend some time" in..with my wife.
  5. Congrats, yours is the first post title that actualy made me laugh.
  6. Some people just dont notice. Ive been one of those people. If i notice i return the favor , if not then dont assume im all like " screw that guy "
  7. Those people are predisposed to do stupid things anyway. Recount may act as a catalyst but eventualy something else will. Basicly what i see you saying there is " recount makes people stupid" wich is , as im sure you'll agree after thinking about it a while a missconception. Smart players wouldn't allow recount to baitr them into doing something like that , stupid players will. It comes down to not playing with stupid people and recount, a diagnostic tool, does not define player skill.
  8. That doesnt really have anything to do with...anything. This "point" has been adressed numerous times in this thread.
  9. It does have a combat log that can be used for parse sites actualy. Sorry to rain on your parade.
  10. Or since im usualy either tanking or healing, a job that requires a fair amount of you know...watching what IM doing i could refer to a tool , check deaths, damage taken , damage out , healing recieved so on and so forth. You're making my point for me. Recount makes things like that much easier. On top of that i'd ask my officers , especialy his class/role officer how he/she went ect , i'd have a more complete picture.
  11. Strawman attack that is. You're basicly setting up a strawman of a raid leader and knocking him down by making out that anyone that uses recount/skada as a diagnostic tool is going to say "Oh the damage parser says you aren't worth a hooha in this raid" I mean it's pretty thin. Why cant a raid leader that notices the lack of damage take the first option? I certainly would and im a raid leader thats used recount and/or skada since day dot.
  12. A part of that vetting process would be ..oh.. i dunno...seeing how they do in a raid environment, seeing if they complete their duties while sustaining a decent amount of damage yeah? Be nice if there was an addon to help you get all that info easily and on the spot.
  13. Me thinks Remidi and I are the same person in different parts of the world. Spooky.
  14. I'd be happy with this . I was never interesting in broadcasting it. Everyone in my raid would have it anyway and its just as easy to discuss on axon/vent/mumble as it is to broadcast.
  15. Because you only ever need one person on interupt right? Come on , you're not even making this interesting.
  16. Recount does not play the game for you. It is a diagnostic tool. Please read the title, were not discussing other addons.
  17. If there is no enrage timer on bosses i sure as hell wont be playing this game liong. There needs to be a limit somewhere, you cannot just fight a boss indefinatly , thats just rediculous.
  18. Recount can tell you who specificly is ignoring their duty by not interupting. Any decent guild understands that the person on interupts ect are usualy going to be a little lower on damage. WITH recount you can tell who's ruining your raid. WITHOUT it you wont know.
  19. I think people might be falling intop the misnoma that either having or not having recount somehow changes the games mechanics. Just an example here - Say a boss requires 35thousand raid dps over a 9 minute period. NOT having recount is not going to change that fact. I get the inclination that some of the comments here would rather not have recount because they dont want to know how well or badly they are doing. With recount and the knowlege of the bosses damage requirements you can more easily work a more effective mannor in wich to meet that requirement.
  20. Thought i might get a reply like this. You're basing your answer on a misunderstanding of recount as i thought some would. I'm not really interested in dps. I have raided in world top 100 guilds. No i dont think im any better than anyone else for it but just to give you some background on my answer. Damage/dps ect is handy to have sure, overall raid dps more important , knowing we need x amount of dps over y period and having the " on the spot" diagnostics to help with that. Damage spikes required by the raid , external cd's required and when , internal cd's required and when , what kind of damage is comming in, how it can be mitigated , when its comming in , who's taking it, who's rescorcing it off, basicly all kinds of stuff that is NOT the " oh you did 32k dps woo!" BS that most ppl think its used for. I am tlaking about the people that do it first, the people that do it before people like you go to youtube /tankspot/whatever to find out how to do it. Yes there are parse sites, no the information is not instantaniously avilable.
  21. As a raid leader and a competitive raider, yes i whole heartedly support any diagnostic tool such as recount ect. Im not going to go over the pros and cons, the people that think recount is just for showing off dps arent going to be convinced by any rational argument as their claims are inherantly irrational. Not only do i support it, i believe it is required for top end competitive raiding.
  22. Ok, i was going to stick with the metaphore but i felt like an idiot. Long story short, perhaps your mrs should have entered her code at the same time.
  24. Wich is rediculous considering our dollar compared to the inferior american currency.
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