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Everything posted by fixit

  1. Some us are adults and infact over 40. Some us have a life with jobs, family, etc and with limited time to play each evening. So you get home, want to play and well...you can't; sit there for 3 hours out of your 4 hours of playtime? Would anyone really want to pay to wait? Is this something we should just accept? NO! Yea, we get it. You think it's fine to wait 3+ hours and make a blanket statement saying that everyone complaining is a kid. Willing to bet I am way older than you, bud. p.s. to everyone saying all MMOS have waits, while that is true....but thing is that NOT ALL SERVERS had it. Infact most didn't other than a few in all the MMOs I have played out of 10+ years. TOR is infact the first that basically has every server with a wait time of over 30 min, most are 1+ hour. Whatever man.
  2. Rather see servers crash so that I get a shot of getting on in under 3 hours. Glad BW is looking into this but I prefer to see actual action and concrete plans rather than 'we are monitoring the situation'. Guild is about to fracture due to this, we have no idea what to do. Stay on server and hope it changes, roll on a new one and pray it does not end up being the same, or simply wait a month or two before subbing entirely. The later is becoming attractive, so if it's your intention to make less money then continue to do nothing about this problem which is not a small matter at all. This should be taken seriously which clearly it is not. You think it's bad now? Wait till the 20th and it will get worse. This is not acceptable. There should be no more than 5 mins wait to get in, period, no matter server. If your hardware/game can't handle it...well time to do something about it rather than giving us shady post that says basically nothing more than...LOL @ you! QQ~!
  3. Don't work, auto boots you after a certain amount of time even on char select screen. Once you are booted, back to 3 hour que.
  4. While this would be cool, also mean that no one else get in and que times for people loggin in for the first time will be faced with a 6 hour que instead of 3. Total botch job all round on BWs end.
  5. GUILDS DID NOT HAVE A CHOICE! My guild like others were flagged for Harbringer from the get go, bud. Solo players I can see your point, but not concernin pre-launch guild placement. Did not choose my server, BW did.
  6. Just wait till this persists after official launch and we are paying for the right to wait 3 hours to get in. It wil lbe awsome.
  7. Give Oceanics their own servers DAMMIT. Most the pre-launch NA guilds got shoved on Harbringer so adding in Oceanics = super insane ques. I really don't want to be here complaining, I rather be playing. You want people to shut up about ques? START fixing this crap and own up to fact you made a massive mistake.
  8. What are they fixing exactly? When I started there was no que. Next day was 20 mins. Day after that 1 hour 30 mins. Now its 3 hours. Tomorrow will probably be 5. I'd re-roll but hey all west coast PvE servers are sitting at min 30-60 mins to get in as well not to mention by the 20th they too will all be 3+ hour waits to get in. I am sorry, but can I be bit pissed off and upset how BW is totally ignoring the issue entirely. Just a little? Please?
  9. Game is really awsome... Well that's if you can get in. But hey you can always quit your job and log in at non-peak hours as suggested by BW! Then again, jobless people can't generally afford to pay to play so that kind crushes that thought. TIME TO TRY TO GET ON WELFARE TO PLAY STARWARS YAY! I can't really rate BW at this point without cursing, so let's leave it at that.
  10. 816. I been at this screen for 1 hour. Awsome. Not.
  11. Sorry man, they need to open more servers period. This game is not niche, or little know, or have a small following. This game has a huge following.
  12. What que in Rift? Never had one and i started day one. Oh but that's right, they opened a lot of servers and not stingy like BW is. Then again Trion offers FREE 7 day CD char transfers to help combat dead servers. Free and EA do not go together so we are totally hosed. Ya know what, I'd really like to play this game and not sit here b*tching about it on the forums cus I am in a 1300+ q for pst 30 mins. I be lucky to get in 2 hours from now barring 1003 error.
  13. Every single west coast PvE server on my screen is a min 30 min wait to get in, it will get worse as more pre-launch invites are sent out. Then the bomb drops on the 20th. Ok yea, you re-roll on a new light server, next day back to the same crap. Also consider that have to try to move an entire guild to new server as well every time this happens. Game over man, game over.
  14. WoW, no more than 10 min ques to get in. Only problems I had was loot lag in barrens but that cleared up within a week or two after a few maintences. SWG, no que at all. Only problems I had was a few rollbacks and missing harvesters: still could play anytime I wanted. EQ didn't start day one so can't say. Never encountered que when I did play for bit. AO, didn't bother. AoC, no que. Lots of problems but still could play even though I was crashing every time I went to another area. no biggie, just restart...get back in in less than 2 mins. Rift, no que. Picked one the smaller servers, absolutely zero isses...quite possible the best MMO launch I seen to date. And guess what? They offer free char transfers with a 7 day CD. I can start listin the dozens of other MMOs I launched with, but I won't none them really had issues and certainly did not make the users wait 2 hours to get in. But I get it, you don't have a que....YET. Wait till pissed off people re-roll on yours and you get to wait too.
  15. Put up more servers NOW, bump the cap and or get decent damn server hardware that can handle it and not the amiga 500s they are prolly usin right now. Normally I am calm...and rarely if ever swear but right now I am losing it and cussing like a sailor. ETA to play...1 hour 30 mins. That's if the good old error 1003 dont' pop up which it will. Worst launch ever, period. And I been in almost all the majors to date. Oh some had problems like lag and such but that cleared up after week or two...and one thing is for certain I never had to wait more then 10 mins to get in. BW showin that they don't care; play at different times (ie. haha quit your job nubs) or re-roll (oh wait new server next day is full with same ques again whooo****!). GRRR RAGE!
  16. Guildie said that BW put up twitter or sumthing saying either play at off hours (wth?) or move. Ya, what ever man. Now have to migrate entire guild over to a new server. Many are almost lvl 30. So essentially BW places us on a server then we find out it has massive ques for the lose. Total waste of 15+ players time and that's just our tiny guild. Amusingly I bet dimes to dollars that the new server we eventually re-roll on will end up with a massive que as well. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I assume they are using outdated and cheap servers. Prolly an EA decision. p.s. all u solo players? shush. you didnt have entire guilds funneled into a handful of servers. We assumed they would be professional and informed about this: not so.
  17. Wait until it does, cus it will more than likely. Either naturally as more waves are given out, release day, or people frustrated with BWs lack of comment on this move on over to your server. Under impression they cheaped out and using low grade servers. GG. Btw, people will now find ways to macro afk usin mouse/keyboard options to stay online. GL getting in.
  18. Obviously most people telling OP to shut up, have not had to wait up 2 hours just to get in. Oh la lalala. What is aggravating is that many guilds had their server chosen for them so we followed BW's directions. Here's your server, enjoy the que! If nothing changes and que times like this persist...have to inform and move an entire guild else where. Plus all that progress and time spent leveling for every member = moot. Fun? Hardly. Biggest problem is that if you do move, who's to say that the new server won't be exactly the same or end up becoming a ghost town. It's russian roulette in server choices atm. Amusingly this happened in the beta too, yet they failed to learn from it. Spread guilds between servers and don't jam em all onto a couple? No, can't do that!
  19. No, they stuffed the server with an insane amount of guilds. Then add it is the unofficial oceanic server with people picking random server on top of this; it's one huge mess. Spinning wheels now, ya. Can't play serious yet until find out which servers will have no que yet still have a healthy population/faction balance. They dropped the ball on this big time. Common sense would be to spread the guilds out and not cram em all onto one server.
  20. Average wait to get in is 1 hour 30 mins now on my server. It will only get worse b/c not all the guildies are in which I am sure is the same with all the other guilds placed here. Whoever is in charge of pre-assigning guilds to servers fails at math. Other than that, pretty smooth so far I guess. Pity me and my guild mates are wasting our time on the server we got assigned too...have to wait several weeks after launch to get any indication what would be a good server to move to that does NOT have a massive wait to get in.
  21. Our guild got assigned to The Harbringer and now it takes 1-2 hours to get in. We would have rolled elsewhere but thought that BW would have spread the guild pops out instead of cramming a good amount of them onto one server. This is really going to be a problem later if it's not addressed when instance/raid members suffer disconnects or client crashes: sorry guys, in que for 2 hours. Also I just found out that The Harbringer is the unofficial oceanic server...so combine that with dumping a ton of NA guilds/players on it for some strange reason: viola....enjoy your wait. Now many might say; roll on another server...well we will be if this does not settle down. Problem is we have no idea if the 'new' server we move to won't end up being the same thing or the other way around and bein on a dead server (no thanks again!). My questions are a) how can they not know that this would happen since it was like this in beta as well (but now far worse). b) why their servers can't handle it? I mean some the MMOs I have played had ques sometimes but nothing as bad as this. At this point, guild is kind of confused what to do. Move to new server (russian roulette!) or stick it out, praying it will die down. Does BW even care? Hello? Bueller?
  22. 100% acheives in Skyrim...over 300 hours played... Can't login into Origin client to play the new maps in BF3 PC cus it's broke. So here I am refreshing email repeatedly and making posts in this lame thread. /yawn
  23. Authentication server is down totally for PC. Can't even play another game while waiting, so very lame.
  24. Can't even play BF3 cus Origin is down. Good game EA.
  25. You know what, why can't you have the courtesy to inform us ahead of time so I don't sit here wasting my life refreshing my email. Worst idea ever.
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