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Posts posted by Mhak

  1. Global Agenda is a free game with some great PvP, but there's a community of elitists that comprise about 1% of the population who are PvP gods and will murder your face relentlessly if you are unlucky enough to run across them in a PvP match.


    It's a third-person RPG shooter MMO though; as in requires much more skill to play than any MMORPG.

  2. ITT: a lot of people unaware that the shared DPS tree is extremely clunky and poorly designed for Scoundrels/OPs, and seems to be exclusively designed for Snipers/Gunslingers.


    So the only really viable DPS spec, which was only really viable for PvP and not PvE - Scrapper/Concealment - was just nerfed to be one of if not the worst DPS tree in the entire game. What does that leave these classes with? They are now officially only good at healing. And they're already the worst healer of all 3.


    GG Bioware. You made them a 1-trick pony then nerfed the 1 trick into the dirt, then burned it and pissed on the ashes. How about you actually get back to work and balance this class a little bit?

  3. And then raiders would complain that theres no reason to raid because you can get better gear from PvP. They need the expertise stat to keep PvE gear out of PvP and keep gear progression in PvP.


    Why do people like you assume a PvP stat is the only possible way in the universe to keep gear progression in PvP fair? Are you saying you refuse to even consider exploring any other potential way of doing so?


    PvP gear comes in sets. Make PvP gear give slightly less DPS-stats than PvE gear, but significantly more endurance (for non-tanks). Additionally, make the set bonuses of PvP gear give significant bonuses to PvP-utility skills, stuff like CCs/CC breakers, as well as giving role-specific bonuses that are only applicable in PvP - stuff like a DPS class reducing the healing a player-target takes, tanks getting a flat damage reduction from players, healers doing more healing on players in combat with other players. These things can't be delivered all together for every class evenly based on a single stat, that is stupid and lazy designing. But the bonuses can be meted out appropriately and individually as determined by gear/class/spec.


    I thought of crap like that and I have no experience in game design. Just imagine what a team of highly-payed professionals can think of! Preferably not ones working at Bioware, but the point is this is easily done. What they have now is a system comprised of laziness incarnate.

  4. Coming from a PT with 520something expertise, I wholeheartedly approve of the removal of this stat. Failed in WoW. Failed in Rift. PvP-specific stats are fail period. Want to give PvP-gained gear an edge in PvP over PvE-gained gear?


    Then change the set bonuses to reflect better PvP utility, and add more endurance! Will this require some work and effort on the part of the developers to balance? BY GOLLY YES. Dare I say slightly more work than simply throwing on aspect-specific statistics on gear gained from that aspect of the game!


    But as paying customers of the MMO that has the highest funding of any MMO ever, I don't feel that is asking too much, damnit!

  5. Lol operatives will still do more damage than any other class.


    20 percent of 7k = 2300


    5k damage for an opener isnt the end of the world.


    Hello person who's watched nothing but movies of Ops in full champ gear with PvP buffs opening on level 20s. My name is reality, and I kindly wish to inform you that 7k unbuffed openers do not happen, ever against any level 50 in equal gear. Actually, in champ gear and against someone in champ gear, a 4k unbuffed HS crit is considered a FANTASTIC opener unbuffed against any class. Heavy armor often gets far less than that, and Sorc bubbles can absorb 100% of that damage.


    Ops in endgame PvP were never OP but the movies of amazingly geared 50 OPs with tons of +15% damage buffs fighting level 20s tricked the sheeple into having your point of view and complaining. It was also mostly those 20s who complained. Or people who had just dinged 50 in greens/blues who got rolled by a champ-geared Op with a pvp buff....as they would have got rolled against any class in full champ gear.

  6. without combat logs/damage meters means nothing


    This is the only defense people like you have to the extensive controlled testing that has been done by multiple people in this game across about many subjects. And it is not a valid defense.


    By this same logic I could say "Shield-Tech does twice the damage of Pyrotech. There are no combat logs to prove otherwise." You would call that statement absurd in the same fashion I call anybody saying AP does damage anywhere close to Pyrotech absurd.


    Test it for yourself. Arguing about things like AP doing comparable damage to Pyro only shows you haven't tested it and are speaking based off subjective preference rather than experience. This is truly not a debatable issue. Combat logs just make it harder to disseminate the facts and easier to hide behind preference. It doesn't change the facts.


    I really cant wait for combat logs to come out. I'm really not much of an "I told you so" kinda guy but man I will have a FIELD DAY when these come out with some of the people here.

  7. How many thousands of tests to eliminate the randomness from the equation?


    Two things exclude randomness from being a significant factor - one, the nature of DPS in this game, where the damage rolls for skills are not very large on hits and crits and their damage can be consistently measured and dependably factored into any build, and two, the length of time of the fight minimized or more likely excluded entirely any possible random factor giving an edge to one run or the other.


    If this were PvP and the fights lasted 5-10 seconds, randomness might have the opportunity to play a role, but even then only if you got an absurd and uncommon amount of crits in that time. I appreciate you criticism and welcome more.

  8. That's...not mathematically true at all.


    Deep into Pyro for the +crit damage, +crit chance, +9% damage to your primary DPS abilities, and +DoT damage is necessary to start reaching competitive raid DPS. Thermal Detonator is a high damage single-use ability to use as part of your rotation after a RS heat vent brings you to near 0 heat. For the same heat it does roughly double-triple the damage of a Flame Burst depending on crit or not.


    Going high into AP you sacrifice all of that for RB, which for it's heat cost does less damage than a TD, and a very small chance to assure a RS crit....which, when it does crit, will crit for 30% less damage than a full Pyro build.


    I know the hybrid spec you're talking about, I've tested that build too. You are incorrect to an extreme to say it comes anywhere close to comparing to a full Pyrotech build for stand-alone DPS =/ ~25% less damage is a fair estimate, ~40% less on raid bosses less than 30% HP. When you say "you've found", you cannot possibly mean you've compared that build to a full Pyro build and found it to do more damage. I *have* done exactly that, and found it to do only slightly more damage than a full AP build, with the drawback of far worse heat management.


    And, for the record, a full AP build does about 33ish% less damage than a full pyro build, as tested and timed on the Council fight in EV.

  9. Stuff.


    You don't need to preach to me the benefits of AP, I'm 99% positive I have significantly more playtime with that spec than you do, no offense intended. I have a full set of champ gear and full set of columni/rakata gear and have tested both specs extensively in controlled environments. So just allow me to justify what I meant so you know where I'm coming from.


    AP gets no snare, Pyro gets a 50% snare. A constant 15% movement speed increase in an environment where you're snared extremely often (and keep in mind snares still function through resolve) is not nearly as effective as a 50% snare for keeping in close range with an opponent. Hydrolic Overrides is a nice talent that puts AP from significantly behind Pyro in terms of keeping close with an opponent to just slightly ahead, when combined with a -10sec CD reduction on grapple.


    The slight benefit comes at a very significant cost to DPS. Please understand though - I am not putting AP down, I love the playstyle too. I am arguing that it needs buffs. The very slight utility gains from going AP are just not worth the massive hit to DPS. The tradeoff is not fair. I'd argue that adjusting the Prototype Flamethrower talent to make it actually useful somehow (right now it's almost never used to full effect in PvP) and giving AP other buffs that would increase it's damage by about 10-15% would make it competitive with Pyrotech. Still a lot less damage than Pyro, but competitive for usefulness in PvP.

  10. Short answer: definitely yes for combust, PES is debatable.


    You could sacrifice the 4% fire damage from Intimidation for PES and that might not be a terrible trade...for a pure pvp spec. Would not recommend saccing 6% RS damage for PES. Sacrificing any damage for Combust is a waste though, your job is to kill things as Pyro and you'll be doing less of it in favor of making an enemy do unnoticeably less damage by taking combust.


    You become less effective while also making the enemy extremely slightly less effective by taking combust over DPS talents. The goal of Pyro is to become as effective DPS as possible, so combust is 100% counterproductive for that.

  11. Is AP really as horrid as everyone says it is?




    The problem isn't so much that AP itself is horrid, the problem is that it's horrid compared to Pyrotech, which can do virtually everything that AP can except with a slight mobility loss and some very slightly longer CDs - but Pyrotech does tons and tons more damage. The playstyle of AP is very fun and fast, but it just lacks the damage potential it requires to be as competitive and dangerous as Pyrotech is.


    For a DPS tree it's damage isn't much better than Shield-Tech's, and simply leagues behind Pyro's. That's not fair to AP because the minor utility of the tree doesn't compensate for the huge hit to damage. AP either needs a further boost to utility and/or a buff to damage to be as effective in PvP as Pyrotech is.

  12. I'm paying for this.


    This. We're paying for a dynamic service promised to adjust according to our demands, as all MMOs must do if they want to survive. If the service provider doesn't adjust for consumer demands, the consumers will leave. Capitalism is at work here and the game will be better for it - if Bioware listens to its customers anyway. If it hurts your feelings OP, feel free to move to Cuba.

  13. Ok he's still breathing we're good.


    I'd rather say they tried to be like WoW.

    Sadly they took the decision to sacrifice all the nice or must-have MMO features and spend everything on voice acting instead.


    I agree actually, you're right. They saw a great and successful business model and just tried to copy as much of it as possible.


    It backfired very much.

  14. they cant copyright ****, they copied off of ultima online and everquest and a few others, Thank you and have a nice day


    No. WoW did not have its signature and modern token system in place at WoW's release, it was implemented much later into the game. They did not copy it, they made it themselves.


    Thank you and have a nice day.

  15. totally you're so right


    i mean you earn experience and level up and all that other stuff.


    Your tongue is so far shoved into your cheek I think you might be choking. Does anybody know this guy? Can you text him to make sure he's still breathing? I mean as cool as it would be I don't want my words to indirectly kill anybody.

  16. OP you seem to be forgetting that this game is a clean copy/paste of WoW with different skins + voice acting.


    Two of the largest parts of any MMO - the parts designed and expected to keep the level-capped playerbase occupied - is endgame PvE and PvP content. Both of those systems are so completely identical to WoW's that if Blizzard had the capability to Copyright their systems then SWTOR would be a radically different game right now.


    SWTOR is everything like WoW.

  17. Teams of them in Huttball are certainly OP if they're coordinated.


    A 4-man Sorc team that knows how to sprint through traps and yank each other across the platforms to score is pretty much unstoppable. But, because Bioware is perfect and is clearly incapable of making design errors in any way, shape, or form - meaning they do not view this as a problem and will not address it as such - we all have to learn to just adapt.


    By adapt I mean everybody has to just leave any Huttball game with a 4-man sorc team opposing them because there's nothing else to do except get into a different WZ where you stand a chance of winning.

  18. Tires, buddy...


    Tactics and the counterpart Advanced Prototype are not the PvE dps trees. They do far, far less DPS than Assault Specialist/Pyrotech respectively. Far less. Not a little less. Far. Less.


    Before you go hide behind your shield of "NO COMBAT LOGS YET, YOU CAN'T PROVE IT NYANYA", hear me out. Anybody who has tested both those specs in a controlled PvE endgame scenario - say someone like me on the Council fight in EV having timed how long it took to down to down the same council member twice, once as each spec - along with anybody who's simply tested both of them offhandedly in HMs, will all tell you the same thing. That thing is "Tactics and Advanced Prototype do nowhere near the damage of Assault Specialist/Pyrotech in any scenario."


    I'd estimate around 20-30% less sustained DPS in PvE situations. PvP the fights are so quick and sporadic that it plays favorably into Tactics/AP's hands, although *still* the damage is way less, just not so massively noticeable as in PvE raids.

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