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Posts posted by Mhak

  1. completely agreed and 5-star rated i was constantly defending this game aswell (alltho not posting much) but dismissing anything that people said was wrong with it but now the engine is just failing terribly and the game needs to be rolled back and rebuilt cos its sometimes just unplayable..so im joining you and im gona unsub go back to wow and see if it gets better /bye


    Woah, dude. An honest person.


    Everybody! Take pictures!

  2. Signed.


    A lot of people have not experienced endgame content or opening 40 champ bags and getting only tokens. Those are the people flaming you - they are criticizing you without having experienced what you have. There's a few words for that which the mods don't like people saying.


    Biggest problem with this community - bunch of people who have *not* experienced the problems of the people complaining telling those people not to complain. Blistering ignorance.

  3. One could also argue that the metacritic review had users who had played the game for one month vote, while other sources just had random people who had probably just got their Jedi to level 20 reviewing it. Therefore, metacritic is more valid than all the others imho.


    Invalidating a source that isn't in-line with your opinion is childish in nature and usually only done by people who's egos prevent them from believing that other people might have different viewpoints than they. Which, I hate to say, is exactly the case with this game. There are two starkly different groups of people who feel one way or the other about this game. The main different between these groups is that one has not experienced competitive endgame for any amount of time while the other group has.


    Denying this is the equivalent of proclaiming your opinion of the game to be right and all others invalid or trolls. Again, extremely childish.

  4. I see that you have found a Wikipedia article related to statistical sampling. Unfortunately, since your sample is not random, the law you refer to does not apply.


    The sampling was random. Do you know what the definition for random is in this situation? They didn't have to be chosen while blind folded, that would not affect the sampling. They had to be chosen with indifferent respect to their peers, meaning no whole groups were chosen at once. They all had to be seemingly detached, random individuals.


    You are incorrect sir.

  5. lol @ all the people who refuse to believe the numbers right in front of their eyes, coming up with excuses ranging from trolling to voting while not having played the game. Could it be - and I guess this might be hard to grasp for some people - that some people have a different opinion than you? *gasp*


    I'd rate this game a solid 6. 10/10 for levels 1 - 49, fantastic single player/story experience, had a blast. 2/10 for the endgame experience, content that is extremely easy to clear, grindfest PvP with RNG-rewards, no dynamic inter-faction system (Illum does not count, do not go there) to keep people wanting to log in every day to affect change in the system.


    I am not trolling. I have and do play the game. These numbers and the people behind them aren't lies made to slander the game, believe it or not. They're honest opinions.

  6. With 620 expertise there isn't any class I fear in 1v1 duels. To be honest I think as a Pyrotech PT my class is a little unbalanced in that I can really kill anybody in a duel, with 2 exceptions -


    1 - A good sentinel marauder who pops BC consumables or a pvp buff, and then uses that ability to make him 99% immune to damage when he's at about 5% health. By then a good one can usually have taken me to pretty low, 30-40%, and that 99% immunity to damage can *sometimes* be enough to hold him off just long enough to get me to 20% to use his execute ability. This is not a sure bet for the marauders but it's the best chance they have to kill me, and really the only hope they ever have to beat me in a 1v1. Without that 99% immunity to damage I will always win.


    2 - A Scoundrel/Operative with all his CDs up. I ran into a BM Operative on my server in Huttball today and he killed me in a 1v1 once, by opening with that hidden strike, stunning me after I got up, after damaging me some more through the debilitate stun he vanished then used the opener on me again. About 5 seconds and he killed me, although I still got him damn low despite all that. Every other time I met him he didn't have 100% of his CDs to blow and I killed him very easily. Without a second opener I will always win.


    Additionally if my grapple is down and a Sorc or Merc is shooting at me from a ledge or something I can't quickly run up to, say in Huttball or the ledges in center of map in Alderaan, I gotta LoS or die. Grapple is my only saving grace when it comes to casters on ledges, w/o it I'm screwed. Not exactly a fair duel situation but still worth mentioning.

  7. SWTOR is a 1000 times better than WoW in every single aspect of the game. SWTOR has a better combat engine, better graphics engine, better inet throughput, is better optimized, has a superior community, has a better UI, has far more features, has more choice with character creation, has far more quests, has a better more dynamic world(s)...

    This person has never been to Illum.


    Going there will prove much of what you said incorrect. Especially the "better optimized" part. When an engine makes most people who engage in a 20v20 OWPvP event get 1-5 FPS, that is not a superior engine. I would actually argue that WoW's engine is better in all areas except graphics.

  8. Who's "we"?


    The only thing I want "now" is for people to stop being so demanding.


    I want people to be more demanding. And I am part of the "we" OP described. Pretty much anybody who floats between endgame and pvp content wants dual specs, with the exception of a few people who are comfortable doing both with the same spec. Often that is not the case.

  9. It's really not, you're telling me you have all the gear you can get, which you really don't since there is 7 other classes that have the same content you first character did. so you really havn't 'cleared' the content till there is no progression left to make.


    I have no desire to "clear" the single player content of this game. That part is boring to me, aside from the first time I did it. I do not play MMORPGs for the leveling process, especially not so I can do it multiple times. I play it for the endgame content. I do not need to level 8 characters to level cap to play and comment on the endgame content, I'm sorry but you make no sense.


    Endgame content is lacking. And I will point it out. And you cannot stop me, mwahahahahahahahaha. And there's a lot of people who feel my same way, as these forums prove. We're gonna talk about it, sorry man, if you don't like to see it, don't read it. Nobody forces you to come here. Trying to squelch us isn't going to work, nor is trying to say we can't complain about endgame content due to reasons that have nothing to do with endgame content.


    We like this game (or I do anyway, can't speak for everybody...hopefully it's enough like to keep me here long), just wish there was more to it at endgame. There is nothing wrong with saying that.

  10. Sure, but as long as there have been MMO's, there have been powergamers who clear endgame faster than companies can make it.


    Remember Wrath? People were complaining about lack of anything to do at endgame within a week of Ulduar being released.


    This is another big problem. People assuming people who have cleared everything already are power gamers. No, power gamers did everything I did in the first week. They did normal Ops, got that down, then did HM the same week because they are that easy to do. The powergamers annihilated the endgame content in this game. My guild took a few weeks to do it.


    My guild is completely laid back and doesn't even have set raiding times. We get asked what time is good for us before each new week. We're so laid back it's shameful that we were able to clear everything and get the best of everything at the pace we did. We're competent and organized but nothing close to a dedicated raiding guild or power guild.

  11. the game wasn't made for endgame content alone. It's a story driven MMO. the first of its kind. So yes. you cannot complain.


    I like you trying to tell me what I cannot do. Your sense of authority is cute. Let me try - you cannot tell me not to complain.


    I never claimed this game was made for endgame content alone. All I claimed was that portion of the game is lacking, which it is, which means it is perfectly fair to point out. Being a story driven MMO does not change the fact that it's an MMO, and endgame content is a part of all MMOs which means like everything else, it's open to criticism.


    Your argument is null and void, I'm sorry.

  12. Honestly, if you don't have all 8 classes to 50 yet you can't really complain about content


    So not true. The complaints are about a lack of end game content, which has nothing to do with the leveling process.


    Trying to tie endgame content to leveling 8 characters is completely fallacious logic. The two types of content are entirely different. One is lacking, the other is not. Just because one is fine does not mean the other is too.

  13. You could always do it on the other faction. I mean, that would be a new content to level against. A completely different story for all quests and all. Its not like you HAVE to level on the same faction you leveled on already.


    Correct but I don't play MMORPGs for the single-player storyline content. If I want that there's Skyrim or DA or ME or a ton of other games which are not multiplayer and offer a far better single-player experience. Not that SWTOR's isn't good, it is, it's just not why I play this game.


    I play MMORPGs to experience endgame content with friends at max level. We all play for different reasons, this is mine and I'm fairly positive it's a common reason to play MMORPGs. And it is, sadly, lacking in SWTOR.

  14. Option A) could be changed to "Make PvP better." It doesn't need to be an RNG Korean grindfest. That doesn't induce replayability that induced boredom. Dynamic real-time systems can often do this job, BW just failed miserably in their attempt to do this with Illum.


    While the completion of endgame content is a problem in every game, just because there can't be unlimited content, nearly every other game was able to draw this process out far longer than SWTOR does...I've been level cap less than a month and have the best of everything in this game and have cleared all Operations on HM.


    Less than a month. And that's not power gaming, that's just a half-competent guild. Very few games require less than a month to get the best of everything and complete all content at endgame. That is....not good at all.

  15. Get ready to be told "If you don't like it, don't play, but if you don't play we're not going to listen to you because you don't play."


    You will inevitably be told this by people who have not yet experienced the problems you have but who still think they deserve the right to censor you for reasons such as "You are making my experience less pleasurable." They will say this in spite of the fact that nobody forces them to come to these forums.


    Everybody who has experienced the void of endgame and the RNG pvp grind will agree with you. This is generally how these threads play out, let's see if much changes this time around.


    Also pointing this out gets a lot of infractions from forum mods, but I unsubbed already so don't really care if it gets another. Might resub if in 17 days they add more stuff, let's see if that new WZ gets here fast enough.

  16. "I have nothing to do at 50!"


    means: I am enjoying this game SO MUCH that I have put hundreds of hours in and I will continue to do so. I will completely devour each new piece of conent that comes my way.


    does not mean: There is a lack of repeatable content.


    I don't disagree with a lot of OP but this part right here? Dead wrong.


    I have this complaint and as a result I log in for an hour or so a day to do my PvP dailies. I have no more use in raiding, I have all the best raid gear and everything is accomplished. I'm in full champ gear so I don't even know why I pvp anymore, BM gear won't be a big upgrade and the grind is incredibly boring.


    This complaints means exactly that there is a lack of repeatable content. Over time I'm sure my play time will dwindle even further until I stop entirely, unless a new influx of content is delivered. Hopefully this will be the case, BW says it will be so we'll see.

  17. I believe, SIM wise, AP does only a few point difference between Pyro in PvE which would make it OK I would think.


    Unfortunately no, those few things they do differently cause a massive difference in damage. The two largest things they do differently are -


    1. Resetting the CD of Rail Shot. This skill is largely unimpressive as AP, because it does not receive a +30% crit damage bonus. As Pyro, with their high tech crit chance, this skill commonly has a 35% or more crit chance in decent gear/agent buff, and can easily crit for 4k unbuffed because of +30% RS crit damage in the Pyro tree. When you have the potential to use this ability 4+ times in 10 seconds, which is not that uncommon I might add, Pyro's damage starts to skyrocket ahead of AP's.


    2. Combustible Gas Cylinder. This ability procs off Flame Burst and Rail Shot resets it, meaning both of these skills, which are the two most commonly used skills as Pyro, automatically gain the benefit of the damage of a CGC tick. In decent gear, this is roughly 600 damage but can crit for up to 1.2k+ on enemies below 30% health. Having the majority of your abilities do an extra 600-1.2k damage every single time you use those abilities adds up extremely quickly in PvE situations. Even in PvP, getting only 4-5 CGC procs from abilities is an easy extra 3k damage in less than 10 seconds.

  18. OP you have to realize there are two groups of people right now -


    Group 1, endgamers. We have all the best gear. We have done all the Operations. PvP is a joke and we have full champ or better gear. There is nothing left for us to do, and what there is left to do is full of bugs that often prevents us from either enjoying it or playing it entirely (ie the plethora of raid bugs like Gharj killing us on the Imp Fleet). We are depressed and tolerating the game for the moment, hoping it gets better.


    Group 2, everybody still leveling a character, or the extremely casual level 50s. These people have not yet experienced the void that is endgame, nor had the opportunity to experience the bugs which make the game so incredibly frustrating at times, nor have they had the pleasure of grinding 40+ champ bags while getting nothing but tokens and 5 earpieces.

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