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Everything posted by KungpowSalmon

  1. I see. You appear to have some difficulty with context. Who he said implemented the idea is irrelevant. But I'll just stop right here since it seems you don't quite get it.
  2. How does gaging the success of WAR make it a bad idea? Please, tell me more...
  3. Posted this in a similar thread... For every player that leaves a wz because he "thinks" he's better than his entire team and doesn't want to waste his time, there are probably three more quitters that leave because they need to be carried by another team that is better than they are. Regardless of someone's individual pvp skill, I still have more respect for someone who will keep trying and take it in the chin like a man as opposed to a quitter who wants to cherry pick his battles. There are many many more people out there who simply do not want to put forth even the slightest amount of effort into attaining a hard fought victory and are waiting to get carried than there are selfish elitists who think they are much more skilled than their teammates, are "too good" to get farmed, and don't want their precious time wasted. Both of these types of people make me sick to my stomach. The upcoming penalty to deter this behavior is anything but a fallacy. The only thing it could possibly harm is a fragile ego or a leech. This is a good thing.
  4. But rewarding others for being sore losers is even worse. For every player that leaves a wz because he "thinks" he's better than his entire team and doesn't want to waste his time, there are probably three more quitters that leave because they need to be carried by another team that is better than they are. Regardless of someone's individual pvp skill, I still have more respect for someone who will keep trying and take it in the chin like a man as opposed to a quitter who wants to cherry pick his battles.
  5. It's worth remembering that Vader was very much indeed powerful enough to kill Sidious and replace him as the new emperor. That's why when Luke was confronted by him he offered a chance for his son to rule by his side. Sidious knew this, which is why he wanted Luke to kill his father. There was a deceptive power struggle going on between Vader and his master. I happen to think that if Luke had turned during his first encounter with his father, Vader would have easily defeated Sidious. Vader never quite attained the title of being the most powerful Sith lord ever, but he was certainly capable of becoming such had he not turned back from the dark side.
  6. Well, you wouldn't. Nobody is really telling you to either. I'm having fun now, and I expect to be having fun in the future. If that changes then I won't resub. You're obviously not satisfied currently. If that's the case do what you must and cancel.
  7. Very well said and probably the most truth I've seen thus far in this particular thread. Good post
  8. Apples and oranges, my friend...apples and oranges. That's all I can really tell you. But you're smart so I'll let you do your thing. It's really okay though. You've got your opinion, I've got mine, and I'm not out to flame anyone. Have a nice day.
  9. The "you can't compare a game that came out in 2004 to a game that came out in 2011" or "SWTOR needs to be competing with current WoW" talking points holds no weight with me whatsoever. MMO's are in essence living and breathing entities and are constantly evolving. The key to any successful MMO is to lay the groundwork and establish a sturdy foundation for growth. The player base will ultimately determine how it will grow. Every MMO in the past has been developed this way and so will every MMO in the future. There will be bugs. There will be mistakes. There will be major changes. It is the nature of the beast. I was there in 2004 at WoW launch. I can't deny that I was having fun, but things weren't exactly smooth. If it had come out today in the state it was in we would all wonder how it could possibly survive. There were major problems in vanilla that would spell almost certain doom for the MMO of today. But it was new and the millions it eventually drew in had no set of expectations of how an MMO "should" be. My patience perservered like many others and it the longrun it turned out for the better. I'm glad I gave it a chance. It's 2012 and while yes, it is true that we should expect a competitive product, it is naive to expect that this product should be perfect or that it should make everyone and their brother 100% happy right out of the gate. You don't take a full grown tree, plop it into a hole in the ground and expect it to not fall over with the first gust of wind. You don't put a turkey in the oven, crank the heat up to max, then take it out 30 minutes later and expect the same taste and texture you'd get if you had slow roasted it instead. You'd get charcoal on the outside and cold pink on the inside. This is what would happen if BioWare attemted to lump 7 years of polished and evolved MMO content into one launch. It would be a complete catastrophe. Relax, and give it some time to sink it's roots in a bit. Let it simmer for a little longer. I have the same kind of patience as I did back in 2004. Despite various bugs that need fixing and other elements of TOR that need complete overhauls, I am generally satisfied with what I am paying for and I'm looking forward to the future. With that being said, I fully encourage people to let BioWare know what their opinions are and what they like or dislike about the game. They need to be kept on their toes. All in all I think some people need to lighten up a little. Patience is most definitely a virtue.
  10. My IA is body type 4! She's got one helluva badonkadonk goin on back there
  11. If Archaos and his army of zerglings was on a server you would know it. I haven't seen anyone with the Ruin tag on Fatman yet, and I also haven't seen any of their recruitment flooding in chat. Thank the Lord!
  12. I wouldn't put any money on those numbers. It's day two of early access and I don't think all guilds have been placed yet.
  13. Whether this data is even accurate or not, this only accounts for guilded players. Queue times are at a comfortable minimum right now for warzones without being matched against your own faction. Seems quite balanced so far.
  14. I agree with you, except the part about all of faceroll arena heroes being locked in one server. They will be everywhere you look, no matter where you go.
  15. You're kind of reaching there, aren't you? It's close to 50/50.
  16. Someone did not read my post...
  17. I don't think anyone has claimed that here, so nice try. There is something to be said about skill, true. But personal aspects like commitment, dedication, good sportsmanship and comraderie speak in louder volumes. This post was intended to attract PvPers that are cut from that same kind of cloth as such, not to establish an elitist cult of facerolling d-bags. Thus far the population of The Fatman seem to exhibit quality and imho is the wisest choice for competitive PvP. See ya there
  18. Speak for yourself. Things are actually shaping up to be quite even so far.
  19. This. The Fatman is shaping up to be a great server. Overall it seems like the attitude there is great so far. It just feels right and I forsee a very competitive faction rivalry in the future. See you there
  20. If you haven't picked a pvp east server yet, The Fatman is where it's at. So far I've seen plenty of folks that have great attitudes and the majority seem to have a good competitive spirit.
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