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Everything posted by LordRaeth

  1. Like http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Guard_(Sith_Empire)
  2. I'm planning on using this as I wanna be a Royal Guard like character, anyway surely they should alter abilities to allow us to use them with electrostaffs, just makes no sense.
  3. Well I've just made a sith inquisitor and will be giving him the imperial trooper armour to wear, and I've give him armstech so I can make my own electrostaffs, and eventually plan on getting him the red dark honor guard style armour.
  4. I've made a SI and got him the imperial trooper armour which he can wear forever if I like, I'll be using electrostaffs with him, eventually I'm planning to swap the gear for the Dark Honour style armour if I find it.
  5. I meant in relation to opening/creating races for classes to use.
  6. Yeah, the only thing I saw though was a Miraluka Sith Warrior, I didn't notice or hear anything that stated there would be actual new races.
  7. I think it would be pretty poor if the only thing legacy does is open up races that are available on other classes.
  8. Kai'Vizsla, member of the Vizsla clan the same clan as Tor Vizsla the creator of the Death Watch.
  9. 1. If you join a game and wait to load you have the chance of entering with the debuff that will kick you if you don't get out in time and with the exit blocked there's a very good chance you'll be kicked before you can even get to fight. 2. Afkers abuse the system by going outside of the spawning area and stand afk in random places, they don't get any debuff for not taking part and can stay till the end of the game. 3. People leaving huttball because they are going to get rolled thus increasing the likelihood that number 1 will take place. There's some very simple ways of doing this. Make it so you get the deserter debuff if you stand still for to long while not doing anything, that will cut down on 1 drastically and number 2. To fix number 3, add a deserter debuff for leaving early, excluding disconnects.
  10. No more high levels in their warzones...
  11. Awesome looking forward to that, think it has a lot of potential to develop into something bigger.
  12. Yes I have and its a damn sight easier when the player is lying face down or slowed. Snipers do white damage, shields, armour and everything else mitigates it, operatives and other classes do other damage including interior damage which nothing mitigates.
  13. We don't have massive ranged burst, nothing like operatives. If we do hit we get mitigated the most since our damage is the one most affected by armour and such. I've tried all three specs and nothing comes close to operatives level of damage, or evens mercs level of constant damage, or sorcerers damage, it's an absolute joke. Line of sight is a massive issue since just about everything, including the capture nodes on alderaan block our view. One bit of latency issue and you can be damn sure you're rarely get an ambush off. Operatives have more burst, more defenses, easier to move and able to choose when you fight, snipers have none of that and have the poorest damage type as well. Lethality is ok, buts it's really nothing compared to the levels of damage other dps aimed classes do.
  14. It's stupid that a class with literally the worse defense in the game, and which has to keep moving from place to place, especially in huttball doesn't have stealth. I've lost count the amount of times where I get owned by an inquisitor or operative only to be owned on my way back to getting into position so I can laughingly shoot at something that is barely affected by my damage. I'm lvl 50 and the difference between operative and sniper is beyond a joke. A Operative with barely any pvp can two shot me, by the time I even pop my cc break I'm down to 10% and he can easily finish me off. I just don't get snipers, we're meant to deal massive damage but we take a while to even activate an ability so LOS is a major issue and if we spec to try make things quicker or on the move (Engineering or lethality) our dps is even worse and we're still just as weak. Having stealth would greatly improve our ability to get into position or at least avoid being jumped upon and having no chance to return fire. Heck even mercs are better at doing the job we're meant to do and they can even heal.
  15. When you have to use a ton of stuff not directly given to your character just to survive not being one shotted, then you know the opposing class is broken.
  16. I've gone with a juggernaut, I really didn't want to use a lightsaber and I did know that Assassins tend to rely heavily on using them, plus I didn't like the whole stealth aspect, I just wanted brute force. I'm not replicating savage, just making my own "zabrak brute" based on him.
  17. I understand the whole tattoos, but I was thinking about the "thick" styled tattoos in comparison to the simple line based ones the republic Zabraks have.
  18. Isn't the full styled tattoos indicative of the Dathomir Nightbrothers tho?
  19. Is Dathomir in the hands of the Empire at the moment, could this be the reason behind Zabrak warriors?
  20. It depends what abilities I miss out on, I thought only inquisitors where really affected by not using a saber. I think I'll go Juggernaut and pick up armstech.
  21. I'm contemplating leveling a Zabrak Sith Warrior and use a Vibrosword instead of a Lightsaber, I was wondering what would suit my Savage Opress inspired warrior, a marauder or a Juggernaut, since in my eyes both lend themselves to him in one way or another.
  22. I just hope they consider interesting races for the legacy and not simply human looking ones.
  23. Nikto? Would be good for smugglers and Bounty Hunters.
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